首页 / 词典 / good

  • pretty;smart;handsome;sell well
  • 相貌美好,漂亮:~丽(俊俏美丽)。~媚。~爽。俊~。

  • 货物的销路好,价格上涨:~货。走~。

  • 烹调时为增加滋味、色泽而加上东西:~头(a.烹调时加上的青蒜、香菜、木耳等;b.戏曲、曲艺中引入喜爱的身段、道白或穿插。“头”均读轻声)。~点儿香菜。

  • 古同“肖”,相似。


(俊俏; 样子好看) pretty; smart; handsome:

  • 打扮得真俏

    be smartly dressed;

  • 走着俏步儿

    have a mincing gait


(销路好) sell well; be in great demand:

  • 俏货

    goods in great demand;

  • 这些商品很走俏。

    These goods are selling well.

  1. 瞧她这俏模样!

    Look how pretty she is !

  2. 香奈儿俏美女生

    Chanel : pretty girl

  3. 她是个留着金色长发的俏女郎。

    She was a striking woman with long blonde hair .

  4. 查尔斯不光是有俏屁股和毛茸茸的胸脯。

    But there is more to Charles than his pert bottom and hairy chest .

  5. 这种款式的鞋很看俏。

    This band of shoes have enjoyed a good market .

  6. 该厂生产的玩具在海外很行俏。

    The toys made by this factory are well received in overseas markets .

  7. 俏点儿生姜。

    Flavour food with some ginger .

  8. 虽然我不太喜欢黄瓜三明治,却仍然期待一场极致的《俏妞茜茜》(FancyNancy)式体验,哪怕身旁这个女孩早已不再迷恋公主梦。

    Despite not particularly liking cucumber sandwiches , I was looking forward to what I conceived as the ultimate Fancy Nancy experience , even for a girl well past her princess phase .

  9. 另外一次是1968她以影片《俏女郎》和KatharineHepburn共同获得最佳女主角奖。

    The other was in a rare tie for the Best Actress ( 1968 ) , along with Katharine Hepburn . She won for Funny Girl .

  10. 蔷褪俏裁丛赑RA,你会看到非常低的,电站核心损坏频率的数值,那能够归功于一个水的系统,那可能是掩盖在那的,但是能够给核心提供水。

    That 's why in the PRAs you 'll see very very low numbers for core damage frequencies for plants that can take credit for a water system that may be buried over here but can provide water to the core .

  11. 与此同时,中国杂志《悦食Epicure》主编兼几本美食书籍的作者俏推荐了臭豆腐和绍兴黄酒。

    Meanwhile , Shu Qiao , editor of the Chinese Epicure magazine and an author of several books about food , recommends fermented tofu and Shaoxing wine .

  12. 我帮我们约到两个俏护士

    I just got us dates with two unbelievably cute nurses .

  13. 我们不能带着俏公主四处走!

    We can 't go running around with a hot princess !

  14. 俏在外表,美在心灵。

    Nifty in the look , beauty in the soul .

  15. 一个杀人犯一直在这个城市里俏悄地跟踪着妓女。

    A killer has been stalking streetwalkers in this city .

  16. 让你洗出高透明感的水嫩俏肤。

    Allows you to wash out the high transparent of moisturized skin .

  17. 医生年老的好,律师年轻的俏

    " An old physician , and a young lawyer "

  18. 哈里说,模样俏才是年轻女人最宝贵的。

    Hurry says beauty is everything in a young woman .

  19. 医生老大的好,律师年老的俏。

    An old physician , and a young lawyer .

  20. 我会认为最浪漫的曲子是“俏郎君”

    The most romantic song ever was " the way we were . "

  21. 第三只却因为腿长,更倔强,更俏利。

    The third , a long-legged creature , was more obstinate and agile .

  22. 他总在注意长得俏的人。

    He 's always eyeing up the talent .

  23. 她长得倒是挺俏的,可是她的相好实在太多了。

    She 's a keen girl , but she necks around an awful lot .

  24. 来吧!洗一张俏容颜

    The Right Way to Wash your Face

  25. 中国玉器的奇葩&俏色玉器

    Wonderful Chinese Jadeware : Elegant Color Jadeware

  26. 家居软装饰行俏上海

    Soft Ornamental of the House in Shanghai

  27. 民间舞蹈中的俏花&山东秧歌

    Shandong Yangge Dance an exquisite folk art

  28. 她那俏黑的圆脸上透着怒红,小嘴唇却变白。

    Her oval , olive-skinned face was suffused with anger and her little lips were bloodless .

  29. 旁边一只俏黄翡摘雕出来的小松鼠更显机灵可爱。

    Huang Qiao next to a message picked up a small stone squirrels more clever and lovely .

  30. 行情俏拔行情上涨。

    The market has risen .