
kǎi xuán
  • triumphant return
凯旋 [kǎi xuán]
  • [triumphant return] 打仗得胜后返回

凯旋[kǎi xuán]
  1. 庆祝他凯旋的钟声喧嚣不已。

    The clash of bells sounds to celebrate his triumphant return .

  2. 现在他凯旋回到了汉普顿社交界

    and now his triumphant return to Hamptons society --

  3. 全市居民倾城而出欢迎凯旋归来的队伍。

    The city turned out to welcome the victorious team home .

  4. 军团士兵在凯旋归国时,不肯服从执政官的命令。

    The legionaries , on their victorious return , refused any longer to obey the consuls .

  5. n.集团凯旋归国的冠军得主们在机场受到一大群仰慕者的欢迎。

    aggregation At the airport , the homecoming champions were welcomed by a huge aggregation of admirers .

  6. 2004年乔治w布什(georgew.bush)曾在内华达州、科罗拉多州和新墨西哥州凯旋,但拉丁裔选民数量增加意味着这三州将倒向奥巴马。

    The increasing Hispanic vote means three States George W.Bush won in 2004 Nevada , Colorado and New Mexico are leaning towards Mr Obama .

  7. 如果英国利兰当时把重点放在实力更强、面向高端市场的捷豹(Jaguar)、陆虎(Rover)和凯旋(Triumph)等品牌上,它本可以做得更好。

    It might have done better focusing on the stronger , upmarket Jaguar , Rover and Triumph brands .

  8. 介绍凯旋轿车ESP系统组成、电控系统、液压单元及工作过程,并对凯旋ESP系统的维护作了简略说明。

    The author introduces the composition , electronic control system , hydraulic unit and working process of the ESP sytem on Sedan C-Triomphe as well as its maintenance .

  9. 2014年,虔诚的信徒还可以享受耗时数年之久的文物修复工程的劳动成果:圣彼得广场上贝尔尼尼的柱廊以及重新开放的凯旋大道公墓(ViaTriumphalis),这片古罗马时期的大型墓地群初次发掘于20世纪50年代。

    In 2014 , the faithful can also enjoy the fruits of restorations that have taken years , like that of Bernini 's colonnade in St. Peter 's Square and the reopening of the Via Triumphalis necropolis , a vast ancient Roman cemetery first uncovered in the 1950s .

  10. 二月份,由于船上的一台发电机起火,导致乘坐嘉年华凯旋号(CarnivalTriumph)的4000多名游客在海上漂泊了四天,没有电也没有厕所可用。

    The poop cruise Four thousand cruise-goers aboard the Carnival Triumph were stranded at sea for four days in February without power or working toilets , due to a fire in one of the ship 's generators .

  11. 这项调查由凯旋全球调查网络公关公司和“MARC调查”品牌发展公司在加拿大和美国开展。调查表明,在很多人看来,彬彬有礼的男性比那些不懂礼貌的男性更具魅力。

    The survey , conducted in Canada and the United States by public relations firm Ketchum Global Research Network and brand development firm MARC Research , showed that men with good manners are considered more attractive than those without .

  12. 船被拖回阿拉巴马州莫比尔的海岸后,这场不幸的航行变成了“大便漂流之旅”,进而臭名远扬。之后,有消息称嘉年华邮轮公司(Carnival)早已知道凯旋号存在问题。

    After being towed to shore in Mobile , Ala. , the ill-fated sail became known famously as " the poop cruise . " It 's since been revealed that Carnival ( CCL ) knew the ship had issues .

  13. 证书将在凯旋之日送到他们手上。

    Their papers will be waiting here the moment they return .

  14. 她站起身,凯旋地张开臂膀。

    She stood up , stretching out her arms in triumph .

  15. 战士们凯旋时的村民们敲响了教堂的钟。

    Villagers rang the church bells as the victorious soldiers returned .

  16. 歌剧《阿依达》之凯旋进行曲,可选任何版本。

    Triumpah March or Grand March from Aida , any edition .

  17. 在凯旋时,又顺道灭了虞国。

    On his way back , he destroyed Yu in passing .

  18. 凯旋会,五羊新城广场,南方报社。

    Victory Garden , Wuyang New Town Plaza , Nanfang Daily .

  19. 人们夹道欢迎凯旋的英雄们。

    The people lined the streets to hail the returning heroes .

  20. 获胜队带着奖杯凯旋归来。

    The successful team returned home in triumph with the cup .

  21. 全市居民倾城而出迎接凯旋的球队。

    The city turned out to welcome back its victorious team .

  22. 荣耀之道,通往十字架的凯旋。

    The way of glory leads right to the cross .

  23. 他是从战场凯旋归来的司令。

    He is a victorious commander returning from the arena of war .

  24. 另一方面,索福克勒斯在“奥狄浦斯”一剧中则高唱圣者的凯旋歌的前奏曲。

    while Sophocles in his Oedipus intones a paean to the saint .

  25. 你在如凯旋,没你便生希望。

    Being had , to triumph , being lacked , to hope .

  26. 只有垂死的战败者失去听觉的耳朵里才迸出遥远的凯旋歌

    As the defeated-dying on whose forbidden ear the distant strains of triumph

  27. 记者门在机场等候欢迎英雄凯旋。

    The reporters are waiting at the airport to welcome the hero back .

  28. 这时拿破仑,作为民族英雄,凯旋回到巴黎。

    Napoleon , now a national hero , returned in glory to Paris .

  29. 白马是罗马将军庆祝战争凯旋时所骑的。

    White horses were used by victorious Roman Generals in parades called Triumphs .

  30. 一队蚂蚁抬着一只巨大的死甲虫凯旋归时,谁能不感到敬畏呢?

    Or a column of ants triumphantly bearing home an enormous dead beetle ?