
  • 网络production scheduling;production scheduler;Orion
  1. 基于多Agent的生产调度系统瓶颈分析研究

    Research on Production Scheduling System with Bottleneck Based on Multi-agent

  2. DNA遗传信息模型在生产调度问题中的应用

    Application of DNA Generic Information Model in Production Scheduling Problems

  3. 不确定条件下的零等待FlowShop生产调度问题

    Flow Shop Production Scheduling with No-wait Restrictions under Uncertainty

  4. 基于多Agent的敏捷生产调度中的协商策略

    Negotiation policy for multi-Agent based agile production scheduling

  5. 基于Agent的生产调度混合协商策略研究

    Hybrid negotiation mechanism for Agent-based production scheduling

  6. 基于XML的案例推理技术及其在生产调度中的应用研究

    Research on Case - based Reasoning Technology Based on XML and Application of Dispatch for Production

  7. 并以此算法为核心,设计了ASP(ApplicationServiceprovider)环境下的生产调度系统。

    Based on the algorithm , a Job-shop scheduling system in ASP ( Application Service Provider ) is designed .

  8. 生产调度系统是ERP系统中最核心而不可或缺的一部分。

    Production scheduling system is an indispensable core of ERP .

  9. 本文阐述了一类基于多Agent和分布式规则构建敏捷生产调度的方法。

    A multi_agent and distributed rule based approach is proposed for production scheduling in agile manufacturing systems in this paper .

  10. 本文研究了处理时间不确定条件、含零等待模块的在座时间有限型FlowShop生产调度问题。

    In this paper , No-wait Flow shop Production Scheduling within Finite Intermediate Storage ( FIS ) under uncertainty was considered .

  11. 在此算法的基础上,本文将其在个体变异操作中进行了一些改进并成功应用于FlowShop生产调度。

    In this paper mutation in the algorithm is improved . It has been applied to the flow shop scheduling problem successfully .

  12. Petri网在FMS生产调度中避免死锁研究的应用

    Using Petri Net Models to Avoid Deadlocks in Flexible Manufacturing Systems

  13. 对港口生产调度过程进行CE重构的探讨

    Discussing CE Redesign of Port Production Schedule Process

  14. 基于Petri网的启发式生产调度

    Petri net based heuristic search for scheduling

  15. 基于MAS的CAPP与生产调度集成系统

    Integration System of CAPP and Production Scheduling Based on MAS

  16. 寻找该类型生产调度的最优解在理论上是NP完全问题。

    To find the optimal solution is an NP-complete problem in theory .

  17. 面向生产调度评估的ABC成本计算模型

    A Modified Activity-Based Costing Method for Scheduling Evaluation

  18. 基于MES的制造车间生产调度系统的研究

    Study on Production Scheduling System of Manufacturing Workshop Based on MES

  19. 反向仿真以及在JIT生产调度中的应用

    Backward Simulation and Its Application to the Scheduling of Just-In-Time Process

  20. 提出了在并行工程思想下柔性CAPP与生产调度集成的框架,研究了遗传算法在柔性CAPP与生产调度集成中的应用方法。

    The frame of integration of flexible CAPP and Production Scheduling is built based on the Current-Engineering .

  21. 研究了FlowShop调度问题的基本框架,研究了基于遗传算法求解生产调度问题的算法设计。

    Studied the basic framework of Flow Shop scheduling . Has studied the algorithm design which based on the genetic algorithm in solving the production scheduling problems .

  22. 炼钢车间MES中的生产调度系统

    The production scheduling system in MES for steelmaking plant

  23. FMS生产调度的参数优化

    The Parameters Optimization of Production Management in FMS

  24. 最后系统讨论了企业ERP系统的主要功能和核心作用,详细描述了在离散型企业中生产调度的设计方法。

    Finally , describes the core function of ERP system and the design method of the enterprise in discrete production scheduling .

  25. 基于Hopfield神经网络的作业车间生产调度方法

    Hopfield neural network approach for job-shop scheduling problems

  26. 对某车间生产调度问题进行研究并开发出基于ODBC接口的调度系统。

    The scheduling for a production cell is studied and a scheduling system based on ODBC is developed .

  27. 提出一种基于FMS生产调度与控制的零件动态工艺模型。

    In this paper a dynamic process model of part is built based on the scheduling and controlling for FMS .

  28. 最后,应用Witness仿真软件的优化功能,以时间倒推方法对生产调度计划进行仿真优化。

    Secondly , with the simulation function of Witness simulation software , the production scheduling planning were simulated and optimized in the function of backward time .

  29. 流水作业是许多实际生产调度问题的简化模型,也是一类典型的NP完全问题。

    Flow shop is the simplified model of many actual production scheduling problems , and it is also a typical NP-complete problem .

  30. 目的进行民航机场停机位分配(aircraftstandsassignment,简称ASA)优化建模技术研究,为机场生产调度提供理论和方法支持。

    Aim To optimize optimization modeling for aircraft stands assignment ( ASA ) in civil airport and provide the theory and method supports for airport operation scheduling .