
  • 网络ecological comparison study;ecologic comparison study
  1. 体脂分布与高血压关系的生态比较研究

    An Ecologic Comparison Study of the Relationship between Body Fat Distribution and Hypertension

  2. 不同结构日光温室生态比较研究

    Study on Ecological Effect in Different Structure Heliogreenhouse

  3. 城市特殊环境与居民环境鼠类生态比较研究

    Comparative Study on Rodent Ecology in Special and Residential Environments in Urban Area in china

  4. 浙江沿岸人工鱼礁拟投海域大型底栖生物生态比较研究

    Comparative Studies on Macrobenthos Ecology in Coastal waters of Zhejiang being put the Artificial reef into

  5. 道教与基督教生态思想比较研究

    On the Comparative Study of Taoist and Christian Ecological Thoughts

  6. 福州市3种主要棕榈科植物生理生态特征比较研究

    Comparative Study on Eco-physiological Characteristics of Three Mostly Palm Species in Fuzhou

  7. 本氏针茅与柳枝稷光合生理生态特征比较研究

    Comparison of Photosynthetic Characteristics Between Stipa Bungeana and Panicum Virgatum

  8. 华北平原粮田替代型复合种植模式生态经济比较研究

    Research of Eco-economy on Substitution Planting Patterns in the North China Plain

  9. 海南省团队和散客旅游者的生态足迹比较研究

    Comparative Analysis of Tourism Ecological Footprint between Group Tourists and Independent Tourist in Hainan Province

  10. 上海八种园林树木生态功能比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Ecological Function of Eight Kinds of Ornamental Woody Plants in Shanghai

  11. 陇东黄土高原若干轮作复种模式的生态效能比较研究

    A Comparison of Comprehensive Eco-Efficiencies between Some Rotation and Multiple Cropping Patterns and Continuous Winter Wheat Cropping in the Loess Plateau of Eastern Gansu

  12. 重庆南山大气SO2污染与马尾松衰亡的关系不同种源马尾松水分生理生态的比较研究

    Atmospheric so_2 pollution and decline of Masson Pine ( pinus mssoniana ) forest in nanshan , Chongqing a comparative study on the water physiological ecology of different provenances of Masson Pine

  13. 中德土地生态利用比较研究及其案例分析一文,通过对德国土地利用的分析,并与我国的土地利用进行比较研究,以求对我国土地利用结构调整以有益的启示。

    Land-use in Germany have been comparison researched with China in the paper " The comparison researches and case analysis of land ecological use in China and Germany " and then want to give some helpful revelation to the adjusting of the structure of land-use in China .

  14. BT基因棉与常规棉主要害虫及天敌生态位的比较研究

    The niches of major pests and natural enemies between BT cotton and common cotton

  15. 深层生态学与中国道家生态伦理思想比较研究

    The Comparative Study of Deep Ecology and Taoism Ideology of Bioethics

  16. 沙地固定过程不同阶段优势植物种生态特性的比较研究

    Ecological Characteristics of Dominant Species During Stabilization of Mobile Sand Dunes

  17. 都市期刊生态结构的比较研究&以纽约和上海为例

    A Comparative Study about the Ecological Structure of Magazines in Contemporary City

  18. 大众旅游与生态旅游的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Traditional Mass Tourism and Eco - tour

  19. 本文报道的方法可用于满江红生理生态参量的比较研究。

    The methods here reported were suggested using to measure the ecological-physiology parameters of Azolla germplasms .

  20. 濒危种明党参和非濒危种峨参生态策略的比较研究

    Comparative studies on the ecological strategies of an endangered species Changium smyrnioides and a non-endangered species Anthriscus sylvestris

  21. 内蒙古中西部地区黑线仓鼠种群生态特征的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Ecological Characteristic of Striped Hamster in the Central and Western Region of Inner Mongolia

  22. 无情有性与众生平等&佛教与当代生态伦理学的比较研究

    The Buddha-nature Remaining in All Wheat and Lives Being Equal & The Comparative Study of Buddhism and Modern Ecological Ethics

  23. 南平城市社区生态情况调查及其比较研究

    Survey and Comparison Research on the Ecology of Nanping City Community

  24. 生态文学&比较文学研究新天地

    Ecoliterature & A New Dimension of Comparative Literature

  25. 中国不同竹产区土地利用变化对生态环境影响的比较研究

    A Comparison Study on Landuse Changes and Their Environment Influence in China Bamboo Producing Area along an East-West Gradient

  26. 三峡库区开县土地利用空间优化配置及其生态经济效益的比较研究

    The spatial optimized design and the comparison of ecological and economic benefit & a case study of Kai county , chongqing

  27. 在全面研究垂直绿化的各类型的基础上,对成都市四种垂直绿化植物进行生态环境效益的比较研究。

    With all-round research on the four categories , a comparative study on the ecological environment benefits of four different plants in Chengdu were made .

  28. 西方生态哲学与《老子》生态智慧比较研究

    Western Ecological Philosophy and " LaoTzu " 's Ecological Intelligence are Relatively Studied

  29. 利用能值分析理论和方法,从自然社会经济复合生态观角度对广州和上海的各种生态流进行比较研究。

    Utilized the Emergy evaluation theory and method , Guangzhou was compared with Shanghai on the view of nature-society-economy compound ecology .

  30. 对南极长城站和中山站两地的贼鸥种群进行包括营巢行为、觅食习性、种群变化、繁殖生态,以及贼鸥栖息地的地理和生态环境等的比较研究,结果表明两地贼鸥种群存在明显的生态学差异。

    The skua 's nesting , feeding behavior , population variances and breeding success as well as their habitat natural conditions in the areas near Great Wall Station and Zhongshan Station in Antarctica were compared .