
  • 网络biological drug
  1. 但是在参议院的另一个类似法案中,FDA并没有得到审批“后继生物药”的权限。

    The House bill differs from a similar Senate bill in that it does not provide a path for FDA approval of follow-on biologics .

  2. 主要依赖生物药的安进(amgen)等公司,将面临前所未有的价格压力。

    Companies such as Amgen , largely built on biological drugs , will face unprecedented price pressures .

  3. TA-BR生物药肥的研制及在茶叶生产中的应用

    Formulation of TA-BR in Combination with Bt and Its Application in Tea Production

  4. 生物药肥对烤烟抗病性及产质量的影响

    Effects of Biological Medicine Fertilizer on Disease Resistance , Yield and Quality of Cured Tobacco

  5. 山西省蔬菜地有害生物药防现状及残留控制对策研究

    Current Status for Controlling Pests by Agrochemicals and Monitoring Pesticide Residues in Vegetables Collected in Shanxi Province

  6. 其它公司更愿意坚持做专利药,虽然越来越强调拓展美国以外的市场和产品的多元化从化学制药扩大到生物药和疫苗。

    Other companies prefer to stick with patented medicines , albeit with a growing emphasis on expanding their markets outside the US and diversifying from chemical-based to biological drugs and vaccines .

  7. 马里兰州洛克威尔公司有五种独一无二的生物技术药已达到,临床试验阶段。

    The Rockville , Maryland based company has five unique drugs in clinical trials .

  8. 生物制药药渣资源化利用途径的研究生物有机肥肥效试验研究

    Organic Amendment Made from Bio - Pharmaceutical Wastes Study on Manure Trail of Bio - organic Fertilizer

  9. 针对化学农药的种种弊端,国内外已研制出一系列选择性强、效率高、成本低、不污染环境、对人畜无害的生物衣药。

    In order to solve these problems , a series of high quality agricultural chemicals have been developed at home and abroad , all characteristic of strong selectivity , high efficiency , low cost , no pollution and harmlessness to person and livestock .

  10. 方法对34例卵巢癌新鲜瘤组织和腹水进行肿瘤细胞分离、原代培养,以ATP生物荧光体外药敏检测技术进行检测。

    Methods We tested the specimens from 34 patients with ovarian cancer by using ATP-TCA .

  11. 目的评价ATP生物荧光肿瘤药敏检测与临床疗效的相关性,探讨其临床应用价值。

    To evaluate the correlation between ATP bioluminescence tumor chemosensitivity assay ( ATP TCA ) results and in vitro drug response in fresh human ovarian tumor specimens and discuss its clinical application .

  12. 结果表明,有18株分离株对烟草甲幼虫具有较高的生物活性,药后9d烟草甲幼虫的校正死亡率均达73%以上。

    The result showed that there were 18 strains showing higher toxicity , the corrected mortality of the larva was above 73 % in 9 days after applying .

  13. 口服特异性生物粘附给药系统常用材料的研究进展

    Development of specific bioadhesive materials for oral drug delivery system

  14. 可控生物降解释药材料的设计与研究

    The design and study of biodegradable materials for drug controlled release system

  15. 生物技术药物药代动力学研究的分析方法

    Analytical methods used in pharmacokinetics studies for biotechnology drugs

  16. 鼻黏膜生物黏附给药系统的研究进展

    Progress in Nasal Mucosal Bioadhesive Drug Delivery Systems

  17. 创新课程生物技术药物药动学的设置

    Preliminary Study on the Teaching of Pharmacokinetics of Bio-Technology Derived Drugs as an Innovative Course

  18. 胃肠道生物黏附给药系统研究进展

    Gastrointestinal bioadhesion drug delivery system

  19. 接受包括手术、放化疗,生物及中医药在内的综合治疗,是目前肿瘤病人最佳的治疗方式。

    The comprehensive treatment including operation , radio-chemical therapy , biology and TCM is the best method for tumor .

  20. 综述了卡波姆在生物黏附释药系统、缓控释释药系统、外用凝胶剂及混悬剂中应用的研究进展。

    The application of carbomer in bioadhesive drug delivery system , controlled release system , gels for external use and suspensions are reviewed .

  21. 文中对于生物通用名药的政策法规、研发、产品现状进行综述,并对面临的挑战和发展趋势进行了分析。

    This article overviewed biogeneric drug policies , regulations , research and development , product status quo , and also discussed its challenges and trends .

  22. 本课题的研究丰富了生物药剂学和药动学的研究内容,为风湿软胶囊制剂的研究开发打下了基础,并为中药复方体内过程的研究提供了新思路和新方法。

    This study enriched the content of biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics and prepared for the development of Feng Shi soft shell capsule . Meanwhile , it provided new approaches and train of thought for the in vivo research of TCM formulas .

  23. 目的:比较A、B两厂复方卡托普利片的生物利用度和药代动力学。

    OBJECTIVES : To compare the bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of captopril between products of two factories .

  24. 目的研究国产异福片(T1)、胶囊(T2)与进口片(R)在健康人体内的生物利用度和药动学比较。

    OBJECTIVE To study pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of co rifampicin tablets and capsules in health volunteers .

  25. ATP生物荧光肿瘤体外药敏检测在筛选乳腺癌化疗药物中的应用

    Application of ATP-Tumor Chemosensitivity Assay ( ATP-TCA ) in the Screening of Chemotherapeutic Agents for Breast Cancer

  26. 白腐真菌生物降解TNT装药废水的研究

    Study on the biodegradation of TNT packing wastewater by white rot fungi

  27. 以HPLC方法测定人体内血药浓度,以普通制剂为对照,研究了盐酸昂丹司琼缓释微丸的家犬体内相对生物利用度和药代动力学。

    A reversed-phase HPLC method was established for determination of OND drug plasma concentration . Pharmacokinetics of ondansetron sustained-release capsule and conventional capsule was studied in three dogs .

  28. HPLC-MS法研究氯雷他定片人体相对生物利用度及药代动力学

    Study of Pharmacokinetics and Relative Bioavailability of Loratadine Tablets by HPLC - MS Method

  29. 研究目的:三磷酸腺苷生物发光法肿瘤药敏检测技术(ATP-TCA)是近年来兴起的肿瘤体外药敏检测技术之一。

    Objective : ATP-based bioluminescence tumor chemosensitivity assay is one of the most prevalent chemosensitivity testing technology in recent years .

  30. 目的:探讨ATP生物荧光体外肿瘤药敏检测技术(ATP-TCA)指导膀胱癌术后灌注化疗的可行性。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the feasibility of using ATP-TCA in vitro , which used for the guide of drug selection in those patients who received intravesical chemotherapy to prevent the recurrence of superficial bladder cancer after operation .