
  • 网络Divided government
  1. 在分立的政府,你并不总是能得到你想要的。

    In divided government , you dont always get what you want .

  2. 为什么我们要有三权分立的政府?

    Why do we have three branches of government ?

  3. 奥巴马总统在全国性旅程的几次停留中,经常提到美国人固然选出了华盛顿两党分立的政府,可并不是要选出不做事的政府。

    At stops across the country , Obama has frequently said that while Americans voted for divided government in Washington , they did not vote for a " do nothing " government .

  4. 这时政府所实行的保险监管体制也带有明显的工业社会特征。政府与市场是分立的,政府在市场之外对市场经济的运行进行控制、整合与协调。

    The system of insurance regulation by government has obvious characteristics of industrial society during this time . Government and market oppose to each other and government as an external enforcement force control the market .