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Research and Contrastive Analysis of Hybrid Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion System
Comparative Research of Two cycle Modes in Ocean Thermal Conversion Systems
Design of a new type underwater glider propelled by temperature difference energy
Thermal engine is the drive-device of AUV driven by temperature difference energy .
Comparative research is performed for two cycle modes of hybrid OTEC systems .
Thermal underwater gliders are autonomous underwater vehicles driven by the energy from thermocline .
Principle and structure of ocean thermal power system
The estimation of the reservoir capacity and the exploitable quantity of China oceanic thermal energy
Experimental system is designed and built , and the experimental results are measured and analyzed .
The idea of driving the underwater vehicle ( UV ) by ocean thermal power is proposed .
This paper introduces the moving mechanism and analyses gliding dynamics of the glider in vertical plane .
Ocean thermal energy is one of the most potential energy accepted by the international community because of its tremendous reserves .
Considering the requirements for the renewable energy sources in the future , it is imperative to strengthen the exploitation of the ocean thermal energy .
Combining the thermal engine which driven by the temperature difference energy with mechanical design and control system deign , the underwater glider is developed .
Based on the result of mode experiment and the analysis of dynamics , we have finished the mechanical design which can measure the microstructure profiler .
Therefore it is important to develop new clean energies for desalination and ocean thermal energy is a good choice with abundant reserves and low cost .
Ocean thermal energy is a kind of clean and renewable energy , which can be used for generating electricity , seawater desalination , and seawater breed etc.
The thermal glider changes its net buoyancy by a special power system which can convert ocean thermal energy into mechanical energy and drive the glider moving .
Combined with the advantage of an open-cycle system and a closed-cycle system , a hybrid OTEC system not only can generate electricity , but also can produce the fresh water .
The basic principle , types , system and installation , developing history and the current situations of the Oceanic Thermal Electricity Conversion ( OTEC ) are comprehensively summarized in the paper .
There is lack of researches on ocean thermal energy at present in this country , so this paper studies on the integrated ocean thermal energy conversion ( OTEC ) cycle system .
The exploitation of ocean thermal energy resources not only can reduce the pressure of energy resources in our country , but also can adjust the energy resource structure and environment protection .
Based on the driven power they use , the Underwater Gliders are divided into two kinds : Underwater Gliders are driven by electric power and Underwater Gliders are driven by temperature difference energy .
In the serious situation of energy shortage , the exploitation of ocean thermal energy , which is clean and renewable energy , is important to adjust our overall energy structure and relieve the pressure of the future energy .
The ocean covers 71 % of the earth surface , and it contains large amount of renewable energy which are wind energy , tidal energy , wave energy , tidal current energy , thermal energy , salinity energy .
In this paper , the development of power generation using low temperature heat is introduced . This technology is mainly applied in solar thermal system , industrial waste heat recovery system , geothermal power system , ocean thermal energy conversion system , and etc.
The feasibility and operation power of the ocean thermal energy desalination are verified from the theory and experiment . Meanwhile , the theory and experiment results of this paper have also laid a solid foundation for the further development of ocean thermal energy desalination .
It 's aLso proved that reflux condensation is very effective even under small temperature difference .
The new mine central air conditioning system adopting compressed air to supply cool can distribute the cool for the long wall face well even and the difference of temperature is small , so the new system can solve actual problems present in the mine central air conditioning system nowadays .
A way of " sectional matching " is thus suggested to minimize the loss of available energy due to heat transfer temperature drop .