
  • 网络dividend
  1. 无论是英国还是美国的投资者和养老金领取者,退休后都仰仗着bp及其它派息公司。

    Investors and pensioners , both in the UK and the US , depend on BP and other dividend aristocrats for retirement .

  2. 英国投资者尤其在寻找收益型基金方面的新机会,因为英国石油(bp)和银行股等传统派息股暂停或减少了派息。

    UK investors in particular were looking for new opportunities for income as traditional dividend stocks such as BP and the banking sector suspended or reduced their dividend payments .

  3. 答案是像bp这样的大型派息企业。

    Large , dividend-paying companies such as BP .

  4. 假定100%的派息比率,投资者每年就可望得到6.7%的回报,就像很多业主有限责任合伙企业(MasterLimitedPartnerships)的安排一样。

    Investors should expect to receive 6.7 % annually assuming a 100 % payout ratio similar to how many master limited partnerships are structured .

  5. 总体而言,为农民工提供更多社会保障,并鼓励企业增加派息,可能推动消费占GDP的比例提高约5个百分点。

    Overall , providing migrants with more security and encouraging higher corporate dividends could increase consumption by some five percentage points of GDP .

  6. 而只要是以股票形式,美国银行仍可以支付股息,尽管在前3年,增加任何派息都须美国财政部(Treasury)的批准。

    US banks can still pay dividends , if only in shares , although any increase in the pay-out in the first three years will require Treasury approval .

  7. 在北美汽车市场低迷的形势下,作为提高流动性的“自救”计划的一部分,通用汽车(generalmotors)已停止派息,并考虑进一步出售资产。

    General Motors has suspended its dividend and is considering further asset sales as part of a " self-help " plan to improve liquidity in the face of a downturn in the North American vehicle market .

  8. 瑞士两大银行之间的差距昨日有所扩大。瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)公布了创纪录的全年利润,同时,在市场动荡的情况下,仍然承诺大幅提高派息。

    The gulf between Switzerland 's top two banks widened yesterday as Credit Suisse revealed record full-year profits and committed to a sharp dividend increase in spite of market turmoil .

  9. 上个月,苹果公司(Apple)宣布将进行17年来的首次派息,促使一些人猜测其他科技公司是否会改变对现金储备的的看法。

    Last month , apple ( AAPL ) announced it would pay its first dividend in 17 years , leading some to speculate if others in the tech world might think differently about their cash reserves .

  10. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)认为,苹果在2015财年将会提高派息至120亿美元,相当于每股2美元股息,即2%的股息收益率。

    Morgan Stanley thinks Apple will increase dividend payouts to $ 12bn in fiscal 2015 , which works out to $ 2 per share , a   2 per cent yield .

  11. 另一位学者威廉•莱宗尼克(WilliamLazonick)则指出,近年来,美国许多大公司在派息和股票回购上的支出超过它们的总利润,使得它们能够用在投资和员工上的资金少之又少。

    Another academic , William Lazonick , has shown how in recent years many large US corporates have been spending more than their total profits on dividends and share buybacks , leaving precious little for investment or employees .

  12. 最近苹果股价的乐观表现,是由新版iPad将于下周三发布的报道、以及外界对苹果将首次派息的揣测推动的。

    The latest bout of optimism around the shares has been fuelled by reports that a new version of the iPad will be launched next Wednesday and speculation that the company could pay its first dividend .

  13. 股息向来有竞争力的微软目前市盈率仍低于10倍,而持有290亿美元现金、从未派息的苹果(Apple)市盈率现为17倍。

    Microsoft , which has long paid a competitive dividend , still has a P / E below 10 ; while Apple ( AAPL ) , which has never paid a dividend despite holding $ 29 billion in cash , has a P / E of 17 .

  14. 美林(MerrillLynch)预计,2009年的贷款增幅将在15%左右,假定派息率维持稳定,银行的资本金基础应增长8%。

    Merrill Lynch predicts that loan growth in 2009 will be about 15 per cent and , assuming dividend pay-out ratios remain stable , that the banks ' capital bases should grow by 8 per cent .

  15. 美国第五大银行富国银行(WellsFargo)股价昨日大涨超过20%,之前,其公布第二季度业绩好于预期,并增加派息,这推动了其它金融股和整个证券市场的上涨。

    Shares in Wells Fargo , the fifth-largest US bank , leapt by more than 20 per cent yesterday after it reported better-than-expected second-quarter results and lifted its dividend , leading other financial stocks and broader equity markets higher .

  16. 相对于亏损,美国监管机构估计,这些年的预期收益(派息后)加上2011年的亏损拨备为3630亿美元,而IMF和鲁比尼估计为2100亿美元。

    Against these losses are set the expected earnings ( after dividends ) over these years , plus a provision for 2011 losses . Here the regulators estimate earnings at $ 363bn , against an assumed $ 210bn for the IMF and Mr Roubini .

  17. 如果打算买股票,格罗斯建议远离像苹果公司(Apple)这样所谓的成长型股,买入埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)等持续派息的股票。

    But if you are going to buy stocks , gross says stay away from so-called growth stocks , like say apple ( AAPL ) , and instead buy consistent dividend paying stocks , like Exxon Mobil ( XOM ) .

  18. 这不禁让人们担心,扩张后的保诚是否有能力为其亚洲扩张计划提供资金、支付债务利息作为交易的一部分,保诚将承担aia债务并继续派息。

    This has raised concern over whether the enlarged Pru would be able to fund its Asian expansion plans , pay the interest on the debt it would take on as part of the AIA deal and maintain dividends .

  19. 目前,围绕cablevision的想法包括推出季度派息、剥离部分业务等,最合逻辑的剥离对象是“彩虹”节目子公司和麦迪逊花园广场。

    The current thinking revolves around cablevision introducing a quarterly dividend and spinning off some businesses & the most logical candidates being its rainbow programming unit and Madison Square Garden .

  20. lipper研究分析师shokoshinoda也表示,日本投资者正追逐高收益,青睐投资于全球或美国房地产投资信托以及高收益的新兴市场债券策略、按月派息的基金。

    Shoko Shinoda , a research analyst at Lipper , also said Japanese investors were seeking higher yields , favouring monthly dividend pay-out funds investing in global or US real estate investment trusts and high-yield emerging market bond strategies .

  21. 也许是时候要求谷歌派息了。

    Time , perhaps , to ask Google for a dividend .

  22. 美国和英国的企业会提高派息吗?

    Will us and UK companies pay out higher dividends ?

  23. 首先,派息率是无保证的。

    Firstly , the payout ratio is not guaranteed .

  24. 1994年9月分红派息配股

    Bonus , Rights Issued & Dividend in September 1994

  25. 这些监管手段还可以限制派息。

    The regulatory controls can also restrict dividend payments .

  26. 派息率是指公司净利分派给股东的比率。

    The payout ratio refers to the proportion of profit paid to shareholders .

  27. 然而,许多国企有大量周期性的强劲利润应该用于派息。

    However , many SOEs have cyclically buoyant profits which should be distributed .

  28. 派息日/除息日/登记日

    Pay Day / Ex-Dividend Day / Record Day

  29. 发行优先股能支持这样的派息。

    Issuing preference stock would support these payouts .

  30. 这种信用合作账户通常会每年提供派息,而且不收取任何费用。

    The credit-union accounts typically offer an annual interest rate and have no fees .