
chéng xiàn
  • present;appear;take on;assume;emerge
呈现 [chéng xiàn]
  • [take on;appear;emerge] 显现;展示出(呈现了多姿的风彩)

呈现[chéng xiàn]
  1. 海湾内的船舶呈现一派美丽的景象。

    The ships in the bay present a beautiful sight .

  2. 他的黑白照片呈现了一个几乎迷失在时间里的世界。

    His black-and-white pictures present a world almost lost in time .

  3. 聚会开始呈现出虚幻、近乎梦魇般的气氛。

    The party began to take on an unreal , almost nightmarish quality .

  4. 她的处世态度是不放过任何呈现眼前的机会。

    Her philosophy of life is to take every opportunity that presents itself .

  5. 艺术的功能之一就是在于呈现纷乱中的和谐。

    It is one of the functions of art to bring order out of chaos .

  6. 她开开门,一片混乱不堪的景象呈现在她的眼前。

    When she opened the door she was greeted by a scene of utter confusion .

  7. 9月份,经济继续呈现出衰退的迹象。

    The economy continued to exhibit signs of decline in September .

  8. 结果以图表形式呈现在图1中。

    A graphical representation of results is shown in figure 1 .

  9. 英国音乐呈现出感伤怀旧、暮气沉沉、行将就木的景象。

    The British music scene is nostalgic , decrepit and moribund .

  10. 把作品整个呈现出来是一个显示出强烈自我意识的过程。

    Putting the work together is a very self-conscious process .

  11. 清晨,天空呈现出斑驳的深灰色。

    In the mornings the sky appeared a heavy shade of mottled gray

  12. 它用讽刺的语言呈现了天主教作家郑重其事表明的观点。

    It presented in satirical terms points made in earnest by Catholic writers

  13. 越来越多的迹象表明,民众骚乱呈现扩大化趋势。

    There are growing signs of more broadly-based popular unrest .

  14. 我提出的几个理由以书面形式呈现,在所有委员会成员中传阅。

    My reasons were stated in writing and circulated to all committee members .

  15. 普罗旺斯一处山坡上的橄榄林呈现出一派浪漫风情。

    Olives look romantic on a hillside in Provence .

  16. 从上往下俯瞰,山谷呈现出人形轮廓。

    Viewed from above , the valleys form the shape of a man .

  17. 这支管弦乐队呈现了精彩的演奏,堪称其多年来的巅峰演奏。

    The orchestra contrived to produce some of its best playing for years .

  18. 对出生地孟买的回忆一幕幕清晰地呈现在他脑海里。

    He recalls his native Bombay with cinematic exactness .

  19. 通过巧妙运用倒叙手法,伊夫的故事慢慢呈现出来。

    Gradually , with an intelligent use of flashbacks , Yves ' story unravels .

  20. 我们所到之地呈现出一派新景象。乡村变得不再熟悉。

    Our journey had taken on a new aspect . The countryside was no longer familiar

  21. 瓶装美黑剂可能会让你的腿、手臂和脸呈现出深一块、浅一块的橙色。

    Bottle tans can make your legs , arms and face look a patchy orange colour .

  22. 伦敦洋溢着自信和活力,呈现出一个文明城市的所有特性。

    London is confident and alive , resonating with all the qualities of a civilised city .

  23. 现在这台机器可以呈现很高的分辨率,我们可以看见非常小的钙微粒。

    Now this machine gives us such high resolution that we can see very small specks of calcium .

  24. 犹太-基督教传统呈现多样化,混乱复杂,相互矛盾,在各个方面都会引发质疑和争论。

    The Judaeo-Christian tradition is diverse , jumbled , contradictory , at every point inviting inquiry and debate .

  25. 各个度假点重又呈现出一派兴旺景象,旅游业的龙头老大们都在争着分一杯羹。

    Holiday spots have seen a dramatic revival and tourist chiefs are competing for a slice of the action .

  26. 历史学家寄希望于艺术家对这位名人的描绘,以完整呈现他从前的模样。

    Historians looked to artists ' representations of the lion to piece together a picture of how the lion once looked .

  27. 如果你决定自己化妆,这里有一些有用的小窍门,可以帮助你呈现最美的一面。

    If you decide to do you own make-up , here are a few valuable tips that will help you look your best

  28. 到处呈现一片兴旺景象。

    Everywhere is a scene of prosperity .

  29. 事态呈现出可喜的前景。

    This state of things holds out a cheerful prospect .

  30. 油价最终呈现出了井喷式的上涨。

    The price of oil is finally showing up at the pump .