
jiǎ gǔ wén
  • Oracle;inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty;inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty [16th-11th century B.C.
甲骨文 [jiǎ gǔ wén]
  • [inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty [16th-11th century B.C.] 殷朝和周朝刻在龟甲和兽骨上的文字,内容多为占卜记录。现在的汉字就是从甲骨文演变下来的

甲骨文[jiǎ gǔ wén]
  1. 第三章甲骨文攻击类动词的历史演变,则主要从历时的角度对攻击类动词的数量、词义以及句法上的演变进行了探讨。

    Chapter four discusses the historical evolvement about amount 、 acceptation and syntax of the aggressive verb on inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty .

  2. 在商灭亡过程中,以微为族称和方国名称的微氏家族、微史家族及微方、微国的称谓频频见于甲骨文、金文、史籍等。

    During the process of dying out of Shang Dynasty , We can often see the name of Wei family in inscriptions on bones or tortoise shells of the Shang Dynasty , Words of Jin , historical books and so on .

  3. 不过,微软、甲骨文(Oracle)和惠普也并没有被远远抛在后面。

    But Microsoft , Oracle , and HP aren 't far behind .

  4. 拉里-埃里森是甲骨文公司的现任CEO。

    Larry Ellison is the present CEO of Oracle .

  5. 甲骨文是Autonomy的客户。

    Oracle is an Autonomy customer .

  6. 甲骨文CEO拉里·埃里森我说

    Larry Ellison is the CEO of Oracle and I said I 'm kind of

  7. 那家公司的名字叫甲骨文(Oracle),但我对它一无所知。

    It was called Oracle , and I knew next to nothing about it .

  8. “私有云(privatecloud)”是甲骨文公司四处宣扬的一个术语,为的是让其客户相信,他们正在构建属于他们自己的云。

    The " private cloud " was a term Oracle bandied about to let its customers believe they were building their own clouds .

  9. 为了到斯坦福(Stanford)大学念MBA,左轩霆离开了甲骨文。

    Tzuo left Oracle to earn his MBA from Stanford .

  10. 最初,甲骨文公司(Oracle)对云视而不见。

    First , Oracle ignored the cloud .

  11. 数据库供应商中的头牌就是甲骨文公司(Oracle),而它是绝不会轻易认输的。

    Oracle ( orcl ) , of course , is the number one database provider .

  12. 甲骨文(Oracle)与谷歌的诉讼大战给外界带来了意外惊喜。

    One good thing to come out of the Oracle ( orcl ) vs. Google trial ?

  13. 随后,他在甲骨文公司(Oracle)工作了六年。

    He went to work for Oracle ORCL - 0.09 % for the next six years .

  14. 不久前,人们以为国际商业机器公司(IBM)、思科系统(CiscoSystems)、英特尔(Intel)和甲骨文(Oracle)在科技领域是不可打败的。

    Not long ago people thought IBM , Cisco Systems , Intel and Oracle were unbeatable in tech ;

  15. 甲骨文也摇身一变,成为了开放性的守卫者,以所有java开发人员的名义保护可兼容性。

    Oracle is also cast against type , as the defender of openness , protecting compatibility in the name of all Java developers .

  16. 在SAP承担一些责任之后,甲骨文同意仅追究侵犯版权的事情。

    It agreed to pursue only the copyright claim at trial after SAP accepted some liability .

  17. 没错,JavaMicroEdition,由太阳计算机系统公司(SunMicrosystems)设计,并于2010年被甲骨文购得的Java平台。

    Yes , Java Micro Edition , the Java platform designed by Sun Microsystems and acquired by Oracle in 2010 .

  18. 甲骨文(Oracle)和国际商务机器公司(IBM)是最后几家屹立不倒的公司,在争夺软件合作企业和/或并购对象方面打了个势均力敌。

    Oracle and IBM are the last ones standing , going head-to-head after enterprise software partners and / or acquisitions .

  19. 6月份,Salesforce就将与自己的劲敌甲骨文公司(Oracle)达成合作协议。

    In June , it cut a deal with arch-enemy Oracle .

  20. 不过,Java存在的安全漏洞也令该软件成为甲骨文的一大麻烦。这些安全漏洞可追溯至甲骨文收购太阳微系统之前很久。

    But security weaknesses in Java , dating from long before Oracle 's acquisition , have also made the software a problem for the company .

  21. 加入凯鹏华盈之前,莱茵是甲骨文公司(Oracle)的总裁兼首席运营官。

    Prior to joining Kleiner Perkins , he was president and chief operating officer of Oracle ( orcl ) .

  22. 罗萨诺夫以甲骨文(Oracle)的拉里•埃里森和微软(Microsoft)的史蒂夫•鲍尔默为例。

    Roussanov pointed to Larry Ellison of Oracle ( orcl ) and Steve Ballmer of Microsoft ( MSFT ) as examples .

  23. IBM依然是惠普在服务领域最大的对手,而甲骨文购买服务器制造商太阳之后,在硬件方面也对惠普形成了挑战。

    IBM remains HP 's biggest foe on the services front , while Oracle 's purchase of server-maker Sun challenged HP on corporate hardware .

  24. 甲骨文公司(OracleCorporation)董事长劳伦斯·J·艾利森(LawrenceJ.Ellison)在夏威夷拥有一座私人岛屿。

    Lawrence J. Ellison , chairman of the Oracle Corporation , has his own private Hawaiian island .

  25. 接口项技术将使外部数据源,如在线客户关系管理服务供应商Salesforce.com、微软(Microsoft)和甲骨文(Oracle)的服务器,可以无缝接入其软件。

    Com ( CRM ) and Microsoft ( MSFT ) and Oracle ( orcl ) servers to seamlessly plug into its software .

  26. 这种情绪概括了20世纪末很多科技公司的行为,从英特尔到甲骨文(oracle)和微软(microsoft),都是如此。

    That sentiment epitomised the behaviour of many technology companies in the late 20th century , from Intel to Oracle and Microsoft .

  27. 8家公司使用SAP的系统,3家公司使用甲骨文的系统,而其他2家公司使用的是老式的系统。

    Eight of the ten companies ran SAP while three ran Oracle , and another two ran custom legacy systems .

  28. 包括甲骨文公司(Oracle)和IBM在内的企业都在投资云计算,即使这样做可能意味着牺牲在传统程序上的投资。

    Companies like Oracle ( orcl ) and IBM are investing in cloud computing , even if it risks cannibalizing their older programs .

  29. 这等于心照不宣地承认,在云时代里,甲骨文公司需要效仿IBM,转型为一家服务公司。

    It was a tacit admission that Oracle needed to become , in the age of the cloud , a service company just like IBM .

  30. 在高级商务软件领域,IBM也面临着SAPAG、甲骨文(OracleCorp。)等公司的激烈竞争。

    The company also faces tough competition in the market for advanced business software from companies like SAP AG and Oracle Corp.