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qí fēng
  • grotesque peak
  1. 大冷山尽是奇峰幽谷,林海松涛。

    Cold Mountain is full of great piz Valley , Tao .

  2. 那个故事煞尾处奇峰突出。

    The story had an odd twist at the end .

  3. 吉林奇峰公司化验室工作质量管理研究

    Research of the Work Quality Control on the Test in Jilin Qifeng Inc

  4. 森林的中间奇峰突起,挺立的巍峨岩石让我倒吸了一口凉气。

    From its midst rise spiky , majestic rocks that left me in awe .

  5. 雁荡山奇峰怪石,飞瀑流泉,充满天然韵味,为笔墨难以形容。

    Yandangshan Qifeng rocks , waterfalls Nagareizumi , full of natural flavor , for ink indescribable .

  6. 同时,其下的子公司&奇峰家纺公司已在筹建之中。

    At the same time , its subsidiary company Qifeng textile company is preparing to construct .

  7. 双语词典的研究作为词典学研究的一个组成部分,也奇峰突起地越来越引起研究者的注意。

    As a component of lexicology , the research on bilingual dictionaries has abruptly attracted more and more attention .

  8. 他们爬长城、翻黄山,在奇峰峻岭中留下自己久久难以磨灭的回响。

    They climb the Great Wall , hike the Huangshan mountain , leave their indelible resonance in valleys and mountains .

  9. 红日喷薄而出,邮轮置身于茫茫大海中,周围全是形态各异的奇峰怪石,伴着红日缓缓升起。

    Sun red rose , sea cruise outside , around all the wonderful peak walking patterns vary , moving slowly up the red day .

  10. 这一地区奇峰陡立,河流纵横。园外一片丛林伸向河岸,地势陡斜。

    In this area mountains rise steeply and rivers crisscross . Beyond the garden , an area of woodland fell sharply away to the river bank .

  11. 登山队攀登的是科曼奇峰,并选了一条深入森林腹地的路,那里有着260平方公里(100平方英里)的野生动物保护区。

    The group chose to hike Comanche Peak on a trail that goes deep into the heart of the massive 260-square-kilometer ( 100 mi2 ) wildlife reserve .

  12. 云髻山遍布奇峰怪石和自然岩洞,野生动、植物种类丰富,为省级野生动、植物自然保护区。

    Clouds over the piz bun mountain rocks and natural caves , wild animals and plant species rich , for the provincial wild animal and plant natural reserves .

  13. 艺人们以此为原料雕制的挂屏、座屏、插屏,花草鸟兽,古庙奇峰,玲珑剔透,别具一格。

    Performers this as a raw material carved the hanging panel , seat screen , table plaque , flowers , birds and animals , the temple Qifeng , exquisitely carved , unique .

  14. 明末清初,渐江、石涛、梅清、雪庄等画家,“搜尽奇峰打草稿”,创立了以黄山为主要表现对象的山水画派。

    Ming and Qing , Jian Jiang , Shi Tao , plum , snow village and other artists ," Search every Qifeng scratch " and creating a performance as the main object of Huangshan landscape school .

  15. 从绘画思想的角度来分析,搜尽奇峰打草稿,我用我法,法无定法,笔墨当随时代等等都体现了他的写意精神。

    Thoughts from the perspective of painting , do search Qifeng scratch , I use my law , law is not fixed , ink , etc. , with the times when he and the Spirit embodied .

  16. 近年,在黄果树风景区又发现了几处可供游览观赏的瀑布,洞穴和奇峰异石为景区更添异彩。

    In recent years , several more waterfalls along with caves and picturesque rocks of scenic value have been discovered in the vicinity of the Yellow Fruit Tree Waterfall , adding to the allure of the scenic spot .