
  • 网络Stone;Rocks;shorts
  1. 三峡奇石苑欢迎您的光临!

    The strange stone center in Sanxia welcomes the presence of you !

  2. 奇石画布旅游资源评价体系研究

    A Study on the Tourism Resource Evaluation System about Grotesque Stone and Canvas

  3. 园中奇石磊磊。

    There are piles of marvellous stones in the garden .

  4. 欢迎大家来此共论共赏我们的奇石!

    Welcome everyone here to discuss and enjoy our beautiful stones !

  5. 奇石美的内容和形式赏析

    Appreciate the Beauty of Peculiar Stones in Substance & Style

  6. 风景石-这些玲珑剔透的风景石都是纯天然的奇石。

    Landscape Stone-These exquisitely carved stone landscapes are natural stones .

  7. 我妹妹的确可以称作一位奇石收藏家。

    My sister could definitely be called a rock hound .

  8. 人头马、左慈钓台奇石景观的象形逼真;

    Remy Martin , the ZUCI QishiDiaoyutairealistic shape the landscape ;

  9. 美,在奇石与贝壳的缤纷色彩中闪烁。

    It gleams from the hues of the shell and the precious stone .

  10. 奇石、璞玉之理想校园&清华大学美术学院设计构思

    The Design of Art Institute of Tsinghua University

  11. 几杯清茶数本书,奇石之上有海贝。

    Cups with books , shells on rocks .

  12. 这里有“奇石的园林”金石滩,有闻名中外的龟裂石。

    The Jinshi Beach , billed as Garden of Queer Stones , boasts the world-famous Turtle Stone .

  13. 精品奇石是不可再生性资源,受产地和存世量的局限。

    Boutique Kistler can not be Renewable resources , and the origin of the limitations of the world .

  14. 遵从环境,塑造语境&浏阳半岛奇石市民文化中心设计方案刍议

    Obeying Environment , Shaping Context & On Design Program of Public Cultural Center , " Peninsula Stones " in Liuyang City

  15. 文中对山东观赏石分类,并着重论述了泰山石奇石、琅?石、临朐石等30多种观赏石的机理及特征。

    Mechansim and characteristics of30 kinds of enjoying stones , such as Taishan stone , Langya stone and Linqu stones are introduced .

  16. 昨日,三峡古玩城,夺得了第二名的奇石“孙悟空”让市民啧啧称奇。

    Yesterday , the Three Gorges antique city , won the second of rocks " monkey king " to the public wishers .

  17. 但它们并不是一般的石头,而是奇石、异石、靓石、宝石、极具观赏价值。

    But they are not common stones but strange stones , weird stones , beautiful stones , precious stones and well worth appreciating .

  18. 黄龙洞――洞中奇石、钙化池如黄龙梯田,有洞中梯田之誉。

    Yellow Dragon Cavity : strange stone , calcified pond in cavity such as Yellow Dragon Terrace , it is honored as terrace of cavity .

  19. 山上有无以计数的奇石,清瀑,古松,石桥,庙宇,宝塔,亭阁,殿堂。

    Mount Tai boats its numerous grotesque stones , clear waterfalls , age-old pine tree , stone bridges , temples , pavilions , pagodas and halls .

  20. 近年来通过限量开采,加大了产品开发力度和品牌文化的推广,拓展了阿拉善奇石市场的发展空间。

    In recent years , the market of Alxa queer stones has been expanded by limiting exploitation and strengthened developement of the products and popularizing the culture .

  21. 中国&第六届柳州国际奇石节,一桌形似食物的奇石打造出令人垂涎欲滴的“盛宴”。

    China & Gleaming with mouthwatering perfection , a " banquet " of stones resembling food adorns a table at the sixth International Rare Stone Festival in Liuzhou .

  22. 除此之外,这里还有大量的奇石异云,有时候,游客在路上还会遇到罕见的闪电照亮整个天空的壮景。

    Besides mountain and rivers , there are also many peculiar stones , incomparably marvelous clouds , as well as unusual light illuminating the sky as one travels the road .

  23. 国玺园,是一个以精选天然奇石加以精致雕琢,展现博鳌亚洲论坛26个发起国地理版图形状的主题园林。

    By means of the choice natural rare stones having been fine carved , Guoxi Garden serves to exhibit the territory shape of each of26 sponsors for Boao Forum for Asia .

  24. 蠡园显示出中国古典的设计风格:奇石、拱桥、庭院、穿越湖面上的步行道,以及各种花卉。

    Li Garden reflects classic Chinese design , with grotesque rockeries , arched bridges , gay pavilions , walkways built on dikes that cross the lake , and a variety of flora .

  25. 园内新辟奇石苑,向您展现石中瑰宝,给您美的享受。承蒙光临,不胜荣幸。

    The rare stone garden , which is newly opened in the park , exhiBits the gems of stones to please your eyes . Your presence is a great compliment to us .

  26. 较诸雍正时期的作品,乾隆瓶的天空、白云和奇石的描写较为繁缛,但二者口沿均饰一道回纹。

    The Qianlong vase , however has more heavily painted sky , clouds and rocks than on the Yongzheng vases , although it shares with the latter a minor band of squared spirals around the mouth .

  27. 天刚亮在大雾之中偶们在新昌西站坐车到丁村,逆溪走约半小时便来到了奇石耸立的石狗洞。

    Just down in heavy fox , we took the bus in West Bus Station of Xinchang to Village Ding , and walked about half an hour from there by the side and against the stream to reach Cave of Stone Dog .

  28. 环境篇饭店视野宽阔,环境优雅,苍树碧池,鸟语花香,硕大的奇石,巧夺天工的临夏砖雕,是集休闲度假、商务洽谈、文化娱乐为一体的理想之处。

    Linxia hotel being characteristic of its wide vision , elegant environment verdant trees and green pool , birds twitter and fragrance of flowers , the great uncanny stone , Linxia brick carving is an ideal place for spending holiday , business and cultural entertainment .

  29. 桂林作为一座历史悠久的山水文化名城,以其山清水秀洞奇石美的自然风光文明于世,从古自今博得了大量中外游客的喜爱,是历代文人墨客吟咏流连的圣地。

    Guilin landscape with a long history as a cultural city , with its beautiful cave stones for the beauty of natural scenery from ancient love this won a large number of Chinese and foreign tourists , are wandering men of letters through reciting the Holy land .

  30. 其另一副力作《古韵泉声》则取材于他家乡的山山水水,山体错落有致,步满奇石怪石,显得坚实险峻,但有质朴自然。

    Another magnum opus " ancient musical sound spring sound " its draw materials on mountains and rivers , he of hometown , the massif is in picturesque disorder , the full strange stone and spectacular rocky peak of step , seem solid and dangerously steep , simple naturally .