
qí bīng
  • an army suddenly appearing from nowhere;an ingenious military move
奇兵 [qí bīng]
  • [an army suddenly appearing from nowhere] 出其不意突然袭击的军队

奇兵[qí bīng]
  1. IrrationalGames公司宣布将制作《生化奇兵》续集。

    Irrational Games announced a follow-up to the very popular BioShock franchise with BioShock Infinite .

  2. 这一幕的粗俗令人想起印第安纳·琼斯(IndianaJones)在《夺宝奇兵》(RaidersoftheLostArk)里开玩笑地射杀一个挥剑的阿拉伯人,再次证明贝松电影里看上去很新的东西其实不可避免很陈旧。

    The scene 's vulgarity recalls Indiana Jones 's jokily shooting a sword-wielding Arab in " Raiders of the Lost Ark , " proving yet again that what looks new in Mr. Besson 's work is invariably old .

  3. 目前这部新片的票房收入为1.14亿美金,是迄今为止该导演继《ET外星人》、《侏罗纪公园》、《夺宝奇兵4》之后第17部大获成功的电影。

    It has taken $ 114 million thus far , making it only his seventeenth most successful film to date , with the Spielberg movies with the biggest lifetime gross being E.T. : The Extra-Terrestrial , Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull .

  4. 这部电影由斯蒂芬斯皮尔伯格大师执导,应该会是个好电影,怎么说他也拍过了那么多优秀的科幻片和探险片,有《外星人E.T.》、《大白鲨》,还有《夺宝奇兵》、《侏罗纪公园》等等。

    The film is directed by the masterful Steven Spielberg , so it should be a good one , since he has a great history with making great sci-fi and adventure films ( E.T. , Jaws , Raiders of The Lost Ark , Indiana Jones , Jurassic Park , etc. ) .

  5. 我很喜欢《魔法奇兵》音乐剧那集里的音乐。

    I really like the music from the Buffy musical .

  6. 新的《古墓奇兵》系列电影由安洁莉娜裘莉担任女主角。

    Angelina Jolie is the lead actress in the new Lara Croft movie .

  7. 他在上部夺宝奇兵里拯救了世界。

    He prepared by saving the world in Raiders of the lost ark .

  8. 康纳利息影前最后一部主演的电影是《天降奇兵》,于2003年上映。

    His last film was " The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen " in 2003 .

  9. 还有一个例子就是《夺宝奇兵》中那场著名的剑战。

    For an additional example , see that famous sword fight scene in Indiana Jones .

  10. 你的《怪物奇兵》又会是什么呢?

    What will be your Space Jam ?

  11. 而这一次并非来自《夺宝奇兵》的崇拜者,而是那些“好心”的游客们。

    This one comes not from greedy Indiana Jones wannabes but several thousand well-meaning tourists .

  12. 莱纳德:真不敢相信你居然没看过《法柜奇兵》(经典动作大片《夺宝奇兵》系列的第一部)。

    Leonard : I can 't believe you 've never seen Raiders of the Lost Ark .

  13. 最后一部获最佳影片提名的是《指环王:双塔奇兵》。

    The last movie nominated for Best Picture is The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers .

  14. 莎拉:在网络上看《魔法奇兵》外泄的剧情啊,还有等妈从沙发上离开。

    Sarah : Watching the spoilers online for Buffy and waiting for mom to get off the couch .

  15. 霍华德:你真的不想和我们一起去看《夺宝奇兵》吗?

    Howard : So . Are you sure you don 't want to come with us to Raiders ?

  16. 《圣战奇兵》问世19年后才推出《水晶头骨王国》,为什么印第安纳·琼斯系列两部剧集间隔如此之长?

    Why the19-year hiatus between " Crystal Skull " and its predecessor ," Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade "?

  17. 指环王:双塔奇兵是一部上映于2002年的史诗科幻电影,导演彼得·杰克逊。

    The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers is a 2002 epic fantasy directed by Peter Jackson .

  18. 在战争之前,在伍尔维奇兵工厂研究实用计算时,他就听说了图灵机。

    Before the war , while employed at Woolwich Arsenal on practical computation , he had learnt of Turing machines .

  19. 霍拉纳医生说这位曾经出演《夺宝奇兵》和《星球大战》的72岁影星能活下来非常幸运。

    He said the 72-year-old star of the Indiana Jones and Star Wars films was very lucky to be alive .

  20. 威利斯将被71岁的印第安纳琼斯扮演者老牌明星哈里森·福特所顶替,显然这是让夺宝奇兵的忠实粉丝们喜出望外的事情。

    Willis will be replaced by a 71-year-old Indiana John star Harrison Ford , a decision that apparently pleased Slide .

  21. 夺宝奇兵系列电影还出了电视剧,名叫“少年印地安纳琼斯大冒险”(1992-1996),以及超过15种电脑游戏。

    There was also a television series , The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles ( 1992-1996 ) , and over 15 video games .

  22. 他曾出奇兵将英军逐出波士顿,但一场以弱胜强的胜利并不能阻止他们卷土重来。

    He has already driven the British out of Boston . A surprise victory against superior forces . But they 'll be back .

  23. 他的其他作品包括《高地人》、《夺宝奇兵3》和《勇闯夺命岛》。

    Connery 's other films included " Highlander , " " Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade " and " The Rock . "

  24. 反斗奇兵大本营坐落在一个让客人感觉好像他们已被缩减到玩具的大小的空间。

    Toy Story Land is situated in a space that makes guests feel as if they have been shrunk to the size of a toy .

  25. 哈里森·福特因电影《星球大战》和《夺宝奇兵》而成名,他曾在瑞普学院主修哲学,但却在临近毕业时辍学。

    Harrison Ford , of Star Wars and Indiana Jones fame , majored in philosophy at Ripon College , but dropped out shortly before graduation .

  26. 夺宝奇兵是一部上映于1981年的美国动作探险电影,导演斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格,制片乔治·卢卡斯,主演哈里森·福特。

    Raiders of the Lost Ark is a 1981 American action-adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg , produced byGeorge Lucas , and starring Harrison Ford .

  27. 南伦敦的伍里奇兵工厂(或者说是“皇家阿森纳”)不仅仅诞生了阿森纳的第一个球员还诞生了其自身的响亮的名字。

    The Woolwich Armaments Factory or'Royal Arsenal'in South London not only gave the team we know today its first ever players but also its name .

  28. 彼思动画室创作的动画人物,如《反斗奇兵》中的童玩胡迪、巴斯光年;《怪兽公司》中的毛毛和小女孩;

    Animated characters created by Pixar Animation Studios , such as Woody and Buzz Lightyear in Toy Story , Sulley and the human girl Boo in Monsters , Inc.

  29. 指环王:双塔奇兵获得了人们的好评,并获得了较高的票房成绩,在全球获得了9亿美金的票房。

    The Lord of the Rings : The Two Towers met with high critical acclaim and was an enormous box-office success , earning over $ 900 million worldwide .

  30. 该公司还为《拯救大兵瑞恩》、《指环王》、《最后的武士》和《夺宝奇兵》等电影提供过演出服。

    the company has helped with costuming for films including Saving Private Ryan , Lord of the Rings , The Last Samurai and Indiana Jones : Raiders of the Lost Ark .