
  • 网络The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
  1. 她去墨西哥城做一次关于画家弗里达·卡洛(FridaKahlo)的演讲时,随身戴着村上春树的《奇鸟行状录》,她“本来盼着能吃到墨西哥菜,却发现酒店菜单上全是日本料理。”

    She takes Haruki Murakami 's " The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle " with her on a trip to Mexico City to give a speech about the painter Frida Kahlo and finds herself " looking forward to Mexican food , but the hotel menu was dominated by Japanese fare . "

  2. 村上春树《奇鸟行状录》萦绕于人心的影像

    A haunting vision of Haruki Murakami 's " The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle "

  3. 没有几本小说能像村上春树的《奇鸟行状录》——洋洋洒洒六百多页对恐惧的超现实主义且难以处理的探索——一样难以被改编。

    But few novels can have been as hard to rework as " The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle , " Haruki Murakami 's surreal and unwieldy 600-page exploration of fear .