
  • 网络evenness;yarn levelness
  1. 提高CJ9.7tex纱条干均匀度的生产实践

    Practice of Improving the Evenness Uniformity of CJ 9.7 tex Yarns

  2. 牵伸罗拉表面状态对成纱条干均匀度的影响

    The Impact of the Surface Performance of the Draft Rollers on Spinning Evenness

  3. 对于PTT纤维与棉纤维的混纺纱线,毛羽和条干均匀度不是很好。

    The hairiness and evenness of PTT yarns blended with cotton fibers are not good .

  4. 涤纶细旦FDY条干均匀度与工艺控制

    Process controlling on yarn evenness of polyester FDY fine filament

  5. 国产条干均匀度仪与Uster

    Comparing Domestic and the Uster 's Yarn Evenness Testers

  6. 本文重点介绍了应用USTER条干均匀度仪测定POY的波谱图、不匀曲线图以及CV值或U值,研究POY条干不匀的原因。

    The determination of POY 's spectrogram , unevenness curve and CV or U value by Uster yarn evenness meter is introduced and the origin of POY 's unevenness is investigated .

  7. 发现含油率过低或过高都会对锦纶POY的条干均匀度、纤维表面的油膜状态以及POY在加弹过程中的可纺性有非常重要的影响。

    Both lower and higher oil content would have a great influence on nylon POY properties such as filament uniformity , oil membrane in the surface of fiber and DTY performance .

  8. 染色不匀的POY与染色均匀的POY的差异主要和于175℃拉伸张力离散性和条干均匀度,前者的拉伸张力CV值和条干CV值明显大于后者。

    If POY is unlevel-dyeing , all DTY from it is mainly dependent on its precursor POY . The differences between the unlevel dyeing and the level-dyeing of POY are in CV of both draw-tensile force at 175 ℃ and evenness . The former (?)

  9. 通过对国产条干均匀度仪和Uster条干仪的对比分析,指出两者各自的特点和差距,力图找到当前国产条干仪的发展道路。

    By comparing domestic and the Uster 's yarn evenness tester s , the gap between them is shown in this paper , and a way to develop domestic yarn evenness tester is presented .

  10. 介绍了夜光纤维的基本特性和物理机械性能:夜光纤维只要吸收任何可见光10min,就能在黑暗中自行发光10h以上,同时其条干均匀度和柔软度符合针织物成圈要求。

    This paper introduces the basic characteristics and physical and mechanical properties of the luminescent fiber , which can luminesce for more than 10 hours only if absorbing any visible light for 10 minutes . The yarn evenness and softness can meet the looping requirements in knitting process .

  11. 利用乌斯特条干均匀度仪控制棉纱质量的实践

    Practice in Control of Cotton Yarn with Uster Yarn Evenness Tester

  12. 浅谈如何控制和提高亚麻纱条干均匀度

    Talking About How to Control and Enhance the Flax Yarn Evenness

  13. 用电容式条干均匀度仪测定及控制纺纱质量

    Test and control of spinning quality with capacity evenness tester

  14. 用836胶辊与RC-Ⅱ涂料提高成纱条干均匀度

    Improving Yarn Evenness by Using 836 Top Roller Cover and RC-II Coating

  15. 怎样提高涤棉纱条干均匀度

    How to Improve the Evenness of Polyester / Cotton Yarn

  16. 用于检验条子及粗纱的条干均匀度。

    Used for testing the evenness of sliver and roving .

  17. 变形纱表观条干均匀度和质量条干均匀度研究

    Study on appearance evenness and mass evenness of textured yarn

  18. 纤维混合不匀对电容式条干均匀度仪检测结果的影响

    Effect of fiber blending irregularity on capacitive evenness testing result

  19. 棉纱条干均匀度测试仪的动力分析

    A Dynamic Response Analysis of the Yarn Evenness Tester

  20. 变形纱条干均匀度与变形工艺参数的关系

    Relationship between texture parameters and evenness of textured yarns

  21. 黑板检验细纱条干均匀度新旧标准的对比分析

    The Contrast Between the New and Old Standard for Seriplane Test Yarn Evenness

  22. 电容式条干均匀度仪上纱条离散特征数方差σ~2的研究

    A Study of Variance a2 for Strand Discrete Characteristic Number on Capacitive Evenness Tester

  23. 提高细纱条干均匀度及减少管纱纱疵

    Improving yarn evenness and decreasing cop yarn defect

  24. 电容式条干均匀度仪测试的注意事项

    Capacitance type irregularity tester Attentions in yarn testing by use of capacitor evenness tester

  25. 条干均匀度仪在精毛纺生产中的应用

    Application of evenness tester in worsted yarn production

  26. 提高细纱条干均匀度的工艺优化配置

    Processing Optimization Configuration of Enhancing Spinning Evenness

  27. 条干均匀度仪波谱图和曲线图在生产中的应用

    Application of the wave diagram and curve diagram of yarn irregularity meter in yarn production

  28. 精梳分离皮辊硬度同条干均匀度的关系

    A Study of the Relations between the Hardness of Detach Roller and Evenness of Combed Sliver

  29. 提高半制品条干均匀度和纤维伸直度,对改善成纱质量效果显著。

    The enhancing of semi-finished goods evenness and fiber straightness has significant effect to improve yarn quality .

  30. 测试混纺纱线的强伸性能、弹性性能、条干均匀度、毛羽。

    The tensile properties , elastic properties , evenness and hairiness of the blended yarn were tested .