
The treaty changes will be discussed at an EU summit on December 9 .
Treaty change will require considerable political will .
The author hopes yet another treaty revision conference in 2015 will make sense of these arrangements .
France wants to limit treaty changes to the eurozone members and retain more budget authority in national capitals .
At the European Council in December , we should agree on establishing a convention for a limited treaty change .
On the other hand , every time after revising treaties , EU can constitute reasonable policies through legislation to make sure that the effect on new cooperation areas is real .
So future EU reform and treaty change must include reform of the governance framework to put euro area integration on a sound legal basis , and guarantee fairness for those EU countries inside the single market but outside the single currency .
If we want to turn things around irreversibly , we will not be able to avoid amending the treaties .
Germany is demanding changes to the European treaties that would concentrate unprecedented power in Brussels to scrutinise budgets and sanction profligate governments .
In Berlin , the senior government official – speaking on condition of anonymity – said Ms Merkel also wanted treaty change agreed by all 27 , although its measures would only affect the 17 eurozone members .