
  1. 代理政务服务:联合国秘书处由ZWW中外网提供“信息监察、公开调解、故事中国”服务!

    Acting Administrative Services : United Nations Secretariat by the ZWW Chinese and foreign net to provide " information to monitor , open mediation , the Chinese story of " service !

  2. 迪斯尼《木兰》(Mulan)的风格延续了美国好莱坞以往的模式,但寻其本质,它体现的是美国的狂欢式文化,颠覆和消解了木兰故事的中国叙事。

    Following the mode of Hollywood movies as ever , Disney 's Mulan represents American culture in carnival pattern and , furthermore , subverts Chinese narratives throughout .

  3. 433D《蛇郎君》故事是中国专有女性故事。

    433D tale of " Snake Husband " is a unique one about female in China .

  4. 其二、寓言故事是中国小说的重要源头;

    The fable story is the Chinese novel 's important source .

  5. 我这里有个胁迫有益的故事,中国味的。

    Here 's a story in favor of coercion , Chinese-style .

  6. 两个安徒生童话故事和中国有关。

    Two of Andersen 's fairy tales are related to China .

  7. 这个故事在中国已经流传多年了。

    The story has been told in China for many years .

  8. 有关伦敦的故事在中国与其他国家仍广为流传。

    Myths about London persist in China and other countries .

  9. 社论称恐怖故事在中国的青少年中间十分流行。

    The editorial says that horror stories prevail among China 's teenagers .

  10. 金匾背后的故事&中国固体火箭发动机的历程

    The course of development on Chinese solid - rocket The Engines It Knows

  11. 厄普代克的兔子故事在中国的译介和研究

    John Updike 's Rabbit Saga in China : A Translation and Criticism Survey

  12. 《玩具总动员》特辑中的人物和故事在中国很受欢迎。

    Characters and stories from the Toy Story franchise are popular in China .

  13. 这些故事对中国小孩而言是很熟悉的。

    These tales are familiar to Chinese children .

  14. 高龙公司的故事只是中国正在发生的许多故事的一个缩影。

    Golden Dragon 's story is a microcosm of what is happening in China .

  15. 佛经雁衔龟故事在中国的传播与影响

    The Dissemination and Influence of " Wild Geeses ' Carrying Tortoise " Buddhist Scriptures in China

  16. 此文讨论为什么林的故事在中国年轻人中如此引起共鸣。

    This paper examines why the story of Lin is so resonant among Chinese young people .

  17. 这些惊险的故事对中国在非洲投资的未来而言意味着什么?

    So what do these tales of violence mean for the future of Chinese investment in Africa ?

  18. 有人相信易经是由传奇故事中中国的皇帝伏羲氏创立的。

    It is believed to have been invented by Fu Hsi , a legendary emperor of China .

  19. 他的故事在中国仅仅被转发的一天内橘子哥就被找到了。

    Within one day of his story appearing in China , netizens were able to find Bro Orange .

  20. 这个故事在中国各地广泛流传,并在流传中发生了或大或小的变异。

    This story is in China everyplace extensive spread , and in spread occurrence or big or small variation .

  21. 2007年时,凯尔麦克唐纳德的传奇故事传遍中国,数百家易物网站在2007年遍地开花。

    Hundreds of bartering websites cropped up in 2007 , when the legend of Kyle MacDonald swept through the country .

  22. 2006年,他们的故事成为中国妇女周刊收集来的前10名的爱情故事。

    In2006 , their story became one of the top10 love stories from China , collected by the Chinese Women Weekly .

  23. 嫦娥及其奔月的故事在中国家喻户晓,是诗人们喜爱的创作题材。

    The story of Chang'e and her flight to the moon is familiar to every Chinese , and a favorite subject of poets .

  24. 这个故事在中国东北的辽宁省大连市,也就是这对情侣所居住的城市,让许多群众为之痴迷。

    The story had captured the public imagination in the city of Dalian in north-east China 's Liaoning Province , where the couple lived .

  25. 白蛇传故事是中国四大民间传说之一,它深植于民间文化的土壤之中,有着悠长的形成发展历史,是一个动态流变的故事。

    As one of the four most famous folk tales in China , The Tale of the White Snake plants deeply in soil of folk culture .

  26. 封面故事:中国深部探测专项“两网、两区、四带、多点”总体部署示意图。

    Cover Story : Overall arrangement of China 's deep exploration special project " two networks , two regions , four belts and multiple points " .

  27. 这些故事是中国人景仰那些和机会、厄运搏斗,成就一番大事业的基础的一部分。

    These stories are part of the foundation for Chinese people 's admiration for people who struggle against the odds and adversity to accomplish something big .

  28. 语文、写字、粤语及国语会话、儿歌、中国民间故事、中国历史、作句作文、圣经故事等。

    Written and spoken language , in Cantonese and Mandarin , Chinese songs , history and stories , composition , Bible stories , and cultural studies .

  29. 狐是中国民间信仰的重要对象之一,狐故事也是中国古典小说的经典题材之一。

    Fox is regarded as one of the important targets of Chinese folk belief and fox story is one of the classical subjects of Chinese classical novels .

  30. 司马相如和卓文君的爱情故事是中国文学史上流传已久的佳话,它在历朝历代都不同程度地受到了关注。

    The love story of Sima Xiangru and Zhuo Wenjun is a beautiful and famous legend which spreads abroad for a long time in the history of Chinese Literature .