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  • Address;name of a river in Henan and Anhui;a surname
  • 〔~河〕水名,源于中国河南省,流经安徽省入淮河。

  • (潁)

  1. WSJ:你是如何建议学生们在这样一个竞争激烈的市场中脱颍而出的?

    WSJ : How are you advising students to stand out in such a competitive market ?

  2. 在我的测试中,一款革命性的鼠标脱颍而出:那就是微软(Microsoft)的Sculpt人体工学鼠标(SculptErgonomicMouse)。这款鼠标外观特立独行,同时又有着自然舒适的抓握感。

    One reinvention stood out during my testing , a mouse whose unconventional look belied its natural grip : the Sculpt Ergonomic Mouse by Microsoft .

  3. 苹果公司(AppleInc.)的iPhone无疑是移动电话行业的革命性产品,其便于使用的触摸屏技术可以让用户浏览网络,敲打短信息或者操控任何数量的新颍应用软件。

    Apple Inc. 's iPhone revolutionized the mobile phone with easy-to-use touch-screen technology that allows users to surf the Web , tap out messages or control any number of inventive applications .

  4. 据数位知情人士透露,在从福特汽车公司(FordMotorCo.)手里收购瑞典汽车厂商沃尔沃(Volvo)的竞购者中,中国汽车生产商吉利控股集团脱颍而出,领先其他竞购者。

    China 's Geely Leads Volvo Bidding Chinese automaker Geely Holding Group Co. has emerged as the leading contender to acquire Swedish automaker Volvo from Ford Motor Co. , said several people familiar with the matter .

  5. 采用新颍的PIN结构研制的光电位置传感器,主要用于小型相机的自动对焦系统。

    The Photoelectric position sensitiva device ( PSD ) with a novel PIN structure is mainly used in the auto-focusing system of miniature cameras , the operating principle and the distance-measuring method of the PSD devices are presented .

  6. 荷兰设计师艾丽斯12539;范荷本(IrisVanHerpen)以3D打印的超高跟鞋脱颍而出,加上她的出色表现力让人联想到她以前在亚历山大12539;麦昆实习时的情形。

    Iris Van Herpen , a Dutch designer , stood out with 3D printing and gravity-defying shoes which , along with her showman sensibility , recalled her former internship with Alexander McQueen .

  7. 还有一些创新之举能让一份简历脱颍而出,如使用信息图(infographic)和视频,用于突出求职者的杰出业绩、沟通能力和专业技能。

    Other creative strategies to make a resume stand out include using infographics and videos , which highlight job seekers ' accomplishments and communication and technical skills .

  8. 至于价格是否可承受的问题,虽然4K电视机仍然是一种相对新颍的技术,一开始也是众所周知的天价,但现在的价格已经下降到可比高端大屏幕高清电视机的水平。

    As for an affordable price , while 4K is still a relatively new technology , and price tags admittedly were astronomical to begin with , prices now have fallen to where they are competitive with high-end alternatives in the large-screen HD market .

  9. 其新颍之处不止于它对运动的诠释。

    The newness is more than a function of the motion .

  10. 本研究所提出的出汗疗法是一种新颍、科学、客观的物理治疗方法。

    Sweating therapy launched by this study was a new scientific physiotherapy .

  11. 此外,你还要问问你在这段过渡期中可以做些什么来使自己脱颍而出。

    And ask what you can do in the interim to stand out .

  12. 阜阳市颍东区耕地和基本农田保护研究

    Study on the Protection of Cultivated Land and Basic Farmland in Ying Dong District

  13. 但她获得了某种新颍的药剂:快乐指导。

    Instead , she got a big dose of something new : Happiness coaching .

  14. 思颍是对宦海风波、现实无奈的远离,对宁静淡泊而又自由稳定的精神家园的寻找。

    His nostalgia for Yingzhou is isolation from reality and Search for free spiritual home .

  15. “杰克逊五兄弟”很快从当地的业余歌手演唱会和地方演唱会中脱颍而出,登上了全国舞台。

    The Jacksons quickly graduated from local talent shows and regional concerts to the national stage .

  16. 河南登封颍河河谷地区水资源的合理开发利用

    Rational Development and Use of Groundwater Resources from Yinghe River Valley Area in Dengfeng of Henan

  17. 阜阳市颍东区社会主义新农村建设模式研究

    Research on the Models of Building a New Socialist Countryside in Yingdong District of Fuyang City

  18. 伟大的企业家还会探索能为市场带来新颍解决方案的策略。

    Great entrepreneurs also discover the strategies to deliver the new innovative solution to the market .

  19. 建立了颍河与涡河最小生态流量地区经验公式;

    One experience formula of minimum ecological flow for YONG River and GUO River is set up .

  20. 设计行业的激烈竞争促使数以百计的设计师力争让自己的产品脱颍而出。

    Intense competition in the design industry forces hundreds of designers to make their products stand out .

  21. 阐述了彻底治理污染源是解决沙颍河水环境污染的根本措施。

    The controlling pollution sources is one of the effective measures of solving water quality pollution of shayingriver .

  22. 在功放级采用了一种异于传统驱动器的新颍高压抑制方式。

    A new high voltage restraint mode which is different from traditional driver is used in power amplifier .

  23. 安徽省淮南煤田颍凤区推覆构造微观变形特征及其形成机制

    Characteristics of microscopic deformation and mechanism of the fengyang-fengtai nappe in the yingshan-fengtai area , huainan coalfield , anhui

  24. 经济衰退正给美国零售业带来沉重打击,但电子商务可能会脱颍而出,成为赢家。

    The recession is taking a serious toll on American retail , but ecommerce could emerge as a winner .

  25. 不过,如果想让自己的商品在淘宝上脱颍而出,卖家就要向阿里巴巴支付广告费以及其他服务费用。

    Instead , they pay Alibaba for advertising and other services to allow them to stand out from the crowd .

  26. 海洋丰富的生物资源为寻找高效、低毒的抗肿瘤药物提供了更多、更新颍候选化学物质。

    The abounding resources of marine organisms provide more and newer compounds for finding antitumor medicine with high efficiency and low toxicity .

  27. 文章详细叙述了颍河特大桥主桥挂篮进行悬臂浇筑的施工方法和工艺等。

    The cantilever construction method is used and the main girder is divided into several sections and steps of pouring and prestressing .

  28. 颍畔轻工业制品厂位于安徽省、阜阳市、太和县经济技术开发区。

    Ying River Crescent light industrial products plant located in Anhui Province , Fuyang City , Taihe County Economic and Technological Development Zone .

  29. 沙颍河水质污染与该地区居民死亡水平的升高以及恶性肿瘤、心脑血管等疾病的高发可能存在一定的关联。

    The increasing mortality rate and the higher mortality level of cancer and cardiovascular disease maybe related with the water pollution in SY River .

  30. 中国消费者的葡萄酒需求一直在飙升,加剧了葡萄酒生产商之间的竞争。厂商们涌入中国市场,目前正在寻求脱颍而出。

    China 's appetite for wine has surged , spurring competition among winemakers who had flooded the market and now are looking to differentiate themselves .