• environs of a capital
  • 古代称靠近国都的地方:~辅。~辇。京~。

  • 门限,门槛。

  1. 商后期王畿行政区划研究

    A Study on Regionalizations of the Wang Ji in Late Shang Dynasty

  2. 儒家价值信念的彰显&论王畿哲学对老庄思想的批判性吸收

    Manifestation of Confucian Belief in Value : on Wang Ji 's Critical Assimilation of Taoist Shool

  3. 文章以大量的事实,驳斥了人们认为王畿哲学只讲本体不讲工夫、只谈妙悟不讲实地致知而将其说成狂禅的的说法。

    The article uses lots of facts to refute the wrong viewpoints of people about the thoughts of Wang Ji .

  4. 宋代赤、次赤、畿县的县主簿一般由选人担任,其余等级的县由初任者担任。

    The red , red , Guinea County Registrar General by the candidates as remaining grade County , by beginning to serve as .

  5. 不仅王畿而且地方方国内部都是通过以血缘关系为纽带的宗族和家族来实现对广大族众有序的管理与统治的。

    Not only the capital but also small domestic countries used the patriarchal clan with the relation of blood relationship for order management and dominance .

  6. 这些封国主要分布在今河南省中北部、山西省中南部和商王畿的东南部;

    These states were mainly distributed over today 's centre-north part of Henan and centre-south part of Shanxi and the south-east part of the nearby area of the capital of the Shang Dynasty .
