
  • 网络incomplete dominance;incomplete dominant inheritance;incomplete domina inheritance;incomplete dominace;incomplete dominance inheritance
  1. 结果表明,甜瓜果实中乙烯生成量为不完全显性遗传,受两对以上基因控制。

    Results showed that inheritance of ethylene production in melon was of incomplete dominance mode , and controlled by more than two genes .

  2. 棕色棉纤维色泽的遗传方式仍属于单基因控制不完全显性遗传。

    The genetic approach of the color of brown colored cotton fiber was incomplete dominant inheritance .

  3. 海岛棉清除剂SOD、POD活性性状是由多效基因控制的不完全显性遗传性状。

    The characteristic about Ensure system of zyme SOD , POD activity changing were dominant heredity incompletely and controlled by many gene .

  4. 牛双肌基因位于第2号常染色体上,是由myostatin基因在第3外显子处核苷酸突变造成的,为不完全显性遗传;

    The results show that a major gene is involved in the determination of muscular hypertrophy in cattle , which is positioned on chromosome 2 and inherited in partially recessive mode , because a mutant happened in the third exon on the myostatin sequence .