
  • 网络Marble platform
  1. 那是大理石平台,外宫的三个大殿就建在上面。

    That ' the marble terrace on which the three main halls of the front part of the palace were built .

  2. 主宫门建在富丽堂皇的大理石平台上,可扶护栏拾级而上。另有一对桥梁横跨一条护城河。

    The main gate stood on top of a splendid marble terrace ascended by marble stairs and balustrade , and a pair of bridges stretched across a moat .

  3. 泰姬陵用白色大理石建成,在日光和月光下都会闪闪发光。它矗立在一个18英尺高的大理石上,平台的四角有四座精美的光塔。

    Built of white marble that shimmers in both sunlight and moonlight , the Taj Mahal stands on an eighteen-foot-high marble platform which has a delicate minaret on each corner .