
  1. 思想政治教育榜样示范法的发展研究

    Study on Development of Model Education Method in Ideological and Political Education

  2. 第五部分:榜样示范法发展的策略。

    Part five : the countermeasures of the development of Model Education Method .

  3. 论榜样示范法在中学德育中的运用

    About the Application of Model Method to the Moral Education in Middle School

  4. 浅析榜样示范法在武术教学中的运用

    Exerting the Method of Demonstration in Wushu Teaching

  5. 第三部分:榜样示范法发展的内涵及意义。

    Part three : the meaning and significances in studying on development of Model Education Method .

  6. 第四部分:榜样示范法发展的动力和条件。

    Part four : the motive force and the favorable factors of development of Model Education Method .

  7. 榜样示范法;

    Example Model Law ;

  8. 本部分对榜样示范法发展的内涵进行了界定,这是方法发展研究的前提:对榜样示范法发展的意义给予说明,是提升本文研究价值的关键所在。

    Expounding the meaning of the development of the method is the prerequisite . Stating the significances of the development is the value of the article .

  9. 本部分主要对榜样示范法的定义、内涵、特点、运作过程和功能几方面的内容进行了重新的梳理和阐释,从而为后文榜样示范法的发展研究作好理论铺垫。

    This part expounds the meaning , the features , the operation sequence and the functions of the Model Education Method to pave for the deepening study .

  10. 最后,提出了大学生道德人格建构的四个主要方法:榜样示范法、社会实践法、环境熏陶法和自我修养法。

    Finally , the outlines of Moral Personality of the four main methods are an example of the Model , social practice , and environmental education and influenced by self-cultivation .

  11. 第三部分主要通过个案分析对北师大版《品德与生活》一年级教材中的整理书包主题活动利用榜样示范法进行教学设计的思考与分析。

    The third section , mainly through case studies , used method of model demonstration to reflect and analyze the instructional design for the theme of " Package School Bags " .

  12. 榜样示范法是德育实践中被广泛采用的方法,德育榜样的选取和运用直接关系到德育结果的好坏。

    Model Demonstration method is a method widely used in moral education practice . The selection and application of moral education examples is closely related to the result of moral education .

  13. 具体方法有情感教育法、品质教育法、生活教育法、榜样示范法、启发式教育方法和自我教育法等,为培养健全人格提供新的理论观点与方法。

    The concrete methods are the law of affective education , educational law of quality , educational law of life , model 's demonstration law , heuristic educational method and self-education law , etc. , which will offer new theories and methods for training perfect personality .