
dài yì zhì zhèng fǔ
  • representative government
  1. 密尔力图平衡官僚制与代议制政府。

    Mill tries to keep the balance of bureaucracy and representative government .

  2. 代议制政府是自由的制度保障。

    Representative government was the guarantee of liberty .

  3. 后一种政策不仅会导致代议制政府的发展而且会促成法律的完善。

    The latter policy will lead not only to the evolution of representative government but also to the rule of law .

  4. 密尔于1861年发表了著名的《代议制政府》,就其选举权思想作了充分的阐述。

    In 1861 , Mill published his famous book " The Representative System of Government ", elaborated fully his ideas about the right to vote .

  5. 代议制政府自13世纪首先出现在英国以来,经过了漫长的历史发展,现代代议制政府在各个不同的国家有着不同的表现形态。

    Dating back to the 13th century 's England , the representative government has a long and rich history and shows different appearances in different countries .

  6. 毕竟,在1900年,代议制政府还很罕见,普选权(妇女亦享有选举权)几乎闻所未闻(新西兰除外)。

    After all , in 1900 representative government was rare and universal suffrage ( including for women ) almost unheard of ( New Zealand being the exception ) .

  7. 代议制政府是密尔认为理想上最好的政府形式,它有利于维护密尔所珍视的对社会进步不可或缺的个性自由;

    Representative government is the ideally best form of government in Mill 's mind since it is in favor of individuality which is indispensable to the advancement of society .

  8. 盖茨说,美国的方针必须继续集中在结束美国在伊拉克的作战使命,同时在巴格达留下一个在反恐战争中成为美国盟友的代议制政府。

    The secretary says U.S. policy must remain focused on ending the U.S. combat role in Iraq , while also leaving a representative government in Baghdad that is an ally in the war on terrorism .

  9. 他以美国《独立宣言》所宣称的人人生而平等和代议制政府原则为基础,把黑人解放和妇女解放思想巧妙地结合起来,变成有机的整体。

    Devoting himself on the principles of " all man born equal " and the representative system of government announced by The Declaration of Independence , Douglass combined the American women 's liberation thought and the American blacks ' into an organic whole .

  10. 这样,第4章的基本内容除代议制与政府预算的关系外,还包括政府预算编制、政府预算审批的比较研究等内容。

    Thus , Chapter Four consists of the comparative study of government budgeting and government budget examining and approving , besides the relationship between representative system and government budget .