
  • 网络Format;storage format;common storage format
  1. 基于XML数据存储格式的软件开发

    Software Development of Data Store Format Based on XML

  2. XML(可扩展标记语言),以一种数据代表,转化,以及存储格式

    XML ( Extensible Markup Language ), a data representation , transformation , and storage format

  3. XML是一种数据存储格式。

    XML is a data storage format .

  4. 很多组织开始采用XML作为数据存储格式,一些出版、文档处理行业也采用XML文档,大多数的数据库系统也已经支持XML数据库。

    Many organizations store data in XML , and many database systems also support XML database .

  5. 认为XML的最大优点在于它的数据存储格式不受显示格式的制约。

    And we consider that the most major of XML is the independence of it 's data storage format with display form .

  6. XML作为一种元标记语言,由于其良好的数据存储格式、可扩展性、高度结构化以及便于网络传输等特点,已经逐渐成为网络数据交互的标准。

    XML is becoming a standard for data communication through the Internet because of its good data-storing form , expandability , hyper-structuralization and web-transforming , etc.

  7. XML(可扩展标记语言)以其自描述性和便于传输的优势迅速成为网络上交换数据的存储格式。

    XML ( eXtensible Markup Language ) becomes the store format of data exchanged on the Web for its self-describe and easy to be transmitted .

  8. 以栅格数据的数字高程模型(DEM)为基础,研究DEM对空间数据的存储格式,水文分析和地形分析算法。

    Study the spatial data model , hydrological analysis and terrain analysis based on DEM .

  9. 针对探地雷达检测中可能存在原始文件较大的现实问题,研究SIR系列雷达系统的原始数据文件的存储格式。

    To solve the problem of excessively big file , the authors studied the file format of SIR ground prospecting radar .

  10. 如果通过Web服务器提供MPEG-4内容服务,那么首先要把内容转变成交替存储格式。

    If you use a Web server to serve the MPEG-4 content , you should first convert the content to an interleaved format .

  11. 对于所有数据存储格式,可以使用单一API和相似的调用处理数据库、Java对象和XML文档。

    With a single API and similar calls for all data storage formats you can work with databases , Java objects , and XML documents .

  12. 本文用BASIC程序剖析了SPT图形文件的文件头、图形数据和图形数据压缩存储格式。

    By employing BASIC language , the paper analyzes file head , graphic data and compressed storage format of SPT graphic files .

  13. 可扩展标记语言(XML)被称为标记语言和基于文本的数据存储格式,这要看对谁来说。

    Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) is described as both a markup language and a text based data storage format , depending on who you talk to .

  14. 分析了可配置建模工具的总体需求及应具有的功能模块,详细设计了各模块的功能组成、数据结构、XML存储格式及用户界面,并给与了实现。

    Its needs and function modules are analyzed . The components , data structure , XML file format and user interface of each module are designed and implemented .

  15. 根据电路CAD软件设计结构的要求,对自动布线的输入数据采用文本文件的输入方式和链表的存储格式。

    According to the design structure of circuit CAD software , data are putted into the routing program by text file and are stored in data chain .

  16. XML语言具有良好的数据存储格式、可扩展性、高度结构化和便于网络传输等特点。

    The XML language had several advantages , such as good data storage form , the possibility of extension , the reliable structure and the advantageous for network transmission .

  17. 必须定义一种适应于FDM快速成形系统离线加工的文件存储格式。

    It is necessary to define a file format suitable for FDM system .

  18. 一种新的STL数据压缩存储格式

    A New STL Data Compressed Storage Format

  19. Photoshop的常用存储格式分析

    Analysis to Several Commonly Used Storage Formats for Photoshop

  20. MPEG-4文件的格式应当是IBM交替存储格式(请参阅本文后面的通过HTTP基于Web服务器的发布)。

    The MPEG-4 files should be in the IBM interleaved format ( see Web server based delivery over HTTP , later in this article ) .

  21. 这个行业的人习惯的情况是,存储格式变了,营收就随之而来,从唱片到8轨软片,从盒式磁带到CD,营收总是水到渠成地跟着而来。

    What you used to have was revenue following format changes : from vinyl to 8 track to cassette to CD , the revenue always followed .

  22. 而XML作为新的一代网络通用语言,具有良好的数据存储格式、可扩展性、高度结构化、便于网络传输等特点。

    And the XML , a popular universal language in the Web , is characterised by nicer data storage , good expansibility , highly structured format , suitable for transportation in net .

  23. 由于XML具有良好的数据存储格式、可扩展性、高度结构化和便于网络传输等特点使它能弥补STEP在网络环境下的不足。

    Because XML has the characteristics of good data storage format , expanded , highly structured and facilely network transmission to enable it to compensate for the lack of STEP in the network environment .

  24. 提出了XML模版的概念,实现了存储格式和可视化编辑界面系统的向后兼容的问题;

    The dissertation also designs an efficient distributed arithmetic on the simulation module The concept of XML Template is put forward to realize the save format and the backward-compatibility of visualize edit interface system .

  25. XML作为一种数据存储格式,在网络中使用XML交换数据,使得代码、数据和表示可以分离,具有强大的可移植性和灵活性。

    As for a kind of data storage form , XML is used to exchange data in network , which makes code , data and expression separate . So it has powerful transplantability and flexibility .

  26. 文章论述了伽马测试数据文件的存储格式,并详细介绍了如何使用VC编程语言来读取和转化岩芯伽马测试数据。

    This paper introduces the format of CGR and the method of processing those measure data by VC programme for using those datum without environment of CGR system in detail .

  27. 内容包括系统中各种表文件的存储格式介绍,系统核心数据结构的介绍,系统一些重要的宏定义介绍,并用较大篇幅描述了系统中一些基本API(ApplicationProgramInterface)的算法流程。

    The contents are including the logical format of various table file , some important data structure and macro definition . And we also give some flow process diagrams of the API ( Application Program Interface ) of the system .

  28. 作为AIX中最常用的存储格式,内部硬驱常被用于根卷组磁盘以及占用空间较小的服务器。

    The most common form of storage in AIX , internal hard drives are typically used for root volume group disks and servers with smaller footprints .

  29. 可识别的TIF平台扫描仪文件数据存储格式研究

    Researches on Data Memory Format of Scanner File Based on the Recognizable TIF Platform

  30. 可扩展标记语言(ExtensibleMarkupLanguage,XML)不仅被看作是一种标记语言,而且是一种基于文本的数据存储格式,它提供了基于文本的方法来应用和描述信息的树状结构。

    Extensible Markup Language ( XML ) is described as both a markup language and a text-based data storage format ; it offers a text-based means to apply and describe a tree-based structure to information .