- 网络Amy Chua;Amy L. Chua

There also seems to be some truth in the Tiger Mom syndrome described by author Amy Chua .
There also seems to be some truth in the " Tiger Mom " syndrome described by author Amy Chua .
They call Ms Chua insane and compare her to Voldemort .
Chua 's first book , Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , upset liberal mothers everywhere , making us feel uneasy about being such softies with our children .
Tiger mum : originated in a 2011 book by Chinese-American author Amy Chua about a traditional , strict approach to motherhood that gets results in terms of grades and extracurricular achievement .
The book proposal for " Fresh Off the Boat " was sent to publishers not long after an excerpt from Amy Chua 's memoir , " Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , " appeared in The Wall Street Journal .
But in her new book , Amy Chua takes this a step further to look at Hyperpowers societies which amassed such vast military and economic might that in effect , they dominated the world .
Amy Chua : the U.S. is unquestionably still a hyperpower .
Today , Chua has worked out some surprising compromises with her children .
Amy Chua : China and the U.S. just represent completely different models .
US pedagogues and parents certainly have a lot to learn from Ms Chua .
Amy Chua : I rely on and cite Dalrymple and James in my book .
She is of Chinese descent , but she grew up in the American Midwest .
Chua tried to paint a self-effacing portrait and use humour to poke fun at her shortcomings .
Ms Chua considers it less a burden than a privilege to feel like an outsider in America .
In the article Chua details how her strict parenting techniques have led to the success of her children .
Ms Chua is admirably blunt , describing the other parents at the schools her children attend as weak-willed and indulgent .
Despite having vastly different approaches to parenting , both Chua and Chang had daughters who were accepted into Harvard University .
Ms Chua is trying to protect her immoderate ambition from scrutiny and judgment by misrepresenting it as an ethnic peculiarity .
While the book shot to the top of the best-seller list , the criticism of hardcore Asian parenting has been fierce .
But the main thing the bluntness conveys is how much better Ms Chua and her family are than everyone around them .
Ms Chua thinks the biggest danger to American power is if the US slips into intolerance and xenophobia - bashing immigrants and embracing militarism .
A new book called " Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother " by Amy Chua has caused a debate about cultural differences in parenting .
Not only have Chua and Rubenfeld answered the Eton question , they have come up with the best universal theory of success I 've seen .
Like Tiger Mom Amy Chua , our parents , sincere in their rush to help us excel , exhorted us to work first and play later .
It 's a parenting style made famous in 2011 by the Chinese-American author Amy Chua and her best-selling book The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother .
So we give our actor , Rachel and Misha a scenario straight from the pages of the tiger mother book , and A - is a bad grade .
As it turns out , author Amy Chua , who started the tiger mother uproar , had a change of heart about strict parenting , after her youngest daughter rebelled .
When Lulu-who is now15-failed to perfect it , Chu then threatened her with no birthday parties for four years and told her to stop being'cowardly , lazy and pathetic ' .
AMY CHUA : " Attend a sleepover , have a play date , watch TV or play computer games , be in a school play , get any grade less than an A. "