
  • 网络Amy Chua;Amy L. Chua
  1. 此外,《虎妈战歌》一书的作者蔡美儿(amychua)在她书中所描述的虎妈症候群似乎也不无道理。

    There also seems to be some truth in the Tiger Mom syndrome described by author Amy Chua .

  2. 此外,《虎妈战歌》一书的作者蔡美儿(AmyChua)在她书中所描述的虎妈症候群似乎也不无道理。

    There also seems to be some truth in the " Tiger Mom " syndrome described by author Amy Chua .

  3. 她们把蔡美儿叫做疯子,把她比作伏地魔(Voldemort)。

    They call Ms Chua insane and compare her to Voldemort .

  4. 蔡美儿第一本书《虎妈战歌》(BattleHymnoftheTigerMother)曾让各地的宽容妈妈十分不安,使我们为曾经这么软弱地对待子女感到忧虑。

    Chua 's first book , Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , upset liberal mothers everywhere , making us feel uneasy about being such softies with our children .

  5. 虎妈式(Tigermum):此词出自华裔美国作家蔡美儿(AmyChua)2011年出版的一本书。书中写到母亲采用一种严苛的传统教育方法,令孩子在学业上以及课业外都有所成。

    Tiger mum : originated in a 2011 book by Chinese-American author Amy Chua about a traditional , strict approach to motherhood that gets results in terms of grades and extracurricular achievement .

  6. 在《华尔街日报》登出蔡美儿(AmyChua)的《虎妈战歌》(BattleHymnoftheTigerMother)节选后不久,黄就找到出版商,提出了想写《初来乍到》这样一本书。

    The book proposal for " Fresh Off the Boat " was sent to publishers not long after an excerpt from Amy Chua 's memoir , " Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother , " appeared in The Wall Street Journal .

  7. 但在蔡美儿(amychua)的新书中,她再进一步,研究对象成了超级强国(hyperpower)积累了巨大军事与经济实力并在实际上控制整个世界的社会。

    But in her new book , Amy Chua takes this a step further to look at Hyperpowers societies which amassed such vast military and economic might that in effect , they dominated the world .

  8. 蔡美儿:美国无疑仍是一个超级强国。

    Amy Chua : the U.S. is unquestionably still a hyperpower .

  9. 现在,蔡美儿和孩子们达成了一些让人惊叹的妥协。

    Today , Chua has worked out some surprising compromises with her children .

  10. 蔡美儿:中国和美国代表着完全不同的模式。

    Amy Chua : China and the U.S. just represent completely different models .

  11. 当然,蔡美儿的做法有许多值得美国教师和家长学习的地方。

    US pedagogues and parents certainly have a lot to learn from Ms Chua .

  12. 蔡美儿:我的书引用了达尔林普和詹姆斯的话,并以之为论据。

    Amy Chua : I rely on and cite Dalrymple and James in my book .

  13. 蔡美儿是华裔,在美国中西部长大,并不会说汉语。

    She is of Chinese descent , but she grew up in the American Midwest .

  14. 蔡美儿试图描绘一副低调的画像,并利用幽默取笑自己的短处。

    Chua tried to paint a self-effacing portrait and use humour to poke fun at her shortcomings .

  15. 蔡美儿认为,在美国感觉像局外人与其说是一种负担,不如说是一种特权。

    Ms Chua considers it less a burden than a privilege to feel like an outsider in America .

  16. 文中,蔡美儿详细描述了自己严厉的教育之道是如何引导孩子走向成功的。

    In the article Chua details how her strict parenting techniques have led to the success of her children .

  17. 蔡美儿的直言不讳令人钦佩,她说女儿学校的其他家长都意志薄弱,对孩子放纵溺爱。

    Ms Chua is admirably blunt , describing the other parents at the schools her children attend as weak-willed and indulgent .

  18. 尽管蔡美儿与常智韬有着极为不同的育儿方式,但两人各自的女儿都被哈佛大学录取。

    Despite having vastly different approaches to parenting , both Chua and Chang had daughters who were accepted into Harvard University .

  19. 蔡美儿试图通过把自己的过度野心假扮成一种民族特质,而使其免受审视和评判。

    Ms Chua is trying to protect her immoderate ambition from scrutiny and judgment by misrepresenting it as an ethnic peculiarity .

  20. 自从虎妈蔡美儿的书迅速畅销之后,许多评论家也开始担忧这种严格的教育方式。

    While the book shot to the top of the best-seller list , the criticism of hardcore Asian parenting has been fierce .

  21. 但这种直言不讳传达出的主要信息就是蔡美儿和她的家庭比身边所有人都更加出色。

    But the main thing the bluntness conveys is how much better Ms Chua and her family are than everyone around them .

  22. 蔡美儿认为,美国权威面临的最大危险是,美国是否会滑向狭隘和仇外&排斥移民并奉行军国主义。

    Ms Chua thinks the biggest danger to American power is if the US slips into intolerance and xenophobia - bashing immigrants and embracing militarism .

  23. 最近,有一本名为“虎妈战歌”(作者是美籍华人蔡美儿)的书引起了关于子女教育方法的文化差异的争论。

    A new book called " Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother " by Amy Chua has caused a debate about cultural differences in parenting .

  24. 蔡美儿和鲁宾费尔德不仅仅回答了伊顿公学的问题。在我所见过的普适成功学理论中,他们提出的观点是最佳的一个。

    Not only have Chua and Rubenfeld answered the Eton question , they have come up with the best universal theory of success I 've seen .

  25. 就像虎妈蔡美儿一样,我们的父母,总是期盼着我们能够做得比别人更好更优秀,总是劝导我们要以学习为重。

    Like Tiger Mom Amy Chua , our parents , sincere in their rush to help us excel , exhorted us to work first and play later .

  26. 2011年,美籍华裔作家蔡美儿和她的畅销作品《虎妈战歌》让这种育儿方式闻名全世界。

    It 's a parenting style made famous in 2011 by the Chinese-American author Amy Chua and her best-selling book The Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother .

  27. 所以我们请演员瑞秋与米莎饰演一出跟蔡美儿的书里一样的情节。对于虎妈来说,A-是很糟的分数。

    So we give our actor , Rachel and Misha a scenario straight from the pages of the tiger mother book , and A - is a bad grade .

  28. 结果掀起打骂教育热潮的作家虎妈蔡美儿,已经改变她的态度了,因为她最小的女儿革命成功了。

    As it turns out , author Amy Chua , who started the tiger mother uproar , had a change of heart about strict parenting , after her youngest daughter rebelled .

  29. 而当那时只有15岁露露无法弹奏得十全十美时,蔡美儿的反应则是威胁说四年都不会给她办生日宴会,并要她别再那么“懦弱、懒惰又悲哀”。

    When Lulu-who is now15-failed to perfect it , Chu then threatened her with no birthday parties for four years and told her to stop being'cowardly , lazy and pathetic ' .

  30. 蔡美儿:“在外面过夜、与同学聚会、看电视或玩电脑游戏、参加课外活动、任何一门成绩低于A,(这些都是不允许的。)”

    AMY CHUA : " Attend a sleepover , have a play date , watch TV or play computer games , be in a school play , get any grade less than an A. "