  • berkelium
  • 一种人造放射性元素,是由甲种粒子轰击镅而得到的。

  1. GSI的粒子加速器中的钛原子必须有足够快的移动速度来克服自身质子间的斥力与锫质子间的斥力,却又必须足够慢,以防将还没时间稳定下来的新合成元素119号撞裂。

    The titanium atoms must be travelling fast enough in GSI 's particle accelerator to overcome the repulsion between their protons and those of the berkelium , yet slowly enough to avoid ripping the newly formed atom of element 119 apart before it has had time to settle down .

  2. 在与加利福尼亚州的劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室(锫命名的由来之处)和俄罗斯杜布纳的联合核研究所(105号元素钍命名的由来之处)竞争的过程中,合成119号元素将会是GSI值得自豪的卓越成就。

    That will be a feather in GSI 's cap in its friendly competition with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory , in California ( after which berkelium is named ) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna , Russia ( after which dubnium , number 105 , is named ) .

  3. 这一点在钫、锗、钪、钋、铕、锎、锫、镅等元素的拉丁名上颇为明显。

    It is evident in entries like francium , germanium , scandium , polonium , europium , californium , berkelium and americium .

  4. 此刻,位于冰岛的“解码遗传学打算”也让我们这些让苡锫来能做一件最美梦的工作,那就是有机缘拿我们自己的基因组,与有些科学文献中的遗传学发现进行斗劲。

    Now Iceland-based deCode Genetics is offering the rest of us the next best thing : a chance to compare our genomes against the some of the scientific literature 's genetic discoveries .

  5. 澳大利亚国立大学的大卫·辛德教授称利用加速器中的一束钙48核轰击散射室中锫249的原子。

    Professor David Hinde , of the Australian National University , says a beam of calcium-48 nuclei , coming from an accelerator , flies into a scattering chamber where it hits atoms of berkelium-249 .

  6. 这些“超铀”元素可以通过更轻元素的熔合来人工合成,这也是Dullmann博士想对119号元素应用的,将钛(22号)原子与锫(97号)原子大量熔合,希望其中一些可以合并产生新元素。

    Such " transuranic " elements can , however , be made artificially by the fusion of lighter ones . And that is precisely what Dr Dullmann intends to do in the case of element 119 , by firing titanium atoms ( number 22 ) at those of berkelium ( 97 ) and hoping some of them merge .