
  • 网络identification of cultural relics;Technology of Appraisal
  1. 文物鉴定的法律关系比较复杂,根据主体的不同,体现了民法属性和行政属性的交叉。

    The legal relationship between the identification of cultural relics is more complex , according to the different subjects , cross the civil law attribute and administrative attributes reflected .

  2. 湖南省文物鉴定中心大楼设计方案竞标

    Identification of Cultural Relics in Hunan Province Center Design Bid

  3. 面向文物鉴定本体的基础模型与建模环境

    Toward Ontology for the Foundational Model of Antique Authentication and Its Modeling Environment

  4. 我们馆有几位文物鉴定家。

    There are several connoisseurs in our museum .

  5. 并将该推理方法应用于文物鉴定领域,成功建立了青铜器鉴定专家系统。

    We apply the reasoning method to the area of cultural relic identify , and build an expert system of bronze identify successfully .

  6. 本文阐述了铜镜起源,并运用考古学及文物鉴定学的研究方法,对汉镜进行了分类。

    This article is about the origin of Bronze Mirror , and make use of the research methods of archeology and cultural relic 's appraisal to classify the Han Mirror .

  7. 文物鉴定的标准和办法由国家文化行政管理部门制定,并报国务院批准。

    The criteria and measures for the verification of cultural relics shall be formulated by the state department for cultural administration , which shall report them to the State Council for approval .

  8. 本文从考古学和文物鉴定、生物医学与新药研究开发、工业生产等几个方面,对现代分析仪器的新应用做了概述,并对现代分析仪器的应用前景作了展望。

    The new application of modern analytical apparatus was described in this paper , which from the aspects of archaeology and cultural relic appraisal , biomedicine , industrial production . And the applicable prospects of modern analytical apparatus was also forecasted .

  9. 一种简易光导纤维反射分光光度计的研制及其在文物颜料鉴定中的应用

    A Simple Optical Fiber Reflectance Spectrophotometer and Its Application in Identification of Pigments on Relics

  10. 中国文物学会鉴定委员会委员,中国考古学会会员。

    Committeeman of Identification Committee Chinese Society of Relics , Member of Chinese Society of Archeology .

  11. 国家颁发的《文物出口鉴定参考标准》规定禁止出境的古旧书籍,以及其他具文物价值的。

    Antique books and other articles of cultural relic value listed in Reference Standard for Exporting Antique Appraisal as items prohibited from exportation .

  12. FORS法对文物颜料无损鉴定及监测有害气体环境下颜料变色的研究

    Non-Destructive Identification on Relics'Pigments by Fiber Optics Reflectance Spectroscopy and Monitoring the Pigments ' Changes in the Harmful Gases

  13. 古陶,瓷文物属性的计算机鉴定

    Determining the Attributes of Ancient Pottery and Porcelain with a Computer

  14. 谈及文物保护和文物交易,必然涉及文物鉴定,如果真假不分、优劣不辩,文物保护将无从着手。

    Talk about the protection of cultural relics and cultural exchange , will inevitably involve the identification of cultural relics , if true or false , or not , the protection of cultural relics will be unable to proceed .

  15. 文物的历史、艺术和科学价值具有隐蔽性,必须通过文物鉴定来揭示。

    Cultural relic is a product of human culture , is the carrier of Chinese history and traditional culture , embodies the historical transformation of the world of the ancestors . The historic , artistic and scientific value is hidden , must be revealed through identification of cultural relics .