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  • wax pattern;investment pattern
  1. SLS原型蜡模代替压型蜡模的可行性研究(在蜡型上套制铸模用的)耐火材料

    Feasibility Study on SLS Prototype Wax Pattern Instead of Die Wax Pattern

  2. 使用制冷机冷却压蜡模具比水冷却法效率高,劳动条件好,提高了蜡模表面粗糙度。

    To cool the pattern injection die by refrigerator is more efficient than by water cool , and it provides better working conditions and improves the surface degree of finish of the wax pattern .

  3. 空心叶片蜡模壁厚的超声波测量法

    Ultrasonic Method for Measuring Wall thickness of Hollow Blade Wax patterns

  4. 熔模精密铸造蜡模充型过程的数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Mold Filling Process for Wax Pattern in Investment Casting

  5. 铲形件蜡模制备工艺研究

    Study of the Making Technology of the Wax Pattern for Shovel Casting

  6. 熔模精铸中蜡模精度的研究概况

    A Study on Accuracy of Wax Pattern in Investment Casting

  7. 精铸蜡模的快速制造技术

    Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing of Waxen Pattern for Precision Casting

  8. 蜡模加工分段速度调节系统的设计与实现

    Design and Realization of Multi-segment Speed Regulating System for Wax Model Processing

  9. 影响精密铸造蜡模表面粗糙度的因素

    The Factors Affecting the Surface Roughness of wax Patterns

  10. 现代的铸造用蜡是用来制造形状复杂、尺寸要求较严格的蜡模。因此,蜡可以被认为是工程热塑性塑料,但并非是真正的热塑性塑料。

    Modern casting waxes are used to manufacture complex patterns with tightly specified dimensions .

  11. 蜡模制造后掠式压气机叶轮

    Backswept Bladed Compressor Impeller Manufactured with Wax Pattern

  12. 严格模料管理,防止蜡模夹灰(杂)缺陷的产生

    Strictly Managing Pattern-material to Prevent the Occurrence of the Ash Defects in Wax Pattern

  13. 牙嵌式离合器的模糊可靠性设计精铸蜡模的快速制造技术

    FUZZY RELIABILITY DESIGN OF CLUTCH Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing of Waxen Pattern for Precision Casting

  14. 蜡模分体组合工艺的应用

    Application of Partite Wax Pattern Combination Technology

  15. 大型涡轮叶片无余量精密铸造尺寸精度控制研究&蜡模尺寸稳定性(在蜡型上套制铸模用的)耐火材料

    Dimensional Accuracy Control of Investment Casting Large-Size Turbine Blade & Dimensional Stability of Wax Pattern

  16. 砂型铸钢件的湿型铸造工艺影响精密铸造蜡模表面粗糙度的因素

    Green Casting Process of Sand Steel_Castings The Factors Affecting the Surface Roughness of wax Patterns

  17. 熔模精密精密铸造是在古代蜡模精密铸造的基础上发展起来的。

    Precision Die Casting melt in the ancient wax casting mold on the basis of developed .

  18. 钴-60远距离治疗机缺陷组织补偿蜡模与支架的研制

    The Development Of an Co ── 60 teletherapy missing tissue filling And compensating paraffin phantom and support

  19. 探讨了在替代木模、经转移涂料制作铸件、经硅橡胶翻制铸件、精密铸造用蜡模等方面的应用。

    The application of LOM and SLS in sand casting , transferred coating casting , investment casting are discussed .

  20. 研究了用硬蜡雕刻首饰原模型至首饰蜡模树的熔接过程中,易出现问题及解决措施。

    Problems and measures in assembling / welding the wax patterns into a ' investment tree ' were investigated .

  21. 蜡模,蜡刻制版法:一种通过先在涂蜡金属板上刻字来准备电版印刷平面的工序。

    Cerotype : The process of preparing a printing surface for electrotyping by first engraving on a wax-coated metal plate .

  22. 首饰蜡镶铸造是将宝石预先镶嵌在蜡模中,铸造后金属液冷却收缩而直接将宝石固定在镶口中的工艺。

    In wax setting and casting process , gemstones are pre-set in the wax models and directly set by the poured metal liquid solidifying .

  23. 介绍了在熔模铸造空心叶片过程中,用超声波测量法测量叶片蜡模壁厚的原理、应用和优点。

    The principle , application and advantages are introduced of ultrasonic method for measuring wall thickness of hollow blade wax patterns in investment casting .

  24. 传统的颜面缺损赝复体的制作是由手工雕刻蜡模完成,通常受医师或技师雕刻技艺的影响,形态仿真不佳,制作周期长,难以实现理想的仿真修复效果。

    The traditional facial prostheses were made up by hand-curved and wax-cast , so , its anatomical shape was limited by carve techniques from technicians .

  25. 经试验,蜡模压型的铸造收缩率可在0.5%~1.2%之间选择;

    The experimental results showed that the casting shrinkage ratio of wax pattern die can be selected in the range of 0.5 % ~ 1.2 % .

  26. 设计制造了专用的蜡模熔合与校正夹具,以保证模组与铸件的尺寸精度。

    In order to obtain dimensional precision of wax Patterns and castings , a special fixture has been designed and Produced for correcting and assembling wax patterns .

  27. 这种工艺需要解决蜡模组表面导电问题,传统的金属导电涂料由于价格昂贵,并且影响铸件的化学成分,使其应用受到限制。

    Because the price of metal conductive coating is very expensive and the coating influence chemical composition of cast , the application of metal conductive coating is subject to restriction .

  28. 在电子工业上可用于蜡模的表面处理和作为金属清洗剂,此外可作为光学仪器的精磨液等。

    In electronic industry , they serve as the surface treatment of wax matrix and metal cleaner . Besides , they can be used as finish milling fluid for optical instrument .

  29. 铸造齿形精铸件时,可在蜡模齿面先喷涂1层浆衬,然后再沾浆操作,可以提高齿面轮廓清晰度,并避免产生大、小气泡。

    Firstly , wax pattern tooth face was sprayed with a layer of slurry , and then stained with slurry , which can improve the clarity tooth face profile and avoid gas hole .

  30. 早在5世纪,人类就开始对蚌进行研究。当时中国人将佛像的蜡模注入淡水蚌的躯体和贝壳之间,来培育佛形珍珠。

    The oyster 's secret was partially fathomed as early as the5th century , when Chinese produced little pearl Buddha by sliding wax figures into freshwater mussels between the body and the shell .