
  1. 北京市是中华人民共和国的首都,全国政治、文化和国际交往中心。

    Beijing , the center of policy , culture and international communication , is the capital of china .

  2. 在全球疫情不断加速蔓延态势下,作为国际交往中心,北京仍然承受着风险的冲击。

    As a center for international exchanges , Beijing still the risks as the worldwide spread of the COVID-19 pandemic is accelerating .

  3. 北京为中国第二大城市,同时也是中国陆空交通的总枢纽和最重要的国内国际交往中心。

    Beijing is China 's second largest city , but also China 's total land and air transport hub and the most important domestic and international exchange center .

  4. 北京作为中国的政治中心、文化中心和国际交往中心,在人才、科技、产业基础等各方面具有得天独厚的优势,具备承接国际服务业转移的现实和潜在能力。

    As the political , cultural and international intercourse center , with the advantaged superiority in the aspects of human resources , science and technology , industry basement , Beijing has the realistic and potential capability to carry on the international services transfer .

  5. 北京是全国政治、科学、文化中心和国际交往的中心,改革开放以来,北京市发生了巨大变化,已成为国际上综合性特大城市,并正在向现代化、国际化大都市方向发展。

    Beijing is the political , scientific , cultural centers and international exchange center . Since the reform and opening up , Beijing has undergone tremendous changes , become a comprehensive international mega-cities . And is the modern , international metropolis direction .