
qǐ zhònɡ chuán
  • floating crane;crane ship
  1. Profibus-DP在起重船变频传动及其控制系统中的应用

    The Application of Profibus-DP in Crane Ship Variable Frequency Drive and Control System

  2. 1000t起重船扒杆结构强度有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of Derrick Structure Strength for 1000 t Crane Ship

  3. NAPA软件在起重船完整稳性计算中的应用

    Application of NAPA in the calculation of intact stability for floating crane

  4. 3000t海上运架梁专用起重船结构设计

    Introduction of the structure design of 3000 t lifting capacity special floating crane for bridge beams

  5. 4000t起重船的中压电力系统设计

    Design of the intermediate voltage power system for the 4 000 t crane ship

  6. 7000t全回转起重船中压电力系统简析

    Shallow talk about MV system for 7000T Floating Crane Vessel

  7. 以汕头港广澳港区一期工程沉箱安装为例,介绍200t起重船没水安装近千吨沉箱的一种新工艺。

    Taking caisson installation of Shantou Port Guang ′ ao Port Area Phase I Project as an example , this paper introduces the submerged installation of caisson of nearly 1 000 t with 200 t floating crane .

  8. 简要阐述了3000t海上运架梁专用起重船的结构设计难点以及通过以有限元计算解决常规设计所不能解决的难点。

    The paper introduces the difficulties in structure design of 3 000 t special floating crane and aims to overcome the difficulties by the finite element calculation that are hard to realize in the routine design .

  9. 为满足杭州湾大桥70m预应力混凝土箱梁整孔预制架设的需要,设计建造一艘3000t海上运架梁专用起重船。

    To cater for the need of marine transportation and erection of the full-span , 70 m long precast prestressed concrete box girders of Hangzhou Bay Bridge , a 3 000-t lifting vessel specially for the said purpose is designed and built .

  10. 全回转推进装置在双体起重船上的应用

    The application of the rudder propellers in the twin crane vessel

  11. 起重船吊物系统在波浪中的动力响应

    Dynamic response of lifting load system of crane vessel in waves

  12. 浅谈双体起重船的结构设计

    An peripheral analysis of the structure design of twin hulls crane

  13. 半潜式起重船在受损舰船援救中的应用

    The Application of Heavy Lift Using in Wreckage Warship Salvage

  14. 作为重要的海洋工程船舶,起重船有了广阔的用武之地。

    As an important offshore vessel , floating cranes are widely used today .

  15. 大型起重船水动力系数的研究

    The Hydrodynamic Coefficients Research on Large Derrick Barge Ships

  16. 运架梁起重船起重架结构有限元分析

    Finite element analysis of ship mounted crane structure

  17. 为了验证延时定位反馈控制器的可行性,本文以T-ACS起重船为例进行了计算机模拟。

    To verify the effectiveness of the controller , numerical simulation based onT-ACS is given .

  18. 基于遗传算法的大型起重船拔杆式臂架优化设计研究

    The Optimization Design Research on Jib Arm Structure of Giant Floating Crane Based on Genetic Algorithm

  19. 大型起重船波浪诱导吊索附加动力荷载研究

    Study on the additional dynamic load of lifting rope due to wave-induced motion of heavy crane barge

  20. 但是对于起重船这个整体工程的系统化研究,还有很长的路要走。

    But for the overall crane ship system , there is still a long way to go .

  21. 接着建立了起重船的三维模型,包括三维数值水池和起重船模型的网格划分、边界条件设定。

    Thirdly , the three-dimensional model of the crane ship and a three-dimensional numerical pool were established .

  22. 巨型起重船起重机多重安全保护方法

    A Method of Multi-layers Safety Protection of the Large Floating Crane Simulation of self-removable counterweight of crawler crane

  23. 运架梁起重船在跨海大桥、海洋平台等建设中具有重要的作用。

    Crane of transporting and lifting girders plays an important role in constructing the bridge and offshore platforms .

  24. 本文研究起重船在波浪中作业时吊物系统的动力响应。文中提出船体&起吊重物体的力学模型,建立了起吊过程中重物运动的非线性微分方程组。

    The mechanic model of vessel-lifted heavy load system is presented , non-linear simultaneous differential equations are established .

  25. 最后,归纳出如何优化设计大型起重船的压载舱。

    Finally , it is concluded how to optimize the design of ballast tanks for a large floating crane .

  26. t全回转起重船主要由起重机和船舶两大部分组成,介绍其主要技术特点及技术性能。

    The400-t capacity fully swing lifting vessel is mainly composed of two major parts of the crane and vessel .

  27. 随着海洋资源开发的迅速发展,越来越多的海洋工程作业项目需要由大型起重船来协助完成。

    With the rapid development of marine resources development , more and more marine projects need large-scale marine crane assistance .

  28. 系留气球锚泊状态动力学仿真分析与试验研究考虑吊臂弹性的锚泊起重船动力特性研究

    Dynamic Simulation and Experimental Study on Tethered Balloon at Mooring Condition ; Dynamic Response Analysis of Moored Crane-ship with Flexible Booms

  29. 另外海上打捞,安装等操作都需要有大量的起重船。

    In addition , there is a great deal of derrick ships required in the salvage and fixing on the sea .

  30. 深海铺管起重船作业视景仿真系统是一套半物理仿真系统,不同的硬件子系统间存在着数据的交换。这个功能由网络模块负责。

    Visual simulation training system is a semi-physical simulation system . The network module manage the function of data stream exchanging .