
Qīnɡhuá Dà xué
  • Tsinghua University
  1. 清华大学图书馆多媒体资源Web查询系统的建设

    Establishment of Multimedia Resources Web Search System in Tsinghua University Library

  2. 清华大学汤姆逊散射超短脉冲X射线源研究

    Researches of Thomson scattering ultra-short pulse X-ray source at Tsinghua University

  3. 30岁时,她成为了清华大学最年轻的教授。

    At the age of 30 , she became the youngest professor at Tsinghua .

  4. 可计算性、复杂性和语言》,清华大学出版社,北京,1989

    Matin D. Davis , Computability , Complexity , and Languages , Academic Press , 1983 . 《

  5. 目前PASS算法已经被成功地应用于清华大学出版社的互动式语言学习系统中。

    The system has been successfully adopted by the Tsinghua University Press interactive language learning system .

  6. 货币,银行,资本市场MBA课程-清华大学东莞MBA班。

    MBA Course on Money , Banking and Capital Markets-Tsinghua University .

  7. 本文介绍清华大学电机工程系研制的一种高强度软X光源,这种光源是由喷气式Z箍缩等离子体产生的。

    A high intensity soft X-ray source has been developed in this laboratory by using gas puff Z-pinch plasma .

  8. 扎克伯格与清华大学的新关系显示了Facebook在中国的长远打算。

    Mr. Zuckerberg 's new association with Tsinghua University shows how Facebook is playing the long game in China .

  9. 在PITS系统〔1〕基础上,清华大学CNPT实验室进一步开发了IP/ICMP远程测试模块。

    Based on PITS , we has developed a Remote Testing Module for conformance testing on IP / ICMP .

  10. 计算机辅助建树专家系统(FaultTreeExpertSystem简称FTES)是清华大学核研院开发的计算机辅助建立故障树软件。

    Fault Tree Expert System ( abbreviated to FTES ) developed by Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology of Tsinghua University is a computer-aided fault tree building software .

  11. 就在美国硬件制造商在华面临种种压力之际,惠普(HP)将其在华服务器业务剥离,与清华大学(TsinghuaUniversity)成立了一家合资企业。

    Hewlett-Packard is spinning off its Chinese server business into a joint venture with Tsinghua university , as US hardware makers come under pressure in China .

  12. 巴中两国MBA教育管理比较分析&以巴基斯坦国立现代语言大学和清华大学为例

    A Comparative Study of MBA Educational Management in Pakistan and China & Taking National University of Modern Languages and Tsinghua University as examples

  13. 有一次在北京旅行时,我发现清华大学提供清华-麻省理工(MIT)国际MBA课程,英文授课。

    On a trip to Beijing , I discovered that Tsinghua University offered the Tsinghua-MIT International MBA , a programme taught in English .

  14. 清华大学10MW高温气冷堆氦气辅助系统的调试

    Assisted examination Commissioning of Helium Auxiliary System for HTR-10

  15. 清华大学被称为中国的麻省理工学院(MIT),当时以工科著称。

    Tsinghua , which is known as China 's answer to Massachusetts Institute of Technology , was famous for its engineering department .

  16. 在2016年泰晤士报高等教育世界大学排行榜(TimesHigherEducationWorldUniversityRankings)上,有289所亚洲大学上榜,其中19所排在前200名之列,包括中国的清华大学(Tsinghua)。该榜单全部上榜大学为980所。

    In the 2016 Times Higher Education WorldUniversity Rankings , 289 Asian universities made it on to the list of 980universities and 19 - including China 's Tsinghua - are in the ranking 's top 200 .

  17. 我的同事黄益平教授以及清华大学的李稻葵教授都认为,过去几年间家庭消费在GDP中所占比重有所上升。

    My colleague Yiping Huang and David Li , professor at Tsinghua University , both believe that the share of household consumption in GDP has increased in the past several years .

  18. 中国于2003年加入该项目,清华大学NGO研究所负责该项目在中国的实施。

    China joined in this project in 2003 and the NGO Research Center of Tsinghua University took charge of its implementation in China .

  19. 这所机构名为全球创新学院(GlobalInnovationExchange),是华盛顿大学和中国一流的研究型院校清华大学合作成立的,将在2016年秋季开学,开设技术创新相关的硕士学位课程。

    The institute , the Global Innovation Exchange , is a partnership between the University of Washington and one of China 's leading research universities , Tsinghua University . It will open in fall 2016 with a master 's degree program in technology innovation .

  20. 由清华大学-中科院生物物理所结构生物学联合研究小组完成的线粒体呼吸链膜蛋白复合物II的晶体结构研究成果以Article的方式发表在2005年7月1日出版的Cell上。

    An article entitled Crystal Structure of Mitochondrial Respiratory Membrane Protein Complex II was published in the July 1st , 2005 issue of the journal Cell . This research work was accomplished by the Tsinghua - Institute of Biophysics Joint Research Group for Structural Biology .

  21. 凯洛格与香港科技大学的EMBA项目从2009年至2014年一直位居该排行榜榜首,但2014年输给Trium项目,2015年又败给清华大学(Tsinghua)与欧洲工商管理学院(InseadUniversity)合办的EMBA项目。

    Kellogg / HKUST dominated this ranking from 2009 to 2014 but lost out to Trium in 2014 and to Tsinghua University / Insead in 2015 .

  22. 清华大学(TsinghuaUniversity)电机工程与应用电子技术系博士生郑一鸣说,我认为抱怨高等教育无用的人主要是非重点大学的学生,而且主要是文科专业的学生。

    ' I think people complaining about the uselessness of higher education are mostly coming from non-first-tier university students , especially liberal-arts majors , ' said Zheng Yiming , a doctoral candidate majoring in electrical engineering at Tsinghua University .

  23. 清华大学很高兴能与西门子就CKI计划进行合作。

    Tsinghua is very happy to be able to partner with Siemens on the CKI program .

  24. 简要描述了清华大学10MW高温气冷实验堆的氦循环风机远距离控制系统的设计与调试概况。

    Verifications and design of the remote control on 10MW high temperature gas cooled test reactor helium circulator are described in this paper .

  25. 为此文章在总结已有ECC芯片实现情况的基础上,介绍了清华大学微电子学研究所在ECC芯片实现方面所做的工作。

    After some existing hardware implementations of ECC being reviewed , this paper presents the research achievements that the Institute of Microelectronics of Tsinghua University has made in ECC chip development .

  26. 今年20岁的肖遥就读于清华大学。凭着一首翻唱自Cascades的《雨中曲》(《阿甘正传》插曲),他以自己清新迷人的演绎,打动了上千网友的心。

    XIAO Yao , a20-year-old Tsinghua University student , has touched the hearts of hundreds of people with his own sweet version of The Cascades ` Rhythm of the Rain .

  27. 欧洲工商管理学院(Insead)将这两种选项结合在一起,不仅在法国、阿布扎比和新加坡设立了学院,还与清华大学开展EMBA合作办学项目。

    One school , Insead , has combined both options , with campuses in France , Abu Dhabi and Singapore and an EMBA partnership with Tsinghua .

  28. 用二次离子质谱(SIMS)和X射线衍射(XRD)对清华大学材料系电子封装用的AlN陶瓷进行了研究。

    In this article , the electronic packaging ceramic AlN samples from Department of Materials , Tsinghua university , have been studied using secondary ion mass spectrometry ( SIMS ) and X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) .

  29. 尽管欧洲工商管理学院与清华大学的合办项目重新跌至亚军位置,但欧洲工商管理学院自己的EMBA项目的排名却上升3个位置,排在第四位,该项目上次获得第4名是在2011年。

    While Insead 's joint programme dropped back into second place , its single-school programme moved up three places to fourth , a place it last occupied in 2011 .

  30. 周三,Facebook的首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)用出人意料的形式展示了他对中国的兴趣,他在北京清华大学的一个座谈会上用中文讲了大约半个小时。

    On Wednesday , Facebook 's chief executive , Mark Zuckerberg , gave a dramatic display of his interest in the country , speaking in Chinese for about a half-hour at a forum at Tsinghua University in Beijing .