
qīnɡ suàn zǔ
  • liquidating group;liquidation commission
  1. 只有公司清算组才有资格处理公司的债权、债务和未尽事务。

    Only the liquidation commission has the right to handle the creditor 's right , the debts and unfinished businesses , so the liquidation commission has the qualification of litigation subject .

  2. 本文研究英国破产管理人和中国破产清算组在各自破产程序中的权利义务、职权、地位、作用及其相关问题。

    This thesis is a study on the rights and obligations , authority , status , function and other relevant problems of the England bankruptcy administrator and the Chinese liquidating group .

  3. 本章在此基础上讨论了清算组的组成问题。

    This chapter then discusses the composition of the liquidator panel .

  4. 清算组应当对债权进行登记。

    The liquidation group shall carry out registration of creditor 's rights .

  5. 清算组可以聘任必要的工作人员。

    The liquidation team may hire necessary work personnel .

  6. 清算组可以依法进行必要的民事活动。

    The liquidation team may carry out necessary civil actions in accordance with law .

  7. 在清算组成员的选任方面也存在大量弊端。

    The selection system of the members of the liquidation group also has substantial drawbacks .

  8. 保险公司应当依法成立清算组,进行清算。

    The company shall set up a liquidation group according to law to conduct liquidation .

  9. 我国曾经实行的清算组制度体现了浓厚的行政干预色彩。

    China used to implement the liquidation group system which reflected strong color of administrative intervention .

  10. 在申报债权期间,清算组不得对债权人进行清偿。

    During the period of declaration of claims , the liquidation team shall not satisfy the creditors .

  11. 我国破产实践中对清算组监督不力的现象,反映了我国破产法监督机制的薄弱。

    Lack of supervision of liquidation group in bankruptcy operation reflects the weakness of supervision system of bankruptcy liquidation .

  12. 新的企业破产法改革了以往的清算组制度,引入了管理人制度。

    The new reform of the enterprise bankruptcy law before the liquidation group system , introduced the system administrator .

  13. 由金融监督管理部门依法及时组织清算组,进行清算。

    The financial supervision and regulation department shall promptly appoint a liquidation task force to carry out the liquidation procedures .

  14. 这是对清算组制度的重大突破,是与国际接轨的好开端。

    This is the major breakthrough for the liquidation group system , and is a good beginning for bringing in line with international practice .

  15. 清算组负责破产财产的保管、清理、估价、处理和分配。

    The liquidation team shall be responsible for the keeping , putting into order , appraisal , disposition and distribution of the bankruptcy property .

  16. 清算组成员应当忠于职守,依法履行清算义务。

    The members of a liquidation group shall faithfully carry out their tasks and shall carry out their liquidation duties in accordance with the law .

  17. 破产清算组的报送材料应重点分析资产处置结果与评估结果的差异情况。

    The material submitted by the liquidation group shall focus on analyzing the variance between the result of the assets disposal and the result of evaluation .

  18. 清算组成员不得利用职权收受贿赂或者其他非法收入,不得侵占公司财产。

    Members of the liquidating committee may not abuse their authorities by accepting bribes or receiving other illegal income , and may not misappropriate company assets .

  19. 破产企业的债务人和财产持有人,只能向清算组清偿债务或者交付财产。

    The debtors of a bankrupt enterprise and persons holding the property of a bankrupt enterprise can repay debts or deliver property only to the liquidation team .

  20. 公司经人民法院裁定宣告破产后,清算组应当制作清算事务移交给人民法院。

    If a company has been declared bankrupt by the people 's court , the liquidation committee shall hand over liquidation matters to the people 's court .

  21. 人民法院应当受理该申请,并及时指定清算组成员,进行清算。

    The people 's court shall accept and hear such applications and timely designate the members of the liquidation group in order to carry out liquidation procedures .

  22. 清算组制度的历史走向应进一步予以明确,首先要有效地防其弊、兴其利,其次可以参考国外立法例,逐步把清算组制度改革为公共管理人制度。

    We should prevent the disadvantages of liquidation team and promote its advantages , and then reform the liquidation team system and transform it to public administrator system .

  23. 现行规定可能造成清算组中缺乏外部人利益表达机制,从而造成债权人等利益相关人的利益损失。

    Existing regulations may cause the lack of expression mechanism for external interests in the liquidator panel , which will result in the losses of creditors and other stakeholders .

  24. 如果发生清算组成员损害公司、债权人或股东的利益的行为,则应由清算组采取行动予以制止。

    If something had happened that the liquidation team members damage the right of company , creditors or shareholders of the company shall take measures to stop this action .

  25. 论破产管理人的任职资格我国现行破产法所采用的从政府官员中选任清算组的制度不仅在理论上存在着明显的弊端,而且在实践中也造成了严重的后果。

    The Qualifications of the Insolvency Assignee It is harmful not only in theory but also in practice that choosing the members of insolvency assignee from the governmental officials .

  26. 企业破产清算组可根据法院宣告,直接委托符合条件的资产评估机构对破产企业全部财产进行评估。

    Enterprise bankruptcy liquidation groups may , in accordance with the adjudications of the courts , directly entrust qualified assets assessment institutions to assess all the assets of the bankrupt enterprises .

  27. 由金融监督管理部门依法及时组织清算组,进行清算。搬运处理-阀门应该安装在清洁的管线上。

    The financial supervision and regulation department shall promptly appoint a liquidation task force to carry out the liquidation procedures . Handling - Valves should always be installed in clean lines .

  28. 在对国外相关立法进行考察的同时,对国内清算组制度进行了回顾、比较和检讨,找出了我国破产管理人监督机制中存在的问题。

    In the study of foreign-related legislation , while the domestic liquidation group system were reviewed , compared and review of the bankruptcy administrator to find out the problems in oversight mechanisms .

  29. 在该法中,破产管理人制度取代旧破产法的清算组制度被公认为是其亮点之一②。

    In the law , the biggest a little bit bright is to be led to go into nations to go through of trustee in bankruptcy system replacing the old liquidation group system .

  30. 丧失法人资格的企业之债权债务由清算组继受,清算组具有独立的法律人格,不是被清算企业人格的延续;

    The liquidation committee shall succeed the rights and obligations of such an enterprise , which by itself is an independent legal entity , not the continuity of the demised enterprise 's legal personality .