
  • 网络cronus;kronos;cronos
  1. 她是瑞亚与克洛诺斯的第一个孩子。

    She is the first born child of Rhea and Cronus .

  2. 克洛诺斯因害怕子女背叛自己,要吃掉他们;

    Frightened of betrayal by their children , Cronus ate them ;

  3. 他还资助了克洛诺斯长寿研究所(KronosLongevityResearchInstitute),后者主要从事年龄相关疾病的临床研究。

    He also funded the Kronos Longevity Research Institute , which does clinical research on age-related diseases .

  4. 希腊神话里说宙斯为争夺大地所有权在与克洛诺斯(Kronos)的一场摔跤比赛中将其击败,因此,在与宙斯大殿近在咫尺的地方举行奥运会比赛被视为神圣之举,或者说只有精挑细选的少数人才能享有如此特权。

    Greek myth held that Zeus had defeated Kronos in a wrestling match for possession of the earth , so Olympic competition , held close to the god 's massive temple , was seen as a sacred act or privilege , available only to a select few .

  5. 她是克洛诺斯与瑞亚的女儿。

    She is the daughter of Cronus and Rhea .

  6. 克洛诺斯:泰坦神,在被他独生子宙斯废黜前一直统治着宇宙。

    Cronus : A Titan who ruled the universe until dethroned by his son Zeus .

  7. 宙斯是克洛诺斯之子。

    Kronos is the son of Zeus .

  8. 赫拉(朱诺):是克洛诺斯之女,宙斯的姐姐和妻子;

    Wife and sister of Zeus .

  9. 宙斯是克洛诺斯与瑞亚之子,是他的兄弟姐妹中最小的孩子。

    Zeus was the child of Cronus and Rhea , and the youngest of his siblings .

  10. 瑞亚生了许多子女,但每个孩子一出生就被克洛诺斯吃掉。

    Liberia gave birth to many children , but every child born on a Kronos been eaten .

  11. 他是克洛诺斯与瑞亚之子,波塞冬的象征是海豚和三叉戟。

    He is the son of Cronus and Rhea . Poseidons'symbols were the dolphin and the trident .

  12. 克洛诺斯从他父亲那知他的一个儿子将会夺走他的权力。

    Cronus learned from his father that one of his own sons would take away his power .

  13. 于是,宙斯躲过一劫,他被送到克洛诺斯的姐姐宁芙女神那里抚养。

    So , Zeus escaped , he was sent to Cronus sister nymphs goddess brought up there .

  14. 在克洛诺斯反对朱庇特的斗争中,普罗米修斯站到了奥林波斯山诸神的一边。

    In the conflict between Cronus and Jupiter , Prometheus had adopted the cause of the Olympian deities .

  15. 他是克洛诺斯与瑞亚之子,波塞冬的象征是海豚和三叉戟。赫斯提亚

    He is the son of Cronus and Rhea . Poseidons ' symbols were the dolphin and the trident .

  16. 克洛诺斯是时间的创造力和破坏力的结合体,他的妻子是掌管岁月流逝的女神瑞亚。

    Cronus is time creativity and destructive combination , his wife is in charge of the goddess of deserting Rhea .

  17. 宙斯(朱庇特):宙斯是克洛诺斯之子,万神之王,主管天空。

    Zeus ( Jupiter ): King of the gods and ruler of Mount Olympus ; god of the sky and thunder .

  18. 希腊人利用这个机会履行瑞亚,妻子克洛诺斯和希腊神话中的许多神的母亲。

    The Greeks used the occasion to honor Rhea , wife of Cronus and the mother of many deities of Greek mythology .

  19. 她用布裹住一块石头慌称这是新生的婴儿,克洛诺斯将石头一口吞下肚里。

    She used a cloth around a stone panic that this is a newborn infant , Cronus stones a swallow your stomach .

  20. 提到赫拉(朱诺),我们大抵都知道她是宙斯的妻子;她原来是克洛诺斯和瑞亚的女儿。

    Hera ( Juno ), Known to us chiefly as the wife of Zeus , was a daughter of Cronus and Rhea .

  21. 这里是希腊神话中宙斯与其父亲克洛诺斯搏斗并最后总击败他并获得皇位的地方。

    According to the leading version of mythology , this was where Zeus struggled with his father Cronus , finally beating him and seizing the throne .

  22. 第一批动物和第一个人是由两个人巨人创造出来的,这两个巨人曾在对抗克洛诺斯的战斗中站在神的一边。

    The first animals and the first man were made by two giants who had been on the side of the gods in the war with Cronus