
chū zī qī xiàn
  • time limit of capital subscription
  1. 但该资本制度的缺点是股东首付的法定出资比例稍低,缴清全部出资的期限稍长,特别是在我国信用制度不健全的背景下,不利于交易安全。

    The disadvantage of this new capital system is that the proportion is low of ini - tial capital contribution of the shareholders , the term of whole capital payment is rather long , which is not propitious to business security especially on the background of insufficient credit system .

  2. 因此,应将股东首付的法定出资比例提高至40%至50%,并适当缩短缴清出资的期限。

    Therefore , the proportion of initial capital contribution of the shareholders should be increased to 40 % - 50 % and the payment term should be shortened .