
sī lì
  • personal gain;private interests;private (or selfish) interests
私利 [sī lì]
  • [private (or selfish) interests; personal gain] 私人的利益

  • 图谋私利

  • 为了谋取私利,甚至无视党纪国法,手中有一点权,就为所欲为。--《伟大转变和重新学习》

私利[sī lì]
  1. 绝不能让私利挡住了眼睛。

    Never be blinded by private interests .

  2. 不仅公众的偏见,还有更难克服的许多个人的私利,是自由贸易完全恢复的不可抗拒的阻力。

    Not only the prejudices of the public , but what is much more unconquerable , the private interests of many individuals , irresistibly oppose free trade .

  3. 你难道看不出他在利用你谋求私利吗?

    Can 't you see he 's just using you for his own ends ?

  4. 他做事完全出于私利。

    He is motivated entirely by self-interest .

  5. 她完全是出于私利。

    She was motivated solely by self-interest .

  6. 他指责一些主要政党从这一局势中牟取私利。

    He accused the mainstream political parties of cynically exploiting this situation .

  7. 批评家声称他压榨黑人音乐家谋求私利。

    Critics claim he exploited black musicians for personal gain .

  8. 他们中的许多人置一己私利于集体利益之上。

    Many of them placed self-interest before the common good .

  9. 他们暗示说我之所以提议改革是贪图金钱,想谋取私利。

    They suggest that my motives for proposing reform are self-serving and mercenary .

  10. 他说民主会为追逐私利的政客大开方便之门,使他们趁机以公谋私。

    He said that democracy would open the way for self-seeking politicians to abuse the situation .

  11. 相比追逐私利,玛丽更乐意帮助他人。

    Mary 's much more interested in doing things for other people than feathering her own nest .

  12. 在公正与私利之间很难两全

    It was difficult to strike the right balance between justice and expediency .

  13. Underbus指为了个人私利,不公平地诋毁、责难或者抛弃同伴或者同事的行为。

    To underbus means to unfairly discredit , blame , or dispose of an ally or colleague , particularly for personal gain .

  14. 有人指责mba课程灌输的价值观比如使股东价值和个人私利最大化太注重赚钱,太少考虑社会因素。

    Some charge that the values imparted in MBA programmes maximising shareholder value and personal gain , for instance put too much emphasis on making money and too little on social considerations .

  15. 他补充称,直到本月早些时候,他才看到部分出于私利操纵Libor利率的交易员在2005年至2007年间的往来邮件。

    He added he had only seen earlier this month emails sent between a group of traders who manipulated rates for personal gain between 2005 and 2007 .

  16. 因此,为OTC市场开出的处方公然无视事实,并体现了政客与一些操作者谋取私利的意图,这才更让人担忧。

    This makes it all the more worrying that the prescriptions put forward for the OTC markets show a blatant disregard for the facts , and the cultivation of self-interest by politicians and some operators .

  17. LLSV(2000)认为,在投资者保护程度较弱的国家,更容易发生管理层攫取私利问题。

    LLSV ( 2000 ) believed that the management is more prone to be self-interested in the countries which have weaker investor protection .

  18. 其次,对NGO责任困境与政府责任困境、企业责任困境进行比较,得出NGO责任困境核心是公益与私利的冲突。

    Secondly , the NGO responsible for the plight and the plight of government responsibility , corporate responsibility for the plight of comparison , the NGO responsible for the plight of the core are the public and private interest conflict .

  19. 确保不要混淆私利和理性的根本原则。

    Make sure not to confuse self-interest axiom and rational axiom .

  20. 他们从不谋求私利,而是一心一意为革命工作。

    They never pursue self-interests but work whole-heartedly for the revolution .

  21. 他们只知道一代谋求私利者的准则。

    They know only the rules of a generation of self-seekers .

  22. 他认为,硅谷人士源源不断的说教都是为了私利。

    He agrees that Silicon Valley 's incessant riff is self-serving .

  23. 别以为他们忠心,他们不过是虚情假意、谋求私利。

    Don 't believe their loyalty , they 're just stringing along .

  24. 马英九和陈水扁均否认曾利用公共资金牟取私利。

    Both have denied using public money for personal advantage .

  25. 我从未再为一己的私利而伤害过他人。

    I never again hurt someone for my own gain .

  26. 控股股东类型与控制权私利的比较研究

    Comparing Study on Controlling Shareholder Types and Their Private Benefits of Control

  27. 单单出于私利方面的考虑来保护动物是不够的。

    It is not enough to protect animals for self-interested reasons alone .

  28. 利用一切机会满足自己的私利而不顾及给别人带来的后果。

    Taking advantage of opportunities without regard for the consequences for others .

  29. 他把别人当作工具以谋私利。

    He is using men as his tool to get himself on .

  30. 文章指责高级官员追求私利、狂妄自大。

    The article accused seniou officials of self-seeking and arrogance .