- 网络export-led growth

But the popular notion that China is dependent on export-led growth is a myth ;
The Asians decided to choose competitive exchange rates , export-led growth and huge accumulations of foreign currency reserves .
An Analysis on the Regional Disparity of the Export-oriented Economic Growth
China is moving from its old model of export-oriented growth toward a less investment-driven and more consumer-driven economy .
But Mr Bernanke says that the blame lies with countries such as China that have undervalued their currencies in pursuit of export-led growth .
A leader who suggests otherwise is naive , especially one who is responsible for an open economy and has bet the farm on export-led growth .
Most of them have based their development on mercantilist export-led growth policies , using protectionism and currency manipulation to generate huge trade surpluses with the US .
They will not be able to rely on export-led growth . They will have to find ways to expand domestic demand on a lasting and substantial basis .
Mr Zhou 's paper distracts from the fundamental point that China would not have huge dollar holdings if it had not pursued specific policies namely export-led growth predicated on a competitive renminbi .
You are , of course , aware of the main threads of the discussion : China , it is argued , needs to find a new balance between export led and domestically driven growth .
Its export-led growth model means when trade implodes , as at present , it is importing unemployment . At the same time the accumulation of reserves that results from maintaining an undervalued exchange rate leaves it vulnerable to a dollar collapse .
Second , the underpinnings of export-led growth in Asia and Europe with consumer-led growth in the US might prove difficult to change , especially if China continues to build its reserves at more than $ 200bn a year rather than let its currency appreciate .
Applicable Analysis on the Hypothesis of Export Oriented Economic Increase in China
But this industry-first , government-investment-driven and export-oriented growth model has run its course .
Millions of migrant women - and men - provided the muscle behind China 's export-driven economic rise .
That China is an export-led growth country and the conclusion that FDI can promote international trade can also be concluded .
Local Protectionism and Regional Specialization : & A Model and Econometric Evidences On the Export-led Growth Hypothesis : The Econometric Evidence from China
Partly , these problems are a product of " export-oriented " mode of economic growth , and they are also a by-product of " government-led " market-oriented reforms .
To maintain the stable and healthy development of our economy , we must expand consumption stimulating domestic demand to promote economic growth , and increase the proportion of residents ' consumption is particularly important .
With its growth trend still faster than the world average , this means the export-led growth model is defunct – and an extravagant investment rate of 49 per cent of GDP can only head downward .
The island 's booming export-oriented economy , which grew by almost 10 per cent last year as it re - bounded from the global financial crisis , has already led the bank to raise interest rates three times since June – putting pressure on the currency to rise .
Until another generation has passed , and China itself has grown rich , export-led industrial growth will be hard for anyone to achieve .
The move sparked speculation that China was moving away from using the appreciation of the renminbi as a tool to combat inflation towards using a weaker currency to boost export-led growth .
E-conomic growth in China is still an export - oriented growth , so the export trade must be strengthened and at the same time the role of import trade should be emphasized .
Especially in the context of the international financial crisis , foreign market demand continued to drop implying that export oriented economic growth mode is hardly sustainable and China urgently needs to return to the domestic demand-led economic growth model .
Washington 's praise for India 's steady hand in the global financial crisis and an economy with domestic demand as its motor is in marked contrast to concerns in the US Congress about China lowering the value of the renminbi to maintain its export-led economic model .
The result shows that neither in the long run nor in the short run , the contribution of export is obvious , the development of equipment manufacturing in Liaoning does not accord with hypothesis of export-led growth , but hypothesis of GLE .
The paper supports the human capital based endogenous growth and export-led growth hypothesis in China .