
  • 网络the trading environment;trade environment
  1. 随着中国入世以及后配额时代的带来,中国在国际贸易中的地位越来越重要,国际贸易环境也在逐步发生变化。

    With China entered WTO and with the cancellation of the quota , China became more and more important in international trade . The trading environment is also in changing . Textile trade is always the vital theme in international trade .

  2. 按照WTO规则创造有利的农产品贸易环境。

    Creating favorable trade environment of agricultural products according to WTO .

  3. 如果这一轮谈判破裂了,世界贸易环境可能会变得越来越糟糕。

    If this round of talks fails , the world 's trading environment is likely to become increasingly hostile .

  4. 第四部分针对加入WTO后我国对外经济贸易环境的变化,探究其对出口信用保险的影响与要求。

    The third chapter : the alteration of Chinese trade environment and the affection to Chinese export credit insurance .

  5. 我很欣赏商业改进区(businessimprovementdistricts)的进展,这些地区采用公私合伙制,旨在改善当地的贸易环境。

    I like what I have seen of business improvement districts , which are public-private partnerships designed to improve local trading environments .

  6. G.国际贸易环境发展情况综述

    G. Overview of Developments in the International Trading Environment

  7. 接着对中国铝行业发展环境做了客观、详尽的分析与预测,分析X铝业公司发展的外部经济环境、政策环境以及贸易环境。

    Then , it analyzes and forecasts the development of X aluminum external economic environment , policy environment and trade environment .

  8. 在当前国际贸易环境下,竞争政策与贸易政策的协调引起了国际社会的普遍关注,WTO第四次部长会议已经同意将贸易与竞争政策的互动列为新的议题并就这一问题进行谈判。

    Nowadays , many countries concern about the synergy between competition policy and trade policy , which will be discussed under the WTO framework .

  9. 第三章是在前面的基础上,从理论与实证两方面就贸易环境对FDI的影响进行了分析。

    In the third chapter , I analyze the influence from the trade environment to the FDI in two aspects & theory and demonstration .

  10. 应用SWOT分析方法,充分考虑了我国茧丝绸业目前的发展水平和贸易环境,涉及了反倾销、产业化以及市场营销等课题。

    This paper applies SWOT method , considers the development level and trade environment of Chinese sericulture , and explores fi elds such as anti-dumping , industrialization and marketing .

  11. 商务部副部长王受文说,新的APEC报告列出了具体步骤来保证APEC内部的贸易环境保持开放、包容以及互利。

    Vice Commerce Minister Wang Shouwen says the new APEC report has concrete steps to ensure the trade environment within the APEC remains open , inclusive and mutually-beneficial .

  12. 全球化体系下中国农民的贸易环境及对策

    Trade Environment of Chinese Farmers in the Globalization System and Countermeasures

  13. 国际赔偿责任在贸易环境损害中的追究

    Investigation of International Liability for Compensation of Trading Environment Damage

  14. 国际贸易环境对我国纺织品出口的影响研究

    Research on the Impact of International Trade Environment to China 's Textile Export

  15. 适应全球贸易环境的改变;

    Adjusting to changes in the global trading environment ;

  16. 有利于改善农产品贸易环境;

    Help improve the trade environment of agricultural products ;

  17. 新贸易环境下国际物流的发展及中国的对策研究

    The Development of International Logistics under New Trade Environment and the Strategy of China

  18. (ⅱ)磋商成员的外部经济和贸易环境;

    ( ii ) the external economic and trading environment of the consulting Member ;

  19. 没有配额限制的纺织品贸易环境

    Quota - Free Environment for Textile Trade

  20. 本文重点分析了加工贸易环境下可疑定价行为。

    Our most important contribution lies in analyzing the suspicious pricing behavior under the condition of improvement trade .

  21. 快速获取信息并对贸易环境的变化迅速做出反应的能力对所有企业来说都是生死攸关的。企业在很大程度上不仅依赖于直接的周边贸易环境,而且越来越依赖于全球范围的贸易环境和市场。

    The capability to rapidly get information and respond to business environment changes has become vital to all enterprises .

  22. 推广公平贸易环境,发展及订定通用的实务守则及营运标准,使会员成为专业服务的提供者。

    To promote a fair trade environment by developing codes of practices and standards for members as professional service providers .

  23. 随着世界经济和技术的发展,贸易环境发生了巨大的变化。

    With the development of technology and the world economy , the business environment has gone through a tremendous change .

  24. 这个星期,我们有一个非常难得的机会,共聚一堂,优化现有的国际贸易环境;

    This week , under this very roof , we have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to enhance the existing international trading environment ;

  25. 该报告同时指出,国内外的贸易环境和宏观调控政策是贸易额快速增长的原因之一。

    The domestic and foreign trade environment and the macro-control policy have contributed to the rapid increase , the report said .

  26. 他不断收到企业对中国贸易环境的投诉,在适当情况下,他将继续对这些投诉采取行动。

    He is constantly receiving business complaints about trading conditions in China and where appropriate he will continue to act on them .

  27. 同时,由于国际贸易环境的改善,将有利于我国畜牧业发挥比较优势,更广泛地参与国际竞争。

    Because of improvement on environment of international trade will bring into full play relatively superiority and take part in international competition extensively .

  28. ⑶出口林产品结构不断优化,附加值不断提高等特点。在分析林产品国际贸易环境新变化的基础上,提出了提升浙江省林产品国际竞争力的具体途径。

    Based on analyzing the change of international trade environment , we put forward the specific ways to improve the forestry product market competitive capacity .

  29. 世贸组织的《补贴与反补贴措施协议》,旨在有效地规范成员国的各种补贴政策,从而营造一个公平的贸易环境。

    The purpose of the WTO Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures is to regulate Member 's subsidy policies and make a fair trading environment .

  30. 分析国际经济和贸易环境的变化、技术进步带来的影响,揭示技术型跨国企业实施知识产权战略的外在动因。

    And promulgates its external reason through analyzing the change of international economy and the trade environment , and the influence of technology advancement brings to .