
  • 网络Core Functions;core competency
  1. 欧洲央行(ECB)也陷入严重的分裂,以至于同样忽视了其稳定恐慌市场的核心职能。

    The European Central Bank has been so divided that it too has neglected core functions of stabilising panicked markets .

  2. 这是国定税则委员会的核心职能。

    This is the core functions of the national Tariff Commission .

  3. 对于H公司来说,营销是企业的核心职能,贯穿于企业的整个生命周期之中,需要进一步的讨论营销管理职能如何向项目化管理转换。

    As we known , marketing is the core part of enterprise functions , which runs through the entire lifecycle of an enterprise . Therefore , how to transform enterprise marketing function into management by project should be taken into further consideration .

  4. 鉴于构成企业绩效的员工绩效的管理已经成大连PGM管理者重视的问题,而员工绩效管理也就成为大连PGM人力资源管理工作的核心职能和中心环节所在。

    Because Dalian PGM 's business result is based on the employees individual performance , the individual performance management has become the central sector of the human resource management in Dalian PGM .

  5. 基于国家中心城市定位的广州核心职能研究

    Core functions of Guangzhou based on its orientation of National Central City

  6. 通过侧重于以下核心职能来实现上述目标。

    The above goal is addressed by focusing on the following core functions .

  7. 计量是会计系统的核心职能。

    Measurement is the core function of accounting system .

  8. 已商定全球议程,并已规定世卫组织的核心职能。

    The global agenda is agreed , and WHO 's core functions described .

  9. 会计信息系统的核心职能就是计量。

    Measurement is the significant function of accounting system .

  10. 提供优质的公共服务是现代政府的核心职能;

    It is the modern government 's key function to offer the high-quality public service .

  11. 在企业的营运管理活动中,R&D是核心职能之一。

    R & D is one of the core working functions in the enterprise management .

  12. 服务·垄断·监督&兼论高校中图书馆工作委员会的核心职能

    Service · Monopoly · Regulation & The Key Function of the Library Committee in the University

  13. 维护金融稳定已成为当今中央银行的核心职能。

    To maintain the financial stability has become the core function of the Central Bank now .

  14. 摘要绩效考核是人力资源管理的核心职能之一。

    The assessment of performance is one of the main functions of management of human resource .

  15. 以达到顺利实现地方政府机构核心职能的目的。

    To achieve the smooth realization of the purpose of the core functions of local government bodies .

  16. 知识经济时代,激励管理已成为人力资源管理的核心职能。

    Incentive management has become the core function of human resources management in the era of knowledge economy .

  17. 第一部分是公共服务是现代政府的主要职责和核心职能。

    First , to state that public service is the main duty and nuclear function of modern government .

  18. 人力资源管理核心职能便是对员工绩效进行有效地考核控制与改进。

    The Core function of Human Resources Management is to assess , control and improve the performance of staff .

  19. 就提供给高素质的员工进入公司各个领域的机会这一点来看,我们可以被看成是一种核心职能。

    We are seen as a core function in terms of supplying qualified associates to a variety of business units .

  20. 任何经济复苏方案都必须以履行其核心职能、稳定且管理良好的银行为基础。

    Any recovery plan for the economy must be based on stable , soundly managed banks that fulfil their core functions .

  21. 这还将向它们提供进行重组和改善银行质量所需的信心,让它们能够更好地履行其核心职能。

    It will also give them the confidence they need to restructure and become better banks , better able to perform their key functions .

  22. 绩效考评是企业人力资源管理的核心职能之一,更是项目人力资源管理强有力的手段之一。

    Performance evaluation is the core of human resources management functions , which is one of the human resources management powerful means of performance evaluation methods .

  23. 我还希望你们阐述世卫组织如何可以维持在全球卫生领域的主导作用并如何促进其它利益攸关方履行其核心职能。

    I also seek your views on how to maintain a leading role in global health that enables other stakeholders to play to their core competencies .

  24. 货币政策职能是中央银行的核心职能,中央银行货币政策目标的实现需要以中央银行独立的法律地位为前提。

    Monetary policy function is the core function of the central bank , which brings out effect only based upon the independent status of the central bank .

  25. 市场营销活动是现代企业生存和发展的基础性工作,也是工商管理中的一项重要的任务,已经成为现代企业管理经营活动中的核心职能之一。

    Marketing is an important infrastructure work of modern enterprise development and living , marketing management has become one of the core functions of industry and business management .

  26. 财务战略是企业战略中的一个核心职能战略,对企业战略的实现起着促进和制衡作用。

    Financial strategy is the key function strategy of business strategy , and play a promoting and checking and balancing role to the realization of the business strategy .

  27. 这些核心职能载于第十一个工作总规划,它为全组织范围工作规划、预算、资源和成果提供了框架。

    These core functions are set out in the11th General Programme of Work , which provides the framework for organization-wide programme of work , budget , resources and results .

  28. 研发(R&D)是跨国公司的核心职能之一,也是跨国公司全球竞争优势的主要源泉。

    Research and development ( R & D ) is one of the core functions of MNCs , is also the main source of MNCs ' worldwide competitive advantage .

  29. 本文旨在通过对人力资源工作过程的研究,来探讨如何使人力资源工作成为企业管理的核心职能。

    The present paper intends to discuss how to make human resources management a central player in the overall enterprise managements through researches on the human resources working processes .

  30. 公司治理理论认为,董事会作为公司治理的中心,其核心职能之一就是确定高管人员的薪酬。

    Theory of corporate governance says the Board of Directors as the center of the governance , one of its core functions is to determine the pay of senior executives .