
  1. 品德与社会课程资源的开发和利用

    The Exploitation and Utilization of the curriculum Resources of Morality and Society

  2. 论幼儿品德与社会性发展的关系

    On the Relation between Infant Moral Character and the Development of their Sociality

  3. 根据不同的标准,《品德与社会》课程资源可以分为不同的类型。

    According to different standards , the curriculum resources of Moral Character and Society have different styles .

  4. 品德与社会课程形态的综合性有利于学生良好品德的形成。

    The moral and social curriculum integration is beneficial to the formation of students ' good morality .

  5. 目前,《品德与社会》课程资源的开发与利用存在许多问题。

    There are many problems nowadays in the exploitation and utilization of the curriculum resources of Moral Character and Society .

  6. 其中问卷调查是以延吉市12所朝汉小学品德与社会教师和1167名四、五年级小学生,80名老师为主要调查对象,进行走访调查。

    The respondents of the questionnaire survey were 80 teachers and 1167 students from Grade 4 to 5 who were from 12 .

  7. 品德与社会课程倡导的基本理念主要体现在:把握课程性质的融合性、综合化;

    The basic ideas which the morals and the society proposed are as follows : ( 1 ) Grasp the synthesis of the course nature .

  8. 品德与社会课初创不久,教师们在教学理念和教学行为方面面临着诸多困惑。

    Moral and Social Studies has been set up shortly , so teachers are confronted with many perplexities over its teaching ideal and teaching behavior .

  9. 经过对比和量化分析,笔者发现大陆三个版本《品德与社会》科教科书与课程标准间,存在许多不一致的地方。

    By comparing and quantitative research , I found many differences between the three editions of textbook Morality and Society and the curriculum standard of this subject .

  10. 《品德与社会》作业不仅是课堂教学的延伸,更是学生道德形成和人格培养的有效载体。

    Homework of the course is not only the extension of classroom teaching , but also an affective carrier of pupils ' moral formation and culture of personality .

  11. 论文分为三个部分:《品德与社会》课程资源概述、目前《品德与社会》课程资源开发与利用中存在的问题及其建议。

    The thesis has three parts : a summary of the curriculum resources of Moral Character and Society , problems and advises of the exploitation and utilization of them .

  12. 论文以上海市小学品德与社会课程为例,尝试对这一问题展开初步的分析。

    Taking the example of the curriculum of " Morality and Society " in elementary school of Shanghai , this paper tried to give a primary analysis on the question .

  13. 品德与社会课程综合性的价值取向主要体现在三个方面:1.实现品德与社会课程形态的综合性有利于课程面向生活。

    The correct command of the value orientation of moral and social curriculum integration should be mainly embodied in such three respects as : 1 . the realization of moral and social curriculum integration is beneficial to the curriculum facing society ;

  14. 在小学中高年级开设的《品德与社会》课程是一门以儿童社会生活为基础,促进学生良好品德形成和社会性发展的综合课程。

    Higher grades in primary school opened in the " Moral Character and Society " course is a basis of social life of children and promote the formation of the students good moral character and social development of the integrated curriculum .

  15. 作为一门综合课程的小学《品德与社会》课程初创不久,教师在教学观念和教学行为方面面临着诸多困惑,特别是对于如何把教学理念与教学行为有机结合起来,教师还显得无所适从。

    It is not very long time since The Moral and Society curriculum has been put in practice , so teachers have a lot of obfuscation both on ideas and on behaviors , especially on how to unify the conception and the action .

  16. 为应对《品德与社会》教学出现的这些问题,农村小学必须大力促进教师专业发展,提高课程教学的有效性,稳定任课教师队伍、加强课程管理、发展多元教学评价等。

    In response to " moral and social " Teaching these problems arise , we must vigorously promote rural primary school teacher professional development and improve teaching effectiveness , stability , classroom teachers , to enhance course management , development of multiple teaching evaluation .

  17. 《品德与社会》课程资源是形成《品德与社会》课程的因素来源以及在促进学生良好品德形成和社会性发展过程中可资利用的一切必要而直接的实施条件。

    The curriculum resources of Moral Character and Society refer to the factors that form the source of the course and all the necessary and direct enforcement factors that could be used in the process of promoting the formation of student 's fair characters and social abilities .

  18. 造成这些问题的原因主要是学校和教师对《品德与社会》课程价值的认识不足、任课教师专业发展程度低和农村小学缺乏新课程改革的保障条件等。

    The main reason for these problems is the school and teachers " Moral Character and Society " lack of awareness of the value , the low level of professional development of classroom teachers and curriculum reform in rural primary schools lack the protection of the new conditions .

  19. 品德与生活(社会)实践活动摭谈

    Practical activities on moral character and social life

  20. 在教学中,如何指导学生上好小学品德与生活(品德与社会)课,进行初等教育专业小学社会课程的教学研究,是初等教育专业教师必须面对和解决的课题。

    It is a problem elementary education teachers are now facing and need to solve in teaching practice in order to give their students good lessons in Moral and Life ( Moral and Society ) . The research aims at solving this problem .

  21. 道德教育的实效性如何落实&兼论《品德与生活》《品德与社会》学科建设

    How to Put into Effect the Moral Education & Together with the Comments on the Subject Constraction of Morality and Life and Morality and Society

  22. 本文采用文献查阅、问卷调查、深度访谈、课堂观察等多种研究方法,以小学《品德与生活》、《品德与社会》为主线,对7所小学德育现状做了全面的调查;

    Using various research methods , this thesis gives a close observation and an overall inquisition on7 primary schools in the context of curriculum reform .

  23. 本文就《正确生活》教科书进行简单的评析,希望能给我国小学《品德与生活》、《品德与社会》新课程有所启示。

    The paper is expected to provide some inspiration for our new course of moral character and life moral character and society by analyzing the schoolbook of Right life .