
  • 网络morality and life
  1. 《品德与生活》课程实验的调查研究

    Experimental Investigation and Research of " Morality and Life "

  2. 品德与生活课程的基本观点及其实施

    Introduction of Morality and Life Curriculum

  3. 从而让品德与生活携起手来。

    Thus let morality and grow live and work hand in hand .

  4. 介绍了《品德与生活》课程的产生及其特点,回顾了课程标准产生的背景以及课程研究颁布的过程。

    It introduces the features , contents , issuing process of the course .

  5. 品德与生活(社会)实践活动摭谈

    Practical activities on moral character and social life

  6. 小学品德与生活课程资源开发与利用的基本策略研究

    Strategies Research about Development and Utilization of Curriculum Resources of Morality and Life in Elementary School

  7. 我国新一轮基础教育改革设置了一门新的学科,即《品德与生活》。

    Our new reform of basic education has set up a new subject , namely ,《 Moral Education and living 》 course .

  8. 本文采用文献查阅、问卷调查、深度访谈、课堂观察等多种研究方法,以小学《品德与生活》、《品德与社会》为主线,对7所小学德育现状做了全面的调查;

    Using various research methods , this thesis gives a close observation and an overall inquisition on7 primary schools in the context of curriculum reform .

  9. 道德教育的实效性如何落实&兼论《品德与生活》《品德与社会》学科建设

    How to Put into Effect the Moral Education & Together with the Comments on the Subject Constraction of Morality and Life and Morality and Society

  10. 本研究作为教科书评价的一个小小的尝试,希望能有益于小学品德与生活教科书的评价和研究。

    As one small try on textbook appraisal , I hope this research can be of value to the appraisal and study of primary school morality and life textbook .

  11. 本文就《正确生活》教科书进行简单的评析,希望能给我国小学《品德与生活》、《品德与社会》新课程有所启示。

    The paper is expected to provide some inspiration for our new course of moral character and life moral character and society by analyzing the schoolbook of Right life .

  12. 第三部分主要通过个案分析对北师大版《品德与生活》一年级教材中的整理书包主题活动利用榜样示范法进行教学设计的思考与分析。

    The third section , mainly through case studies , used method of model demonstration to reflect and analyze the instructional design for the theme of " Package School Bags " .

  13. 和其他课程一样,在国家提出的教材多样化政策的指导下,小学品德与生活教科书也有了自己多种多样的版本。

    Like other courses , under the guidance of diversified policies of teaching material which our country puts forward , the textbook of morality and life of primary school has it 's own varied editions .

  14. 本研究依据榜样示范的方法,对北师大版《品德与生活》教材中的整理书包主题活动进行了分析设计实践反思的过程。

    Based on method of model demonstration , I carried on a research process of " Analysis-Design-Practice-Reflections " for the theme of " Package School Bags " which is in the textbook of Beijing Normal University Publishing Press Edition .

  15. 本文从品德与生活课程发展的背景、课程的几个基本观念、课程的设计思路、课程的评价、课程的实施和推进等几个方面对该课程进行了介绍。

    In this paper , five aspects on morality and life curriculum are expounded , which are the context of this curriculum developing , some basic ideas , designing principle , the evaluation , something about experiment of this new curriculum .

  16. 在教学中,如何指导学生上好小学品德与生活(品德与社会)课,进行初等教育专业小学社会课程的教学研究,是初等教育专业教师必须面对和解决的课题。

    It is a problem elementary education teachers are now facing and need to solve in teaching practice in order to give their students good lessons in Moral and Life ( Moral and Society ) . The research aims at solving this problem .