
  • 网络credit expansion;credit inflation
  1. 对低通胀与资产价格泡沫、信贷膨胀并存现象的一种解读

    An Interpretation of the Coexistence of Low Inflation 、 Bubbles and Credit Expansion

  2. 长期以来,由于受体制性信贷膨胀及信贷资产质量的影响,我国商业银行一直存在着流动性不足的问题。

    As a result of the credit expansion caused by the system and the quality of credit property , fluidity is insufficient in commercial banks in China .

  3. 别再讨论丰厚的奖金或缺乏监管在信贷膨胀造就的经济繁荣时期是否鼓励了华尔街去冒过高的风险。

    Forget whether fat bonuses or the lack of regulation encouraged undue risk-taking during the credit-fueled boom .

  4. 如此疯狂的信贷膨胀,只有靠斯密称为“纸币的精巧翅膀”的帮助才能实现。

    Such wild flights of borrowing can be effected only with what Smith called " the Daedalian wings of paper money " .

  5. 这一问题的规模,以及中国能否果断应对后雷曼时代的信贷膨胀的阴暗面,对银行股未来表现将至关重要。

    The scale of the problem , and how decisively China deals with the dark side of its post-Lehman Brothers credit boom , will be critical to the banks ' future performance .

  6. 第一,金融记者未能领会场外衍生品交易监管失效的重要性。在网络泡沫之后出现的信贷膨胀中,绝大部分对手风险是由场外衍生品交易构成的。

    First , financial journalists failed to grasp the significance of the failure to regulate over-the-counter derivatives that formed the bulk of counterparty risk in the explosion of credit following the dotcom bubble .

  7. 当前银行承办了大量的开发贷款和住房按揭贷款,两者的结合极易引起信贷膨胀,导致更多的信贷资源将持续向房地产集中。

    At present , Bank has undertaken a large number of real estate development loans and housing mortgage loans , the combination can easily cause credit line expansion ; lead to more continue to flow to real estate .

  8. 度量信贷过度膨胀的最好指标就是信贷增长率和名义GDP增长率的差额。

    The best measure of excess credit is the difference between the growth rate in bank credit and nominal GDP .

  9. 这推动了信贷大膨胀,信贷大膨胀通常看来与房价猛涨脱不开干系。

    These supported explosions of credit generally linked to house-price surges .

  10. 监管机构在金融危机过后曾寻求取缔这个市场,因为它被广泛指责为加剧了信贷泡沫膨胀。

    Regulators sought to clamp down on this market after the crisis as it was widely blamed for helping to inflate the credit bubble .

  11. 经济过热的第四个症状,同样是最重要的症状是信贷过度膨胀,它可以导致资产泡沫和通货膨胀。

    The fourth symptom of overheating , and one of the most important , is excessive credit expansion , which can lead to asset bubbles as well as inflation .

  12. 他们的收益不断回流至国际金融体系中,令信贷泡沫持续膨胀,在破灭后酿成今天的灾难。

    Their earnings were pumped back into the international financial system , inflating a credit bubble that now has popped disastrously .

  13. 认为现阶段信息约束导致了我国信贷市场局部信用膨胀和局部信用紧缩同时并存的局面,严重制约了我国信贷效率。

    As a result of information governing , both credit inflation and deflation exist and lower the market efficiency .

  14. 尤为脆弱的是那些吸引了大量私人债务流入的经济体,这将触发其国内信贷市场的急剧膨胀,加剧通胀压力。

    Particularly vulnerable were economies that attracted big private debt inflows , which triggered a rapid expansion of domestic credit , stoking inflationary pressures .