
jí tǐ zhǔ yì
  • collectivism
集体主义 [jí tǐ zhǔ yì]
  • [collectivism] 一切从集体出发,把集体利益放在个人利益之上的思想

  1. 寡头政体的唯一可靠基础是集体主义。

    The only secure basis for oligarchy is collectivism .

  2. 在集体主义精神的熏陶下,孩子们互相关心,互相帮助。

    Nurtured in the spirit of collectivism , the children care for each other and help each other .

  3. 总统已经呼吁巴西人民要有爱国情怀和集体主义精神。

    The president has appealed to the Brazilian people for patriotism and community spirit .

  4. 第六条国家在受教育者中进行爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义的教育,进行理想、道德、纪律、法制、国防和民族团结的教育。

    Article 6 The State conducts education among educatees in patriotism .

  5. 总部位于洛杉矶的“RevolveClothing”为了打开中国市场,着手利用这种集体主义精神。

    Los Angeles-based Revolve Clothing had to navigate this community spirit to sell its goods in China .

  6. 介绍了刻板印象内容模型(SCM)的来源、理论假设和在美国与欧洲(个人主义文化)、东亚(集体主义文化)样本中的实证研究。

    The paper introduced and gave comments on the original , theoretical hypotheses and its key empirical studies of the stereotype content model ( SCM ) .

  7. 从文化的角度,用丹麦学者Hofstede提出的三个文化价值维度个人&集体主义、权利距离及不确定性避免来分析实际教学法在中国受挫的原因。

    This paper attempts to explore its drawbacks in China by employing three cultural dimensions initiated by Hofstede , namely ," individualism-collectivism dimension "," power-distance dimension " and " uncertainty avoidance dimension " .

  8. 运用管理学者Hofstede提出的五个文化维度:个体主义与集体主义、权力距离、不确定性规避、事业成功与生活质量、长期导向与短期导向对中日企业在价值观上进行差异性的分析。

    Scholars Hofstede give five cultural dimension : the individual socialist and collectivism , power distance , uncertainty avoidance , successful career and life quality , long-term orientation and short-term orientation on the sino-japanese enterprise in the values on the analysis of the differences .

  9. 集体主义的内涵与新时期的要求

    The Connotation of Collectivism and Its Requirements in a New Period

  10. 新世纪大学生集体主义教育初探

    On the College Students ' Collectivism Education in the New Century

  11. 集体主义道德原则确立的人学根据

    Basis of Moral Principle of Collectivism in Light of Human Science

  12. 集体主义教育是高校德育工作的重要基石

    Collective Education is the Cornerstone of Moral Education Ethics in Colleges

  13. 集体主义文化维系下的柔性组织与模糊契约&浙江民营企业发展的自组织模式揭示

    Pliable Organization and Blurred Contract Under the Influence of Collectivist Culture

  14. 这种集体主义的文化取向造就了中国式的关系主义思维。

    This collective cultural orientation made Chinese " relationship " thinking .

  15. 结果大学生的文化取向以水平集体主义倾向为主;

    Results The undergraduates ' major cultural orientation is horizontal collectivism .

  16. 论集体主义原则对整体主义思想的超越

    On the Principle of Collectivism Overstepping the Thoughts of Group Mentality

  17. 略论新时期的高校集体主义教育

    On the Collectivist Education in Colleges in the New Historical Period

  18. 第三,坚持社会主义集体主义的价值取向;

    Thirdly , the value orientation of socialist collectivism must be upheld .

  19. 社会主义公共行政的集体主义价值观探讨

    A Study on Collectivism Value in the Socialist Public Administration in China

  20. 集体主义反对把个人利益置于集体利益之上,但决不限制个性的发展。

    Collectivism transcending on individualism does not mean to confine individual development .

  21. 温州模式与苏南模式的集体主义实质及其启示

    To Enlighten of Collectivism Essence for the Wenzhou Model and Sunan Model

  22. 社群主义和集体主义伦理思想之异同

    A Comparative Study on Ethics Thoughts of Communitarianism and Collectivism

  23. 当代集体主义道德原则的新内涵

    The New Connotation of the Contemporary Ethic Principle of Collectivism

  24. 论我国新集体主义价值观念的建构

    Discuss the Construction of Our Country 's New Collectivism Values

  25. 首先,本文论述了集体主义仍然是社会主义市场经济条件下道德建设的基本原则,主要阐述了三个要点:第一,阐述了集体的涵义、集体主义的基本内容。

    Collectivism still is essence fundamental in socialism market economy .

  26. 对革命根据地妇女集体主义精神的思考

    Reflections on the Spirit of Collectivism of the Women in Revolutionary Bases

  27. 偏爱无阶级社会集体主义的政治理论。

    A political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society .

  28. 新形势下大学生集体主义教育问题研究

    Research on the Education of the Undergraduates ' Collectivism under New Situation

  29. 宣扬集体主义和群体观念。

    At last , collectivism and group concepts were preached .

  30. 论和谐社会视野下的新集体主义教育

    On New Collectivism Education from the Perspective of Harmonious Society