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jīnɡ nián
  • for years;for a whole year
经年 [jīng nián]
  • (1) [for one or several years]∶经过一年或若干年

  • 此去经年。--宋. 柳永《雨霖铃》

  • 经年不往。--明. 宗臣《报刘一丈书》

  • 卧病经年

  • (2) [entire year]∶全年

  • 经年裹物之用。--明. 李渔《闲情偶寄.种植部》

  1. 实际上,您所做的就正好是MUD的创造者们经年来一直在做的事,也就是说去模拟生活。

    In essence you just did what MUD creators have been trying to do for years , to simulate life .

  2. 隔壁邻居的老人经年来饱受精神异常折磨。

    The old man next door has been suffering from mental disorder for years .

  3. 经年的战事已经使得这个地区满目疮痍。

    Years of fighting have left the area in ruins .

  4. 我们在威斯敏斯特教堂看到的是一种经年不变的古旧仪式。

    What we see at Westminster is a tired old ritual .

  5. 经年的踩踏在岩石上形成了一条小径。

    Feet had worn a path in the rock

  6. 经年内战已破坏了国家的基础设施,摧毁了其社会结构。

    Years of civil war have wrecked the country 's infrastructure and destroyed its social fabric .

  7. 经年的战争给这座城市带来的不亚于灭顶之灾

    Years of war culminated in nothing less than a brutal razing of the city .

  8. 经capitaine,klioner和其他学者的经年游说之后,改革后的定义终于被大家接受。

    But after years of lobbying by Capitaine , klioner and others , the revised unit has finally been adopted .

  9. 经年相遇,我会对你说,我很好。

    After the meeting , I will you , I very well .

  10. 他让自己的才能经年不用而荒废。

    He allowed his talent to rust over the years .

  11. 享受着走过经年的重逢的欢悦,回归,真好!

    Enjoying through years of reunion joy , regression , how nice !

  12. 挨时如月,度日如年;爱人眼底,片刻不见,恍若经年。

    However , every time she disappears , over my heart vacancy floods .

  13. 由于她早已经年过四十,所以医生认为最好剖腹生产。

    As she was over forty , the doctor advised a Cesarean delivery .

  14. 一别经年,人生也不同以往,

    A few years have passed , and life just isn 't the same .

  15. 培训要求:用机敏的才智,经年地在校园内与“恶霸”们斗争。

    Training : Years of battling bullies on the schoolyard with your razor-sharp wit .

  16. 因经年忧虑而多皱纹的脸。

    A face lined with age and worry .

  17. 打破了这道经年老旧的大铁门。

    Broke this old big iron gate .

  18. 创造的过程可能在瞬间崛起,也可能耗费经年。

    The creative process can go by in a flash or it can take years .

  19. 国内的动画播映市场,积弱经年,更遑论其衍生产品。

    Broadcast domestic animation market , after years of weakness , not to mention its derivatives .

  20. 岁月经年,我深信要相信自己的感觉。

    As the years have passed , I 've learned to trust my intuition more and more .

  21. 由于这些经年积累的羊毛质量并不高,所以并没有什么商业价值。

    Turns out it is not of very high quality and therefore , has no commercial value .

  22. 经年之后,单宁糖浆味会变成香浓的巧克力味,甘草香料则会变成清爽的李子布丁味。

    given time , tannic molasses turns to rich chocolate , licorice spice to soothing plum pudding .

  23. 举例来说,为了得到财富而承受经年的压力可能是不值得的。

    For example , financial wealth may not be worth the years of stress needed to achieve it .

  24. 绝经年限短的患者较绝经年限长的患者卵巢恶性肿瘤的发生率高。

    The ovarian tumor patients with shorter YSM has a higher probability than that with longer YSM . 4 .

  25. 从经年的教书匠岗位上退下来以后,最怀念的是智力的挑战;

    After retiring from my life-long teaching career , the one thing I miss most is the intellectual challenges ;

  26. 小孩子一天要问八百万个问题,而对这些问题的回答,经年之后将关系到他们会成长为那一种人。

    The answers to those questions go a long way toward forming the kind of adults they will become .

  27. 后来经年才被解雇的明朝御膳厨师流传到民间。

    Later , it was made know to common folks by old chefs dismissed from the royal Ming Kitchen .

  28. 但一直到最近以前,这场迁延经年的危机看来在某种程度上还推动了德国经济增长。

    But up until very recently it appeared that the prolonged crisis has in some ways helped Germany grow its economy .

  29. 什麽比较重要?内在的洪水经年淹没着心田,都无旱季。

    What is more important , the internal flood inundates the mind throughout the year , knowing no dry season whatsoever .

  30. 症状包括:丧失感觉尤其是温度感,肌肉无力及肌强直,头痛且经年累月地疼痛。

    Symptoms include loss of sensitivity , especially to temperature , muscle weakness and spasticity , and headaches and chronic pain .