
zhōng chǎng
  • finale;end;end of a performance;final scene;final session in an examination
终场 [zhōng chǎng]
  • (1) [end of a performance]∶演出或球赛结束

  • 终场谢幕

  • (2) [final session in an examination]∶旧时指分场考试的最后一场

  • (3) [end]∶泛指事情结局终了

终场[zhōng chǎng]
  1. 裁判最后吹响了终场的哨声。

    The referee finally blew the whistle to stop the game .

  2. 他就在终场哨声前的几秒钟内打进了制胜的一球。

    He scored the winning goal just seconds before the final whistle .

  3. 终场哨响时,他投三分球未中。

    He missed a three-point attempt at the buzzer .

  4. 临近终场的点球得分使得联队没有赢得那场比赛。

    A late penalty cost United the game .

  5. 裁判吹响了终场的哨声。

    The referee blew the final whistle .

  6. 终场一幕让50,000名成年观众惊叹得张大嘴站了起来。

    The finale had 50,000 adults standing in open-mouthed wonderment .

  7. 哥伦比亚队凭借流畅的传球和终场前的制胜进球击败了他们。

    They were outplayed by the Colombians ' slick passing and decisive finishing .

  8. 华尼托在仅剩两分钟时为西班牙队进了一球,但罗马尼亚队将优势保持到了终场。

    Juanito scored for the Spaniards with only two minutes left , but the Romanians held on

  9. 就在终场哨响前几秒,他伸脚一挡,使射门的球变向飞过了球门横梁。

    He stuck out his boot and deflected the shot over the bar seconds before the final whistle

  10. 比赛离终场还有两分钟时,双方比分为5比0。

    The score was five-nil with two minutes left in the game .

  11. 终场覆盖层灌溉对循环回灌出水中的高分子量腐殖质类(HS)有机物去除效果较佳,去除率为85.7%;

    For recirculated leachate , 85.7 % of humic substance was removed efficiently by irrigation on landfill final cover .

  12. 而且,既然你已经读到本文此处,那么你很可能会对一封写有“yourwrongaboutthat”的邮件大动肝火,就像弗格森在球队一球落后时面对终场哨响的反应一样。

    And if you have read this far you are probably one of those who reacts to an email saying " your wrong about that " the way Sir Alex does to a final whistle when his team is a goal behind .

  13. 但在临近终场时的一个角球开出之后,松懈的防线给了韦斯利·斯内德(WesleySneijder)机会,他在20码外抽射,皮球越过墨西哥门将吉列尔莫·奥乔亚(GuillermoOchoa),将比分扳成1-1平。

    But loose defending after a late corner kick allowed Wesley Sneijder the freedom to blast a 20-yard shot past Guillermo Ochoa that tied the game at 1-1 .

  14. 西班牙队示意裁判吹终场哨。

    The Spaniards are urging the referee to blow the final whistle .

  15. 终场二重唱可以说是全剧最富于悲剧性的部分。

    The final duet is the most tragical part of the opera .

  16. 贝克汉姆就在裁判吹响终场哨声前几分钟进球得分。

    Beckham scored only minutes before the referee blew the final whistle .

  17. 终场前一分钟,主队又攻进一球。

    The host team scored another goal just before the final whistle .

  18. 他就在终场哨前几秒钟再次得分。

    He scored again just seconds before the final whistle .

  19. 主队在终场令人兴奋地战胜了客队。

    The home team edged out the visitors in an exciting finish .

  20. 填埋场终场覆盖层甲烷氧化行为实验室模拟研究

    Simulated study on methane oxidation in landfill cover soil

  21. 裁判没有听见终场的铃声。

    The referee did not hear the final bell .

  22. 加拉在终场前八分钟被换下。

    He played all but the last eight minutes .

  23. 终场哨还没响,人们就从体育馆蜂拥而出。

    Even before the final whistle the crowds were piling out of the stadium .

  24. 年轻的卡娅西蒙替补上场后攻入一个戏剧般的终场前入球。

    Teenager Kyah Simon came off the bench to dramatically hit a stoppage-time winner .

  25. 尼克斯队在终场前几秒钟得分,使比赛进入加时。

    The Knicks scored in the closing seconds , forcing the game into overtime .

  26. 多么激动人心的一场比赛呀,终场前一分钟还没有分出胜负呢。

    What a thrilling game ; the winner was in doubt until the last minute .

  27. 垃圾场终场覆盖技术策略研究

    Technical Strategy on Landfill Site Closing Cover

  28. 他对这场比赛已不感兴趣,但仍然决定看到终场。

    He had lost interest in the match but was determined to see it out .

  29. 好一个完美的歌舞片终场。

    What a perfect musical finale .

  30. 这是最重要的终场。

    This is the big finale .