
  • 网络managed trade;management trade
  1. WTO规则的次优选择和管理贸易的思想恰恰给政府进行外贸管理提供了足够的空间。

    The thought of secondary selection of WTO rules and managed trade are just to provide enough space for local governments to carry out foreign trade management .

  2. 管理贸易、新贸易理论与产业政策

    Managed Trade , New - Trade Theory and Industrial Policy

  3. 发达资本主义国家管理贸易的挑战。

    And the challenges of administrative trade among the developed countries .

  4. 管理贸易既不是自由贸易也不是保护贸易,而兼具两者特点。

    Managed trade means neither free trade nor protected trade .

  5. 从现在起,他们将自己管理贸易。

    From now on they will handle the trade themselves .

  6. 管理贸易对江苏外贸的影响及其对策

    Effects and Responses of Managerial Trade on Jiangsu Foreign Trade

  7. 将自由贸易也扭曲为管理贸易、不公平贸易。

    Reverse free trade into administrative trade 、 unjust trade .

  8. 管理贸易与政府合法性贸易保护

    Managed Trade and Government Trade Protection by Law System

  9. 管理贸易应是一种可行的制度安排。

    Managing trade can be a feasible alternative .

  10. 管理贸易:概念与内涵的界定

    Managed Trade : A Viewpoint of Definition

  11. 但是潘基文依然强调了制定全球规则管理贸易活动的重要性。

    Ban emphasized the importance of having a global standard that governs all trade activities .

  12. 美国贸易政策也逐渐从自由贸易向公平贸易和管理贸易转变。

    The U.S trade policies had gradually altered from free trade to fair trade and manageable trade .

  13. 管理贸易将会在长期内取代自由贸易和保护贸易而成为世界贸易体制的主流。

    Manage trade in replace free trade and protective trade and become mainstream , world commerce of system in being long-term .

  14. 一些西方国家先后采取管理贸易并获得了有效的实践效果。

    Since the 1980s , some western countries have taken the managed trade policy in order of priority and achieved effective practical results .

  15. 从当前国际竞争的本质特点出发,阐述了高新技术产业国际竞争中的管理贸易。

    Based on the features of international competition , the management trade of new and high tech industry in is introduced in this paper .

  16. 克拉普企业为客户提供全面的管理贸易服务,发掘多元商业领域内的潜在商机。

    CLAP Corporation offers a full management in the search of products within the different business areas that its customers may be interested in .

  17. 管理贸易政策是各贸易主体参与国际分工中为追求最大化贸易利益而实施的政策。

    Trade management policy is adopted by a country in the pursuit of the present or potential maximum trading benefits when it participates in the international division of labor .

  18. 中国的现实选择应该是管理贸易政策,并且应该更多地运用法律的手段依法管理外贸行为。

    The reality of China is chosen should manage the trade policy , and should use the law means to manage the foreign trade behavior in accordance with the law more .

  19. 过去,中国一直利用出口退税体系来管理贸易流动。在外需强劲时减少退税,在出口疲软时增加退税。

    In the past China has used the system of tax rebates on exports to manage trade flows , reducing the rebates when foreign demand was strong and increasing them when exports were weak .

  20. 管理贸易是战后贸易自由化与贸易保护主义协调下出现的一种新型贸易制度,它是目前西方发达国家基本的对外贸易制度。

    Managerial trade is a kind of new trade institution based on the coordination of trade liberalization and protectionism after World War ⅱ . It has now become the main trade institution in current western countries .

  21. 第二部分主要是就管理贸易理论本身,运用博弈模型的分析方法解读管理贸易,试图对管理贸易理论和行为有一个比较全面的阐述和分析;

    Second part Manage trade theory mainly , is it play chess analytical method of the model understand the trade of managing to use , There are an more overall exposition and analysis in managing trade theory and behavior to attempt ;

  22. 管理贸易是自由贸易与保护贸易博弈的结果,是各国在无法达到最佳目标模式时所能选择的次佳目标模式,其本质是有组织的自由和协调的保护。

    Managed trade is the result of the game between free trade and protective trade , and is the second optimum goal model adopted by all countries when they are unable to reach the optimum goal model . Its essence is organized freedom and coordinated protection .

  23. 为了获取这一批准,中国需要说服CITES,中国有适当的措施来管理正常贸易并严格处理任何国内违法象牙交易。

    To gain approval , China had to convince CITES it had put in place adequate measures to manage regulated sales and tackle any illegal domestic ivory trade .

  24. 通过B2B网关,管理不同贸易伙伴间消息交换的通信及安全问题,通过管理系统和数据转换引擎实现购买流程中,买卖双方的匹配。

    While B2B integration servers are focused on managing the message exchanged between trading partners , management system and transformations engine , it provides buyer / seller matching in the purchasing process .

  25. 阐述了2000年化工自动化总体发展水平,其重要标志是:借助计算机和开放结构系统,把控制、管理、贸易连为一体的综合自动化信息系统;

    The overall development level of chemical automation in 2000 are expounded .

  26. 负责向美国总部反馈贸易信息,管理国内贸易链;

    Feed back the trade info to headquarter and manage the trade chain in domestic ;

  27. 传统的经济学理论把关税看作是贸易管制的最重要的手段,对进出口货物征收关税是国家管理对外贸易的最古老的措施之一。

    Traditional economic theories deemed tariff as the most important means to protect national economy .

  28. 生命周期管理和贸易讲习班

    Workshop on Life-cycle Management and Trade

  29. 本文将从欧洲人对广州城市建置、行政管理、贸易状况和市厘风俗四个方面的记载展开研究。

    The dissertation is including four parts : city-construct , politics administration , external trade and local custom .

  30. 最初,外资银行通常会通过其它服务例如现金管理或贸易金融知道这些城市里的公司。

    For a start , the banks often know the companies in these cities from other services such as cash management or trade finance .