
shè qū
  • community
社区 [shè qū]
  • [community] 同一地、同一地区或同一国的人所构成的社会

  • 华人社区

社区[shè qū]
  1. 诸如学校、俱乐部等机构使社区成为一个整体。

    Organizations such as schools and clubs bind a community together .

  2. 这个社区很团结,不欢迎新来的人。

    It was a tight community and newcomers were not welcome .

  3. 这个镇上有一种强烈的社区意识。

    There is a strong sense of community in this town .

  4. 应该强迫违法犯罪分子对社区作出补偿。

    Offenders should be forced to make reparation to the community .

  5. 社区领导人再次呼吁要和平解决。

    Community leaders have renewed calls for a peaceful settlement .

  6. 地方议员有义务为社区服务。

    Local councillors have a duty to serve the community .

  7. 当地的警察竭力缓和这个社区种族间的紧张局面。

    Local police are trying to defuse racial tension in the community .

  8. 凶杀案震惊了整个社区。

    The murder sent shock waves through the whole community .

  9. 除监禁外,社区劳动被看作是唯一可接受的选择。

    Community service is seen as the only credible alternative to imprisonment .

  10. 这所学校与当地社区建立了良好的关系。

    The school has established a successful relationship with the local community .

  11. 这一开发项目遭到了当地社区的愤怒抵制。

    The development was bitterly opposed by the local community .

  12. 要把社区工作做好,协作活动是必不可少的。

    Cooperative activity is essential to effective community work .

  13. 我们采访了社区中的每个成员。

    We interviewed each individual member of the community .

  14. 他们完全没有尝试融入本地社区。

    They have not made any effort to integrate with the local community .

  15. 我们与当地社区关系甚好。

    We have good contacts with the local community .

  16. 在政府的大力支持下社区中心建成了。

    The community centre was set up under the auspices of a government initiative .

  17. 居民组成了社区行动组。

    The residents formed a community action group .

  18. 她在退休后投身于当地社区的志愿服务工作。

    After retiring , she became involved in voluntary service in the local community .

  19. 这个中心将为整个社区提供服务。

    The centre will serve the whole community .

  20. 在河里发现一个孩子的尸体,这使社区大为震惊。

    The discovery of a child 's body in the river has shocked the community .

  21. 这位候选人说他了解加利福尼亚州的西班牙语裔美国人社区的特点。

    The candidate said that he understood the heartbeat of the Hispanic community in California .

  22. 在农村,学校常常是当地社区的活动中心。

    In rural areas , the school is often the focal point for the local community .

  23. 轻微罪行正对社区生活产生有害影响。

    Petty crime is having a deleterious effect on community life .

  24. 他们因殴斗滋事被判决为社区义务服务。

    They were convicted of affray and received community service sentences .

  25. 渐渐地,犹太社区得到重建,犹太人的生活重新开始。

    Slowly Jewish communities were reconstituted and Jewish life began anew .

  26. 社区广播是一个将服务深度局域化的概念。

    Community radio is a concept which is much more localised .

  27. 政府需要将更多资金投入到社区护理这一块。

    The Government needs to pump more money into community care .

  28. 你没必要把他们与社区隔离。

    You don 't have to isolate them from the community .

  29. 处于困境的社会服务部门被迫砍掉社区项目。

    Community projects are being axed by hard-pressed social services departments .

  30. 这是个为各种内城常见问题所困扰的社区。

    It is a neighborhood beset by all the usual inner-city problems