
  • 网络Social Security No;Social security number;SSN
  1. 他们在沃尔什的邮件中搜索“SSN”,几秒钟后便获取了她的社会安全号码、PayPal账号、航空里程积分账号和保险信息。

    They searched Mrs. Walsh 's email for the term " SSN " and within seconds had access to her Social Security number , her PayPal account , her air miles account and her insurance information .

  2. 我也得到了乔尔的社会安全号码,这可是通往私人王国的钥匙。

    I also had Joel 's Social Security number , the keys to the kingdom .

  3. 这种实践的问题是,如果在测试和开发环境中加载生产数据,则会在测试和开发区域中暴露社会安全号码和出生日期等个人身份信息(PII)。

    The problem with this practice is that loading the test and dev environments with production data exposes the test and development areas to personally identifiable information ( PII ) such as Social Security numbers and dates of birth .

  4. 只是让代表你的社会安全号码或艾因和你做。

    Just give the representative your Social Security number or EIN and you 're done .

  5. 你的社会安全号码是什么?

    What is your Social Security Number ?

  6. 目前,要获得或更换驾照,尚需持有社会安全号码。

    Currently , you need a social security number to get or renew a licence .

  7. 社会安全号码以偶数结尾的请向前一步。

    Everyone whose social security number ends in an even number , step forward , please .

  8. 此语句中的模式是用来测试美国社会安全号码的简单测试。

    The pattern in this statement is a simple test for a US Social Security Number .

  9. 当你雇用一个,你将她的名字,电话号码和社会安全号码。

    When you have hired one , you will have her name , phone number , and social security number .

  10. 她进入面试室。面试官问道:“你的社会安全号码是多少?”

    She went into the interview room . The interviewer asked , " What is your social security number ? "

  11. 佩斯纳会在当天告知受害者他们的社会安全号码、信用卡资料及电话号码已在网路上流传。

    The same day , he informs victims that their Social Security numbers , credit card information and phone numbers are all floating in cyberspace .

  12. 名单上有超过1300人,还有关于他们的私人信息,例如社会安全号码和预产期。

    More than 1300 people are on the list , along with private information about them , like social security numbers and pregnancy due dates .

  13. 另一种支持的提取技术是使用正则表达式查找单词或模式,如电话号码、信用卡号码或社会安全号码。

    Another supported extraction technique is to use regular expressions to find words or patterns such as phone numbers , credit card numbers , or social security numbers .

  14. 问题是对于你的名字、电话号码、社会安全号码,参考信息,司机执照、银行和银行路由号码出生日期等。

    Questions are regarding your name , telephone number , Social Security Number , reference information , driver license , bank routing and bank number , DOB , etc.

  15. 在美国,九位社会安全号码除了能显示持有人申请该卡时所在的地区外,几乎透露不了一个人的任何信息。

    In the United States , nine-digit Social Security numbers say little about a person , other than perhaps the region where they lived when they applied for a card .

  16. 此次整治行动能否取得成功,很大程度上取决于能否有效防范用户窃取成年人的身份根据韩国法律,用户在登录网游时必须提供自己的社会安全号码。

    Much of the success of the crackdown depends on whether users , who by law must provide their social security numbers , can be effectively policed from stealing adult identities .

  17. 你的社会安全卡号码是什麽?

    What is your Alien Registration Card number ?

  18. 此模型声明,某一给定角色,例如,行政人员,是否能看到某一特定的实体类型,例如,社会安全号、电话号码或地址。

    The model states whether a given role , for example administrative staff , may see a given entity type , for example social security number , phone number , or address .

  19. 相反,如果是医院的行政人员查看记录以处理付费相关业务,只需要社会安全号、电话号码及地址信息。

    In contrast , when an administrative staff member at the hospital looks at this record for payment processing , only the SSN , phone number , and address information is needed .

  20. 下一步就是带着聘用信和签过字的I-20表格到社会保障处申请社会安全号码。

    The next step is to take the job offer letter and the signed I-20 to the Social Security office where application is made for a Social Security Number .