
huǒ qī
  • sealing wax
火漆 [huǒ qī]
  • [sealing wax] 以松脂和石蜡为主要原料制成的粘贴剂

火漆[huǒ qī]
  1. 我在熔软的火漆上盖了章。

    I impressed my seal on the melted wax .

  2. 看这一面,没有姓名地址,那一面也没有火漆印。

    There was no address on one side , no seal on the other .

  3. 我把印盖在火漆上。

    I impressed wax with a seal .

  4. 他用印盖在火漆上。

    He impressed a seal on wax .

  5. 我不敢打开那些火漆印,它们看上去太严肃了。

    ' I don 't like to break those great seals ; they look so serious .

  6. 附在文件上的玺印是一块封蜡。硕大的火漆封蜡上盖着温思罗普的纹章。

    The seal attached to documents is a piece of wax . The broad seal was impressed with Winthrop 's coat of arms .

  7. 没关系,到时候,到绝对必要的时候用黑色的火漆擦一擦小淘气!

    Never mind ? a little dab of black sealing-wax when the time came ? when it was absolutely necessary . * Little rogue !

  8. 有软化或熔化的特性,当加热时变软、冷却时变硬。他在熔软的火漆上盖章。

    Having the property of softening or fusing when heated and of hardening and becoming rigid again when cooled . He impressed his seal on the melted wax .

  9. 包裹不到一英尺长,外面缝着一层帆布,缝口上封有红色的火漆,盖有他父亲的印鉴,上面有他父亲写的亲笔字:寄安琪尔克莱尔夫人收。

    It was less than a foot long , sewed up in canvas , sealed in red wax with his father 's seal , and directed in his father 's hand to ' Mrs Angel Clare ' .