
fǎ lǜ ɡài niàn
  • legal concept
  1. WTO后过渡期是一个具有特别含义的法律概念。

    WTO 's Post - transitional Period is a legal concept with special meaning .

  2. 法律概念中的表演者这一术语来源于英文performer,在现代汉语中与该词相对应的是演员一词。

    The term of actor in legal concept originates from the English term of performer , to which the term of actor in modern Chinese is corresponding .

  3. 法律概念的冲突是一个普遍存在的问题。

    The conflictions of law conceptions widely exist in law system .

  4. 人格与主体是意义不同的两个法律概念。

    Character and subject are different legal concepts from their meanings .

  5. 第二,明确利益的法律概念的具体内容。

    Second , clear interests the legal concept of specific content .

  6. 气候资源的法律概念及其属性探讨

    Discussion on the legal concept of climate resources and their attributes

  7. 第一章探讨公司型基金法律概念问题。

    Chapter one discusses the legal concept of corporate fund .

  8. 海事诉讼中几个法律概念的辨析

    Differentiate and analyze some conception of law in admiralty action

  9. 法律概念不确定性的来源及其弥合

    The Cause of Indeterminacy of Legal Concept and Its Remedy

  10. 协调各国之间的法律概念分歧;

    Harmonize the differences of legal definitions between different countries ;

  11. 唯名论:霍布斯的法律概念的哲学基础

    Nominalism : Philosophical Base of Hobbes ' Law Concept

  12. 针对妇女的暴力的法律概念化

    The Legal Conceptualization of " Violence against Women "

  13. 其次,介绍了利用影响力受贿罪的法律概念。

    Second , introduces the concept of influence-using bribery .

  14. 取决于行政任务的不确定法律概念定性&再问行政裁量概念的界定

    The Indefinite Concept of Law Inferred from Administrative Tasks

  15. 埋藏物发现者权益保护并非真正意义上的法律概念。

    Rights protection of buried objects discoverers is not a true legal concept .

  16. 这表明继承权这一法律概念已得到我国宪法的正式承认。

    This shows that inheritance rights has been officially recognized by our Constitution .

  17. 不确定法律概念初论

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Uncertain Legal Concept

  18. 企业并购是比较宽泛的概念,不仅是一个经济学术语,也是一个法律概念。

    It is not only a economical conception , but also a legal concept .

  19. 精神错乱的法律概念与医学概念在性质上是不同的。

    The legal concept of insanity is of a different nature from the medical .

  20. 该部分是对本文所涉及的基础法律概念的解析。

    This part parses the basic concepts involved .

  21. 法律概念具有不确定性的特征,且这种不确定性是无法避免的。

    Legal concept has the feature of uncertainty , and the uncertainty is inevitable .

  22. 论民法典中法律概念的构建

    The Construction of Legal Concepts in Civil Code

  23. 农地承包经营权系我国独创的法律概念,立法传统上无此表述;

    Farmland Contracted Operating Right is an innovative concept in the Chinese legal system .

  24. 鉴于单位不是严格意义上的法律概念;

    Owing to the unit is not a strict the law on the meaning concept ;

  25. 第一部分:中小股东权利诉讼救济的基础问题。笔者在此部分首先对大股东与中小股东作了一个界定,指出大股东与中小股东是一个相对的法律概念。

    Firstly , it defines two concepts of large shareholders and small & middle shareholders .

  26. 第二部分主要介绍不确定的法律概念与行政裁量的关系。

    The relationship between legal concepts and administrative judgment will be discussed in section two .

  27. 民法学中若干法律概念的逻辑思考

    The Logic Thinking of Civil Law Conceptions

  28. 第六部分是“经济调制法的法律概念及其意义”。

    The sixth part is " Legal concepts and the significance of economic regulation law " .

  29. 不确定的法律概念的存在是由法律语言的模糊性决定的。

    The existence of indefinite law concept is determined by the indefinite nature of legal language .

  30. 它是一个复杂的法律概念,一两句话难以定义。

    This is an intricate legal concept , hard to define in a sentence or two .