- 名political obligation

Political obligation is the core problem in Political philosophy .
The Fair Play Theory Cannot Justify Political Obligation
Medieval social organization did not generate a philosophy oriented to problems of social change and secular political obligation .
Therefore research for political responsibility especially series question in administrative decision has the important theory and the practical significance .
Contract Theory , nearly as old as philosophy itself , is the view that nations or political obligations are dependent upon a contract or agreement .
In order to justify political obligation successfully , the fair play theory should be added a condition , which is the beneficiary accepts or consents the patron 's status .
Still , the practical conflicts of administrative loyalty usually arise from disputes between political obligations and natural obligations while vagueness between collective responsibility and individual responsibility directly results in the plight of action .
Given a lot of difficulties inherent in this principle , Rawls curtails it 's validity in accounting for the political obligation in A Theory of Justice and appeals to the natural duty of justice .
Owing to his political connections and obligations , he realized that it would not be wise politically to stand out against what was wanted .
Political duty includes political responsibility and legal liability , the government duty must be a responsible government and should be responsible for their government 's actions .
In addition , in political speeches there are more modality words used to express obligation and willingness .
It 's no wonder why so many Indians who are close to the voting age of 18 are realizing they have political power .
The right to adequate housing is a basic right of the citizens , to respect , realize and protect the right to adequate housing of the citizens is the political responsibility and statutory duty of the state .
The core of neo-isolationism includes reconstructing the domestic political , economic and social order , reducing oversea political and military obligations , taking global shrinking strategy .
The current situations of the contemporary college students ' political behavior are reflected in their political awareness , their political attention , their political feeling of effectiveness and political beliefs , their political feeling of obligation , and their political participation behavior .
Political civilization is composed of three aspects : political ideas , political institutions and political behaviors . It is the essence of modern political civilization to break the predicament of modern political ethics , i.e. the conflicts and confrontations between the responsibilities and obligations of modern politics .